How Do U All Feel about Mary Mary's song, "It's the God in Me"

I will say that to me, when the world readily accepts you then there is also likely a problem. I mean, didn't Jesus say because the world hated him that they would hate us too? How can two walk together lest they agree? Amos 3:3.

What fellowship can light have with darkness?

THAT is a good point.

I was listening to the cd again this morning and listened to "God In Me" a few times. Even though I think it can feed into the "health and wealth" gospel, I have to say I really do feel that song and it makes me want to reflect God even in the clothes I wear and when going about being a business person.

The one song I really can't get with is the one featuring David Banner. I'm sorry, but David. Banner. :nono: I always skip that track.
When I started hearing the Mary Mary songs something didn't feel right in my spirit. It just seems more of the world. Just my opinion. I'm not sure how it glorifies God by having an imitating worldly sound. I thought I was on a hip hop station. But Trecina (I think that's her name) her husband is a hip hop producer, so it makes sense.
You ladies are telling it....:yep:! I felt so much conviction these past few weeks. The Lord was speaking to my heart and letting me know that he was not pleased with me. I was engaged in this world like I knew not of my Savior. DH and I had to take step back and re-evaluate the true meaning of denying ourselves and walking with Christ.

Secular music surrounded us once again. We put a stop to that though. When I saw this thread and listened to the song I immediately disliked it. My spirit did not approve. It is one of the most, if not the most, secular "gospel" song I have EVER heard. EVER!

Per the bolded: all music ORIGINATES from the Lord God Almighty because He CREATED everything. However (because of free will), His creations (including music) can be PERVERTED.

Foxy, you make a great point here!

I do not have the desire I did before to listen to secular music as I did in the past.

Worship music on the other hand is different. I love, love to invoke the prescence of God through worship. "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship [him] in spirit and in truth."

John 4:24


I will say that to me, when the world readily accepts you then there is also likely a problem. I mean, didn't Jesus say because the world hated him that they would hate us too? How can two walk together lest they agree? Amos 3:3.

What fellowship can light have with darkness?

So, when their is always harmony and never a disagreement with the world or a person in the world, then something is wrong.

Something very wrong! Your entire post was on point!

It just seems more of the world.

Yes it really does. I had to do an auditory double take when I heard it. I was like huh? Who is this? I was really baffled.

I think it is truly sad when I can't differentiate between secular or gospel music anymore. SAD! :nono:

Thank you Elder Lewis
I was talking to a friend of mine about this recently. We were both thrown off by a song that came on the radio by another artist. We both were commenting on how the radio station was cutting the Sunday morning gospel show short and were shocked when we realized it was a gospel song :blush:. I don't know how I feel about this new "meet the world half way" movement. My conclusion right now is that the message is not for us (Christians like me and my friend) but for others. :perplexed It still doesn't sit right with me but I'm not sure why and it bothers me.

That's the thing. The world is not looking for the world. They are starved, aching and hungering for the truth. They want to see something different in us than what they have been used to in the world. We are suppose to show them Christ with love and that doesn't mean, using the world's techniques to get to them especially if it and/or in the end doesn't glorify God.

I remember seeing something on television about former pornographic stars that were saved going to the pornography conventions to tell about the gospel. Now, their hearts were in the right place BUT the methods they were using to get there were not of God. They had some really tight baby tees on that said, "JC's girls." It's mixing the holy with the unholy. How are you going to give Jesus a nickname...I mean, our savior the son of God. When you are healing the sick, infirmity doesn't go away because you say, "In JC name" nor are demons cast out or curses broken in the name of "JC." His name has power and JC could mean anything, it could be Julius Ceasar.

I just think that we are losing our focus in an attempt to do God's will and I think it may come from some Christians own desire to be in the world and also from us not seeking him first. He will let you know how to win souls for him so that he will be glorified in the process.
That's the thing. The world is not looking for the world. They are starved, aching and hungering for the truth. They want to see something different in us than what they have been used to in the world. We are suppose to show them Christ with love and that doesn't mean, using the world's techniques to get to them especially if it and/or in the end doesn't glorify God.

