This is not directed at you, OP, but this has been my observation for years.
I know tons of weave-wearers and:
A: They hate their real hair and complain that they weren't blessed with "good hair"
B: They are too doggone lazy to do their own hair
C: The hair underneath is a complete MESS.
Wearing weaves as a "protective style" is extremely uncommon outside of hair boards - and (get your stones ready) I honestly don't believe that women are simply "protective styling" 24/7 for years on end. If you've been protecting it for the past 6 years, the hair underneath should be TBL by now. I'm not seeing that with chronic weave-wearers. Yes, you will find a handfull of women with super-long hair under weaves, but the vast majority will have less hair/edges than someone who simply grew out a BC for a few years.
We have serious issues with our hair, as a whole. I am starting to see 11/12 year old girls with weaves and wigs!
No, it's not like other races, IMO. I always wonder why White women are brought into the discussion??? So, if Becky wears weave (for whatever reason), that means overwhelming numbers of Black women can ignore or hate their own hair and wear hair that belonged to some other race with no pathology involved?
The stigma isn't with the fake hair, per se, but what it signifies.
*stepping off soapbox*