How do I incorporate egg in my protein treatments?


Active Member
I'll like to do a protein treatment today, I have not done one in a few months. (yeah I know I'm a bad girl) I'll like to do one with egg - does any one have suggestions? What do I use, what do I need to buy, how long do I leave it on, do I then wash and condition, deep condition?
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I don't think you have to add eggs because the protein treatments you have are strong enough and don't need any addition of egg protein!;)
Don't do it lady!
Ok thanks, maybe I need to re-word my post. I'll like to do a protein treatment with eggs. What do I need, and how do I do it?
My sister uses 1 Egg > Cholesterol > Evoo > peppermint oil mixed together and it makes her hair nice and strong and healthy looking. She relaxes every 6 weeks and suprisingly this protein treatment keeps her hair thick: she doesn't have see thru ends and her hair isn't thin either
ORS Hair Mayonnaise has a treatement on its directions with the usage of an egg. I don't know if your hair is damaged or not, it says for severely damaged hair. I don't think it would hurt if you used it. You may want to try it.
I pre-poo sometimes with 1 egg mixed with conditioner and and a very small amount of oil. I love this mixtures, it gives me swinging, shiny hair.
1 fresh whole egg + any thick condish (cholesteral, humectress, etc.) + few drops of oil of choice. Blend well, apply to hair, cover with plastic and leave on at least 20 minutes, with or without heat, rinse. Adding a fresh egg to condish gave my hair a lil but extra shine and strengh back in my pre-henna days.