How can i tell him that i LOVE HIM?


New Member
My man is amazing, i've been having family difficulties and been an emotional wreck the past 4 weeks or so

everytime my man is there, calling me making sure i'm ok, giving me advice

Hes happy when i'm happy, celebrates with me when no one else feels what i've done is so great but him

i want to tell him i love him but isit too soon

its been 6 months?

shall i wait for him to say the 3 words...?
To me there is no time line on love~ But i will say that those are three words you don't say unless you really mean it. If you not sure, a Thank You will be just as good in this situation.
Different ways?

To me there is no time line on love~ But i will say that those are three words you don't say unless you really mean it. If you not sure, a Thank You will be just as good in this situation.


I feel like its time, but i am a lil scared

is sayin "i have a lot of love for you" as dramatic as I LOVE YOU?
If you really want to say it, then I would say "I appreciate you and have a lotta love for you." He will appreciate that...especially if he's a good brother. I totally agree with Mrs. Green in her statement to you. Those are strong words to say. And don't forget your going through some issues, and since he is close to you right now, and is lending you his ear, time and attention, maybe your somewhat vulnerable. Think long and hard about it and follow your heart.

Last time I told a man I loved him, he started acting all stupid:wallbash: Won't do that no more. But that is me though....
If you really want to say it, then I would say "I appreciate you and have a lotta love for you." He will appreciate that...especially if he's a good brother. I totally agree with Mrs. Green in her statement to you. Those are strong words to say. And don't forget your going through some issues, and since he is close to you right now, and is lending you his ear, time and attention, maybe your somewhat vulnerable. Think long and hard about it and follow your heart.

Last time I told a man I loved him, he started acting all stupid:wallbash: Won't do that no more. But that is me though....

woah thats some truth talk right there
Enjoy it for right now and just let things flow. Be happy and keep doing what you're doing. Sometimes when we want to come forth and express how we feel, things can get complicated and you do not need that with the current issues you're having right now. Just lay back and enjoy the ride....
Funny you should post this. The other day SC and I were getting off the phone and right before he hangs up we say our usually. "I miss you baby" This time I say " I miss you baby" and he says "Love you"

Granted not an I love you but just love you. As if we had been saying it. I didn't know what to do so I didn't acknowledge it and instead just hung up. Now him saying that caused me some serious pause and introspect reflection on our short relationship.

I mean I feel like in a lot of ways I could love him or maybe one day be in love with him. And like you I definitely love the way he makes me feel and I totally love the things he does for me.

But I know what in love feels like and I'm just not there yet. The test for me if it's really love will be the first time he pisses me off enough to want to tell him to kick rocks. When the decision has to be made whether whatever indiscretion he commits, I feel is bad enough for a break up and I weigh that against giving up what we have, then I will know.

I'm either in love with him enough to forgive him and want to work it out or I'm back on BPM yelling NEXT! So I guess what I'm saying it something has to test it for me to call it love.
Re: Different ways?


I feel like its time, but i am a lil scared

is sayin "i have a lot of love for you" as dramatic as I LOVE YOU?

No I don't think that is as dramatic as I Love You. You can have alot of love for friends, co workers, etc. I Love You is more personal.
If you feel it say it. Life is too short. What if god forbid he died tomorrow. Would you want him to know how you feel now? Why wait.
Say it only if you are prepared to live with him not saying it back immediately.

When DH and I were dating he told me he was in love with me, and I told him I had strong feelings for him and really appreciated and cared for him, but I wasn't at the place where I could call it love yet. He was okay with it.

You could test your boundaries, people start with ending notes and texts with luv ya, and the like, not exactly saying "i love you." But their reaction tells you something.
Follow your heart. No one has your path but you. Love is not to be feared. If you love him, even if he doesnt feel the same, you will continue to love him (not feeling, love is an action word). If you cant say that, you probably are in love with what he does for him but dont actually love him. I hope that makes sense.

My man is amazing, i've been having family difficulties and been an emotional wreck the past 4 weeks or so

everytime my man is there, calling me making sure i'm ok, giving me advice

Hes happy when i'm happy, celebrates with me when no one else feels what i've done is so great but him

i want to tell him i love him but isit too soon

its been 6 months?

shall i wait for him to say the 3 words...?
If you really want to say it, then I would say "I appreciate you and have a lotta love for you." He will appreciate that...especially if he's a good brother. I totally agree with Mrs. Green in her statement to you. Those are strong words to say. And don't forget your going through some issues, and since he is close to you right now, and is lending you his ear, time and attention, maybe your somewhat vulnerable. Think long and hard about it and follow your heart.

Last time I told a man I loved him, he started acting all stupid:wallbash: Won't do that no more. But that is me though....

Honey, I had that happen to me. Never again. Homeboy, thought he was the ish after I said that and he started changing on me and treating me differently. From now on I let them say it to me first.
I would let HIM say "those 3 words first" :yep: If you say them and he all of a sudden starts backing away from you then your feelings WILL get hurt.

That happened to me....I was feeling all warm and fuzzy inside one day....I dropped my then boyfriend off at work but prior to him getting out of the car I whispered in his ear those 3 words....that man ran so fast from me that it wasn't even funny.

I'm married now and I still don't toy with "those 3 words".....I do believe that other nukka scarred me for life. My husband say it more than I do. :blush:
Thanks for you insight ladies!!!

i think right now isnt the best time to say it - maybe after i come back from Vacation - a little yearning you know??

kinda been very stressed the past few days and done certain things to p*ss him off - i said i need time out for a few days...

he keeps texting me sayin he hopes am ok, i just dont wanna talk to anybody right now...

darn hormones!!!