how do people keep extention and fake hair in


Ms. Nobody
I always have difficuty in keeping my extentions in. i can wear them for 2 weeks max. I have no idea how people can wear then for 2 months plus. please give me tips. i think what always gets me is washing the hair. after that first wash i cant help but to take them out my my scalp is naturally oily so it tends to funk w/ sebum after a few days.
You could try cleansing your scalp before washing your hair in the traditional way. I mean you could dilute some shampoo and put it in a color appliator bottle and use your fingers to cleanse your scalp before washing it the normal way. Takes more time, but I guess it would be worth it is a weave in desired for whatever reason.
So are you saying your natural hair is funky when you wash the weave? I'm confussed. Your hair can stink because you didn't dry it all the way. I always go under a hooded dryer. You have to be sure your hair is completely dry.
So are you saying your natural hair is funky when you wash the weave? I'm confussed. Your hair can stink because you didn't dry it all the way. I always go under a hooded dryer. You have to be sure your hair is completely dry.
its not that i have a problem with it drying. naturally my scalp produces alot of sebum and it produces a foul odor so i need to cleanse my scalp frequently.(i know i'm not the only one who is like this right?:look:) i can get away for not washing in a bun or similar style because the scalp isint exposed but with something like braids or even a weave they funk after a few days even when i dont wash it. when i wash the fake hair it always doesnt feel right or not clean enough so i end up taking it out.
its not that i have a problem with it drying. naturally my scalp produces alot of sebum and it produces a foul odor so i need to cleanse my scalp frequently.(i know i'm not the only one who is like this right?:look:) i can get away for not washing in a bun or similar style because the scalp isint exposed but with something like braids or even a weave they funk after a few days even when i dont wash it. when i wash the fake hair it always doesnt feel right or not clean enough so i end up taking it out.

How often do you need to wash? I'm not totally clear on why you aren't able to clean well with your hair in braids. Is it that the shampoo you feel isn't getting fully into the braids? Maybe you can do the q-tip idea like someone mentioned for your scalp and for the hair in the braids, pour diluted shampoo all over them. I find if it's soapy water like that it makes it into the braids better.
its not that i have a problem with it drying. naturally my scalp produces alot of sebum and it produces a foul odor so i need to cleanse my scalp frequently.(i know i'm not the only one who is like this right?:look:) i can get away for not washing in a bun or similar style because the scalp isint exposed but with something like braids or even a weave they funk after a few days even when i dont wash it. when i wash the fake hair it always doesnt feel right or not clean enough so i end up taking it out.

I am wearing a weave now and I treat it like I do my own hair. I wash and DC every 3-4 day and sit under the hooded dryer.

I have Extentions Plus hair, so it is holding up excellently.

its not that i have a problem with it drying. naturally my scalp produces alot of sebum and it produces a foul odor so i need to cleanse my scalp frequently.(i know i'm not the only one who is like this right?:look:) i can get away for not washing in a bun or similar style because the scalp isint exposed but with something like braids or even a weave they funk after a few days even when i dont wash it. when i wash the fake hair it always doesnt feel right or not clean enough so i end up taking it out.

I have this problem. After 3 days or so after washing, my scalp smells funny too.