egg and mayo protein treatment


I'm sitting here with a mixture of egg and mayo in my question is do anyone else use this protein treatment? Is it considered a light or heavy protein treatment? Did anyone have a noticeable difference? Since I redyed my hair a few weeks ago, I have been noticing some breakage. I'm trying to stop it while its light breakage. Is there any other natural protein treatments, I can do? I have up'd my moisture and that seems to be helping a little.
I have used egg/mayo treatments in the past, but I no longer include the mayo. I use other ingredients with my egg. I believe the egg/mayo mixture is a light to medium protein because most of the protein comes from the egg. Mayo actually has a very minimal amount of protein. I have used egg treatments for almost a year and I love them. No need for anything stronger.
thanks Americka...what do u include in your egg treatments and how often do u do them?

You are quite welcome! I mix one egg with Palmer's Deep Conditioning Coconut Protein Pack. I also add about a teaspoon of honey, conditioner, and castor oil. The egg alone was way too runny for me! When mixed with the Palmer's Pack it has a very nice consistency. I do egg treatments every two weeks.

I love this for protein! I use egg, yogurt, avocodo oil, carrot oil, coconut oil and garlic. I mix it all together and have it ready in my fridge. Also add vinegar, and lemon juice so it will wash my hair and give me protein. It works really well. I use this as my protein hair wash.