I remember seeing something on television about former pornographic stars that were saved going to the pornography conventions to tell about the gospel. Now, their hearts were in the right place BUT the methods they were using to get there were not of God. They had some really tight baby tees on that said, "JC's girls." It's mixing the holy with the unholy. How are you going to give Jesus a nickname...I mean, our savior the son of God. When you are healing the sick, infirmity doesn't go away because you say, "In JC name" nor are demons cast out or curses broken in the name of "JC." His name has power and JC could mean anything, it could be Julius Ceasar.

I just think that we are losing our focus in an attempt to do God's will and I think it may come from some Christians own desire to be in the world and also from us not seeking him first. He will let you know how to win souls for him so that he will be glorified in the process.

Amen to that! Thank you!
Everybody has great points!
I like the beat of the song, but it does sound very secular. IMO the whole CD has a good balence. My father and all the elders in my church would have a fit if they heard this song. But I know this song sounds cool to kids and teens. Young people are the target market audience this song is geared to bc they are the highest buyers. I think Mary Mary is a good example to young people by showing that you can still be "cool" and a Christian.
So in an attempt to compile a Christian workout mix, I asked some friends about the newest Christian/gospel CDs out...I really have a hard time finding upbeat Christian music because I like slow songs...someone suggested this song. I'm on the phone with my friend whose not Christian and I look it up on youtube and start playing it...and he's like "I've never heard that T-pain song before, who are those girls singing?":blush:

I like the old Mary Mary but I haven't listened to any other songs on their new CD yet. I guess I will have to pick and chose which songs I'll listen to just like I do Kirk when he starts "experimenting" with some of his more secular sounding songs. Maybe I'm not that strong in my faith, but I can't listen to that song (God in Me) without being totally distracted by the beat...and the lyrics don't seem right to me either. Its sounds like their saying "Don't be jealous of me and my things...its the God in me"...I don't really get that.

ETA: I'm so young so sometimes I don't know songs that are remakes of old secular when I have been listening to them I'm not thinking of anything've been confused about all this ever since I listened to Craig Lewis...

I stopped listening to gospel for a while because for some reason it seemed like a depressing spirit came over me when listening...I was wallowing in my own sin and did not seem like it was edifying me. Or it was talking about a ton of prosperity things and getting blessed...but thats not all I want to hear. I was pretty confused. So I started listening to some different artists in I guess they call it "contemporary Christian" (like Jeremy Camp)...but I need to find some other artists because Christian music is all I plan on listening to.
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Mary Mary's songs can really confuse many folks. For one you have David Banner on the album...and if you listen the song he talks about sex and sin in a way to where God condones it and he will change when he is ready. Now what if someone who buys Mary Mary's CD now decides to buy David Banner's CD????? You should all read the lyrics to his songs. Also I heard a Mary Mary interview where they say this new CD has "club" bangers on it.

The world and church are mixing so much it is getting hard to tell the difference. So now the church's will be doing the new Mary Mary songs during sunday worship, oh Lord. :wallbash:
So in an attempt to compile a Christian workout mix, I asked some friends about the newest Christian/gospel CDs out...I really have a hard time finding upbeat Christian music because I like slow songs...someone suggested this song. I'm on the phone with my friend whose not Christian and I look it up on youtube and start playing it...and he's like "I've never heard that T-pain song before, who are those girls singing?":blush:

I like the old Mary Mary but I haven't listened to any other songs on their new CD yet. I guess I will have to pick and chose which songs I'll listen to just like I do Kirk when he starts "experimenting" with some of his more secular sounding songs. Maybe I'm not that strong in my faith, but I can't listen to that song (God in Me) without being totally distracted by the beat...and the lyrics don't seem right to me either. Its sounds like their saying "Don't be jealous of me and my things...its the God in me"...I don't really get that.

ETA: I'm so young so sometimes I don't know songs that are remakes of old secular when I have been listening to them I'm not thinking of anything've been confused about all this ever since I listened to Craig Lewis...

I stopped listening to gospel for a while because for some reason it seemed like a depressing spirit came over me when listening...I was wallowing in my own sin and did not seem like it was edifying me. Or it was talking about a ton of prosperity things and getting blessed...but thats not all I want to hear. I was pretty confused. So I started listening to some different artists in I guess they call it "contemporary Christian" (like Jeremy Camp)...but I need to find some other artists because Christian music is all I plan on listening to.

Amen, I decided today to fast from all kinds of music for a while. I will only hear it at church. Because I do get a depressed spirit. I found myself just working out to some hip hop songs (I thought well "I'm just working out to it to get me hype") and had a really twisted dream that night about TI and lesbians, not sure where that came from, well I know where it came from the music. That dream really disturbed me and I felt nasty. Anyways yes, no music.
I just read the lyrics to this song and they are no different than any other secular song, which offers no praise to God. All worship and praise music must glorify God or else you cannot call it "christian music." This sounds like idol worship to me.

Just look at what they are saying: "You think I'm so fresh you think I'm so clean You think I'm so sweet It's the God in me."

Look at how many times they said "I'm" This song is about them, not God. :nono: They glorify themselves throughout this whole song.

Here is what God has to say about it:
John 4:24 (King James Version)

24God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

Idolatry is lifting (glorifying) up anything above God. And this is a sin.
This is what I am disturbed about the most, which I see alot of in Mary Mary's and some other Christian's music. Have you guys noticed the lyrics always use the third person, "he" or "him." Ummm, he or him could be talking about anyone! It's just to vague for me. Then when they do use a name, they say Lord or God. Now, I know most of us know that Lord simply means ruler. Yes, Jesus is Lord but when someone tells me I know the "Lord" and their fruits doesn't validate what they are saying, I find myself asking, "Are you talking about Jesus or Satan?":lachen::nono: The bible says that many have been blinded by the "god of this world."

Second, when they do use God it is still very vague. Because as we know, people of other faiths also believe in a God BUT the difference that seperates us from them is that my God has a son named Jesus. I remember not really knowing the difference between another religion which I wont' state but basically, I know that we can't be serving the same God because if your God doesn't have a son and mine does then we obviously aren't on the same page, let alone book. Jesus bridges the gap between us and God, so how are you just going to leave his name out as if we could've just approached God without being washed by his son's blood?

Mary Mary's Superfriend Lyrics featruing David Banner:

The machine

They're here now
But been they're gone
Where they at?
I don't know
Ay, yo, they hit the door
That kinda friend, I gotta let go
A super (friend) a super (friend)
Yes sir I got me one of them
A super (friend) a super (friend)
I got me a super friend

Verse 1
No sir there's nothing halfway about Him
This world could never be made without Him (Please, tell me about this friend, what is his name Mary Mary?)
No heart, no breath, no mind
No sun, no moon, no time
He's something like the best of them
He's nothing like the rest of them cause

They're here now
But been they're gone
Where they at?
I don't know
Ay, yo, they hit the door
That kinda friend, I gotta let go
A super (friend) a super (friend)
Yes sir I got me one of them
A super (friend) a super (friend)
I got me a super friend

(Wow, he sounds like no one I've ever heard of before? Can you please tell me his name? I think I might want to be friends with him too.)

Verse 2
Lord I'm so weak and scared to run
What have I done to deserve a life like this? The devil's scared to fight a us in the light
He hides in the myth of religion
But I know that my God is listening there for me
There's a greater mission
You're no girl, You're no man but a plan for greater peace
I'll fight for the light until my flesh falls to cease
I'm fighting the devil, fighting police
And in the church Lord I look at as Satan
Cause in my music I curse
But I'm trying to do better and that's the thing that really hurts
All the sex and the drugs in my life mean nothing
When my superfriend hugs me at night tears come rushing
There's no Kryptonite no dealing no lie that could be told
That can seperate the power that You have over my soul
So stuntin is a habit when I'm gripping this mic
Yall thinking I'm a pimp but I'm trying to be like Christ
In real life yeah

They're here now
But been they're gone
Where they at?
I don't know
Ay, yo, they hit the door
That kinda friend, I gotta let go
A super (friend) a super (friend)
Yes sir I got me one of them
A super (friend) a super (friend)
I got me a super friend

Heard before I made a sound
Caught me before I hit the ground
He knows everything I need
Before I tell Him anything
Loves me without requirements
Can't see Him but it's evidence
Something like the best of them
Said He's nothing like the rest of them

They're here now
But been there gone
Where they at?
I don't know
Ay oh they hit the door
That kinda friend, I gotta let go
A super (friend) a super (friend)
Yes sir I got me one of them
A super (friend) a super (friend)
I got me a super friend

Can't nobody do me like a superfriend
Can't nobody do me like a superfriend (no) 2X

I want to post so much more that contradicts what David Banner and Mary Mary are saying, but instead I will just say let's lift them up in prayer that God may direct all their paths in Jesus name.

And by the way, you never told me the name of this friend? How can I, where and what do I have to do to meet him?

I'm just saying, who would have a whole conversation telling someone about a great friend they have but never say their name? I mean, are they in the CIA or is it some top secret?:ohwell:
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The Bible is still right re. nothing new under the sun....
Per chicacanella's post about pronouns, it reminded me of how Bebe & Cece Winans got flak back in the day about the pronoun thing....

Despite these accolades, many critics and traditionally minded church folk took issue with the duo's sound, with their booming bass lines and synthesized riffs, which the critics felt catered to the tastes of secular listeners. They interpreted the duo's use of ambiguous pronouns not as blatant references to divinity but as a dilution of the Gospel, bringing into question the duo's real motives. As a Chicago-based disc jockey argued: "[T]he horns and the synthesizers override the message, and because of the instrumentation the message is vague and void. It gets lost in the beat and you end up having a shindig on Sunday morning. Whereas traditional gospel talks about the love of God, contemporary gospel music wants to make love to God" (Dyson 1992). CeCe Winans (1999, 172) wrote in her autobiography that when the duo started singing, they anticipated the enthusiastic support of the church.

We thought the church would be happy that we were spreading the
gospel message with a sound with which youth could identify, but we
were wrong. We were accused of selling out gospel, of not being
Christian enough, of not loving God, and of just being after the
money. Those were really hard. Some of our worst criticism has
come from those in the church. All we have ever wanted to do was
to sing songs that were in our hearts, songs that ministered to and
encouraged people, and songs that glorified the power and presence
of the Lord.

While the debate as to whether contemporary gospel was too jazzy or secular to be called gospel raged within music circles, BeBe and CeCe continued to experiment with the newest innovations in production and music videos. The popularity of their music with secular audiences spawned the term inspirational to denote what some viewed as a new sub-genre of contemporary gospel, one that crossed over to secular audiences with a message of hope but without scriptural and divinity references. The duo toured throughout the early 1990s and appeared on a range of television shows, from The Tonight Show with Jay Leno to Sesame Street. But they, as well as their siblings who made up The Winans, were criticized continually for their musical experimentation.

Lyrics to Lost Without You:
[Verse 1:]
Day by day normal reaction
You are my center attraction
Every beat my heart beats
is your soul

Through hurt and harm you're my protection
The path I take is your direction
Cause I know with you I can't go wrong

Ever since that day I asked you into my heart
My world has changed so promise me you'll never part

Cause I'm lost without you

easy to see

I'm lost without you

And there's no letting go

So let me be the first to say

I'm lost without you

So don't ever go

Go away
'said don't ever go away

[Verse 2:]


You picked me up those times I'm down
You made me laugh when there's no clown
No one else can love me like you do


Heaven knows that I proclaim
The love I feel when I hear your name
There's no substitution quite the same

Now some say I'm crazy
and I'm acting insane
but there's no life without you So I'll
State my claim


I'm lost without you

It's easy to see

I'm lost without you

So i'll just keep holding on

So let me be the first to say

I'm lost without you

So don't ever go

Don't ever go

Go away
na na na
Go away

Can you tell them about love

Love is sweet and love is kind
Love will bring you peace of mind

And how do you know?

Well I tell you so
He won't ever go

oh no he won't never
Now that's what I love about him
That's what i love about him
Cause he won't ever go away
You know Foxy, the problem really isn't about them using pronouns here and there. But I do find a problem, when all throughout your cd, the name of Jesus is only mentioned two or three times. In comparison with names of designers, words like "fresh", "clean", etc being used thirty or more times. It just seems like they are trying to hide the name of Jesus and that to me is not helping anyone when there is power in his name.
You know Foxy, the problem really isn't about them using pronouns here and there. But I do find a problem, when all throughout your cd, the name of Jesus is only mentioned two or three times. In comparison with names of designers, words like "fresh", "clean", etc being used thirty or more times. It just seems like they are trying to hide the name of Jesus and that to me is not helping anyone when there is power in his name.

I completely agree. I dont have a problem with the song itself. It is a nice clean song, especially compared with the other mess that on the radio...but no I dont believe it is sharing the gospel. There is no gospel without the name Jesus.

My husband and I attended a concert that a very popular "gospel" girl group (not Mary Mary and I use the term gospel very loosely). My husband said he felt unformfortable even looking at them perform. Clothes were tight, they had some type of chain going between their breasts and the lead singer had on a wife beater. Say what you want... but I do not believe God received any glory in that.
I completely agree. I dont have a problem with the song itself. It is a nice clean song, especially compared with the other mess that on the radio...but no I dont believe it is sharing the gospel. There is no gospel without the name Jesus.

My husband and I attended a concert that a very popular "gospel" girl group (not Mary Mary and I use the term gospel very loosely). My husband said he felt unformfortable even looking at them perform. Clothes were tight, they had some type of chain going between their breasts and the lead singer had on a wife beater. Say what you want... but I do not believe God received any glory in that.

I don't see anything wrong with the song Foxy posted but I just don't like all that stuff David Banner is talking about. I mean, I know that God may be changing him but don't sit up and say the sex and drugs IN your life mean nothin', cause they do. He didn't use past tense but present so that is not something I would want to talk about in a song.

I am so thankful God brought me out of my mess, especially when I learned about abusing his grace and what not. I think that is what David is doing without even knowing it. I prayed for him and Mary after writing my post...I will continue to also.

While you are talking about conviction in dressing...I was looking at this dress from and you know, I'm always asking the holy spirit stuff like, "Is this okay?" As you know, Marciano is a very "wordly" store and there aren't many clothing companies out here that don't have wordly clothing so it is just like a discernment thing. So, I liked this dress and he is like, ":nono:."

Times they are a-changing....

Pronouns should be a's a slippery slope. The problem with the pronouns have to do with AMBIGUITY. Even the song I posted, it's kind of vague as to who is being sung about here. I don't know who David Banner is so as I read you all's comments about what's he's saying in the Mary Mary song it's almost a distraction to what the song may not be saying.

Further, it's becoming more common for "gospel entertainers" to collaborate with "secular" artists. Why is this? Artistic curiosity? An opportunity to witness? I don't know....
Thank you chicacanella

This is exactly what I was talking about. God will never share his glory with anyone. If you are going to worship the Lord it has to be in the name of Jesus. Or else it is secular idolatry. And God wont agree with that.
Times they are a-changing....

Pronouns should be a's a slippery slope. The problem with the pronouns have to do with AMBIGUITY. Even the song I posted, it's kind of vague as to who is being sung about here. I don't know who David Banner is so as I read you all's comments about what's he's saying in the Mary Mary song it's almost a distraction to what the song may not be saying.

Further, it's becoming more common for "gospel entertainers" to collaborate with "secular" artists. Why is this? Artistic curiosity? An opportunity to witness? I don't know....

I guess, the reason I don't see a problem with pronouns with CeCe, don't know about BeBe:blush: is because she seems she has a genuine relationship w/God and I don't know but do many of her songs use the name of Jesus? But I think you are you think her song glorifies God?

I remember when Yolanda Adams had that song, "Alone in a room, just me and you." My dad was shaking his head talking about, "People don't even know she is talking about God."

But about the dress I posted, if any one wants to know why I can't get it nor do I want to now is because it is too fitting, too tight and it would cause' men to lust.

1 Corinthians 8:11-13

11 And because of your knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? 12 But when you thus sin against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. 13 Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble.
I guess, the reason I don't see a problem with pronouns with CeCe, don't know about BeBe:blush: is because she seems she has a genuine relationship w/God and I don't know but do many of her songs use the name of Jesus? But I think you are you think her song glorifies God?

I remember when Yolanda Adams had that song, "Alone in a room, just me and you." My dad was shaking his head talking about, "People don't even know she is talking about God."

But about the dress I posted, if any one wants to know why I can't get it nor do I want to now is because it is too fitting, too tight and it would cause' men to lust.

1 Corinthians 8:11-13

11 And because of your knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? 12 But when you thus sin against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. 13 Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble.

When Bebe and Cece went their separate ways, you could see the distinctions in which they approached their music ministry. Cece definitely went more the contemporary Christian route. Bebe went in another direction. I'd caution the use of the word "genuine" to determine their level of spiritual commitment. David Banner could very well be genuine about his spiritual commitment as well, in spite of his musical choices. The Holy Spirit is present to guide us and help us discern the true intents and purposes of one's heart. A person can look and sound just as genuine, but their spiritual life could be all messiness (not saying this about Cece but in general). And while the Lord is not going to embarrass anybody by putting their business out in the street (unless that person is really clowning), the Holy Spirit will lead you away from such gospel entertainers who may not be operating in the right spirit and will lead you to those who do have His spirit and convey His spirit accurately.

This same principle coincides with your point about the dress. I cannot control anybody else's behavior, only my own. You cannot control what men will lust after. You could be covered from head to toe and a man can still lust. There's a fine line to balance wisdom in clothing choices versus living in such restrictive conditions. The Holy Spirit should be one's guide in determining clothing choices. The Holy Spirit will check a person who wants to be in check.
I don't see anything wrong with the song Foxy posted but I just don't like all that stuff David Banner is talking about. I mean, I know that God may be changing him but don't sit up and say the sex and drugs IN your life mean nothin', cause they do. He didn't use past tense but present so that is not something I would want to talk about in a song.

I am so thankful God brought me out of my mess, especially when I learned about abusing his grace and what not. I think that is what David is doing without even knowing it. I prayed for him and Mary after writing my post...I will continue to also.

While you are talking about conviction in dressing...I was looking at this dress from and you know, I'm always asking the holy spirit stuff like, "Is this okay?" As you know, Marciano is a very "wordly" store and there aren't many clothing companies out here that don't have wordly clothing so it is just like a discernment thing. So, I liked this dress and he is like, ":nono:."


This is a version of the "Galaxy" dress that was popular a few years ago. I made my own version in a brown tweed and even made the neckline about 2 inches higher... I also made it so it would not have a tight fit at all. Now it was not a tent dress by any means, but it was not a tight fit.

I wore it to church a few Sunday's ago and never took my wrap off. I was much too uncomfortable - and yes convicted.
Times they are a-changing....

Pronouns should be a's a slippery slope. The problem with the pronouns have to do with AMBIGUITY. Even the song I posted, it's kind of vague as to who is being sung about here. I don't know who David Banner is so as I read you all's comments about what's he's saying in the Mary Mary song it's almost a distraction to what the song may not be saying.

Further, it's becoming more common for "gospel entertainers" to collaborate with "secular" artists. Why is this? Artistic curiosity? An opportunity to witness? I don't know....

I will quote my dad on this one "Follow the money".
DaddyCharles (Book 62 Verse 1)
I have never heard the song, but as a rule with any song. I listen to the lyrics if I don't feel that God will be glorified by me listening to it then I simply turn it off.
This is a version of the "Galaxy" dress that was popular a few years ago. I made my own version in a brown tweed and even made the neckline about 2 inches higher... I also made it so it would not have a tight fit at all. Now it was not a tent dress by any means, but it was not a tight fit.

I wore it to church a few Sunday's ago and never took my wrap off. I was much too uncomfortable - and yes convicted.

Yeah, I didn't see anything wrong with it but the holy spirit instantly convicted me. As my reasons in my post which he said it was too fitting and would cause men to lust. And here I am thinking I am doing good compared to the other dresses they have, though I think that is the problem. We try to look at the world and say, "Oh, this is good," when they shouldn't be the measuring stick.

19"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good—except God alone. Luke 18:19
Yeah, I didn't see anything wrong with it but the holy spirit instantly convicted me. As my reasons in my post which he said it was too fitting and would cause men to lust. And here I am thinking I am doing good compared to the other dresses they have, though I think that is the problem. We try to look at the world and say, "Oh, this is good," when they shouldn't be the measuring stick.

19"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good—except God alone. Luke 18:19
This happened to me one Sunday. I got all the way to church and took off my jacket and was like :nono:. I felt like I was on display and it wasn't a good feeling for me. The dress wasn't revealing at all, but the way it fit me just "accentuated" all the wrong places.
I hightailed it home to change.
This happened to me one Sunday. I got all the way to church and took off my jacket and was like :nono:. I felt like I was on display and it wasn't a good feeling for me. The dress wasn't revealing at all, but the way it fit me just "accentuated" all the wrong places.
I hightailed it home to change.

I think for me and I will admitt it, it may be a little of the world impression still left on me even though I'm brought out of it. You know how there are things that need to be changed in you that you thought you were doing good with in comparision to what you used to do, but it is still not right.

And in regards to secular music, I do not even have a desire to listen to it anymore. I mean, it has to be the spirit of God working in me which is why the Mary Mary song kind of made my spirit do a ":perplexed." I think sometimes, even though we have been washed with the blood of Jesus our memories of what we used to do are still the same. So, even though we may not listen to T-Pain or Too Short, it is like we are reliving some of what we used to do under the label of it being "contemporary gospel."

After I think about the dress thing, I believe some of my intent to wearing that was to "show off my body." :blush: I'm not saying I have to dress in a moo-moo, but my intent was a wrong. I really don't care what other men think as far as my body is concerned as long as my future hubby is happy.:yep:
I think for me and I will admitt it, it may be a little of the world impression still left on me even though I'm brought out of it. You know how there are things that need to be changed in you that you thought you were doing good with in comparision to what you used to do, but it is still not right.

And in regards to secular music, I do not even have a desire to listen to it anymore. I mean, it has to be the spirit of God working in me which is why the Mary Mary song kind of made my spirit do a ":perplexed." I think sometimes, even though we have been washed with the blood of Jesus our memories of what we used to do are still the same. So, even though we may not listen to T-Pain or Too Short, it is like we are reliving some of what we used to do under the label of it being "contemporary gospel."

After I think about the dress thing, I believe some of my intent to wearing that was to "show off my body." :blush: I'm not saying I have to dress in a moo-moo, but my intent was a wrong. I really don't care what other men think as far as my body is concerned as long as my future hubby is happy.:yep:

That's why the Lord gave us the holy spirit to listen to in these circumstances. At least you heeded the conviction you felt! That's a step in the right direction.
I think for me and I will admitt it, it may be a little of the world impression still left on me even though I'm brought out of it. You know how there are things that need to be changed in you that you thought you were doing good with in comparision to what you used to do, but it is still not right.

And in regards to secular music, I do not even have a desire to listen to it anymore. I mean, it has to be the spirit of God working in me which is why the Mary Mary song kind of made my spirit do a ":perplexed." I think sometimes, even though we have been washed with the blood of Jesus our memories of what we used to do are still the same. So, even though we may not listen to T-Pain or Too Short, it is like we are reliving some of what we used to do under the label of it being "contemporary gospel."

After I think about the dress thing, I believe some of my intent to wearing that was to "show off my body." :blush: I'm not saying I have to dress in a moo-moo, but my intent was a wrong. I really don't care what other men think as far as my body is concerned as long as my future hubby is happy.:yep:

That's beautiful. Nice post :yawn:
And on the secular music tip, no where am I saying that Christians should not listen to it. But I will correct my post and say there are few songs that I can listen to without being a.) entirely disgusted or b.) somewhat convicted even if I think it is okay.

The bible says we should all things for the glory of God and that can mean being a good wife and mother, being a good employee, obeying the law, cleaning our house, etc. So, people say, "Well, how can listening to secular songs or going to a theme park or getting our hair done glorify God." To that I say, if you are listening to a song that is straight talking about fornicating, pimp-slapping someone, or about how much bling, dough they have...this is obviously not glorifying God. However, I believe that the way our music selections can glorify God is if it falls in line with his Word. For instance, Eve was made as a help-meet to Adam and the God told them to be fruitful and multiply. If there is a genuine non-sexual song about a man's love for a woman, then I believe this can be glorifying to God. Please correct me if I am wrong. I think of the song by Chante's husband, "For You I Will." Beautiful song IMO, no sexual or graphic images just pure love.

On the other hand, if you have a Beyonce song talking about this and that, when we know she wasn't married when DC's last cd came out, it is glorifying IMHO. I'm thinking the song, "T-shirt." We know that Beyonce might not know what she was doing or is doing is wrong and for single women, it is diffucult to listen to these type of songs without our flesh rising up against us so if it is diffucult for devout women to listen to it, what is it doing to Beyonce...the one who's singing it? Now, some may say that she is making it for married couples and perhaps that is so, but I couldn't see myself as a single woman making songs about having sex if I'm not allowed too. It would only make me frustrated! :look: :blush:

So, we have now a question that since Beyonce is married is it okay for her to make songs about sex? Well, I don't know about you all but I wouldn't want to nor would I want my husband to be listening to Beyonce "oohing and ahhing" while having intercourse. I don't want any voice interference from anyone...Barry White, Marvin Gaye, no one. I want complete and total focus on the two of us.:yep:

And finally about Beyonce and her songs, in all things even if she is married we have to look at the fruit that her songs bare. As you know, her image is almost a 180 of what Christian women should dress or behave. So, because of that you have many wordly people listening to her music which only sows bad seeds in their heart because of the lyrics. If she has a wordly image then she is going to attract mostly wordly listeners. In part, wordly people do wordly things which means 7/10 (guess) the people having intercourse to the song are probably fornicating.

All in all, I know I am getting over to listening to some of her and other secular songs that I know don't glorify God but I have to watch myself and stay prayed up cause' this has been a problem in the past for me. Even as much as I try to tell myself, "Hey, I just like the song," a few weeks later the manifestation of me listening rises up in my flesh and then I'm back to square 4 instead of square 7.:nono:

I think I will start a thread on this.:grin:
It's a very cool song :yep: but I was a little concerned with the jeans (very tight) that one of them wore recently at a live awards show performance. :look: