How can I move on?


How do you stop thinking someone is the one for you even though the relationship is not right? I want the man God has intended for me to be with but am I crazy for thinking this man is the one based on your history together (including child) and emotional connection between the two of us? We constantly break up and get back together, we are currently not together now and this might be it for us, but I cant stop feeling this way even though I know he is not right for me at this time. I dnt want to spend years with the wrong person:nono:
I think you will reach the point where you'll throw in the towel...

Ive been there...

Try to stay strong and listen to your brain..that other organ is a trouble maker...

Good luck...

sorry I dont have any real advice
How do you stop thinking someone is the one for you even though the relationship is not right? I want the man God has intended for me to be with but am I crazy for thinking this man is the one based on your history together (including child) and emotional connection between the two of us? We constantly break up and get back together, we are currently not together now and this might be it for us, but I cant stop feeling this way even though I know he is not right for me at this time. I dnt want to spend years with the wrong person:nono:

If he was the man for you, why didn't he commit to you a long time ago... before you had your child? Or very soon after?

If he was the man for you, he would have made that clear a loooooooooooong time ago and you wouldn't be asking yourself this question today, five years later.
Since God is already telling you this is not the man for you, the weight of that truth will drag you down until you get rid of ole dude. You have to decide whether or not you want to cut your losses or live this way for the rest of your life.

Think about living the rest of your and your child's life with him......that should do the trick.
If you yourself are fully aware that he is not the right person for you right now.....Listen and trust yourself and your instincts. It is very difficult to admit to ourselves the hurtful truth. You are ahead of the game. At least you know what is best for you. Go with your gut feelings. I know it is cliche, but time will heal the open womb and you will feel better in the long run. After all, you have to child to raise and I know you would like to do this the best job you can as a mother without compromising yourself.
Aww poor OP. Trust me...I know EXACTLY how you feel and sort of what you're going through because I'm going through it right now. I already know this particular dude isn't good for me, and isn't the right man for me, but it's still hard to completely forget about him. Believe me...I've BEEN there. But I think it just takes time. I've already improved greatly, and I find that I think about this guy less and less the more I get out, keep myself busy, and meet other new eligible guys who are better for me. :grin:

Sometimes I think that a lot of times we cling on to someone/or something that isn't good for us simply because we don't have or don't know any better.

Believe me...leave this guy for GOOD and find someone really worthy of YOU. You will be sooo glad that you did. :yep:

If he was the man for you, why didn't he commit to you a long time ago... before you had your child? Or very soon after?

If he was the man for you, he would have made that clear a loooooooooooong time ago and you wouldn't be asking yourself this question today, five years later.

Yeah I agree with this. :yep: The RIGHT man for you won't leave you hanging and waiting for a commitment. The RIGHT man for you won't constantly break up with you, AND you won't be constantly breaking up with him. :nono: I always tell people who have "off-and-on-again" relationships that if it was "off" to begin with, that means that there's a REASON!! Now, it's one thing to break up with a guy and then later on down the line you both realize that you really love each other and can't live without each other and so you get back together. That's ONE thing. But constantly breaking up and getting back together again is IMO a sign that things should just stay "broken". :ohwell:

If you yourself are fully aware that he is not the right person for you right now.....Listen and trust yourself and your instincts. It is very difficult to admit to ourselves the hurtful truth. You are ahead of the game. At least you know what is best for you. Go with your gut feelings. I know it is cliche, but time will heal the open womb and you will feel better in the long run. After all, you have to child to raise and I know you would like to do this the best job you can as a mother without compromising yourself.

YES!! So true! :yep: Listen to that gut. It's our conscience telling us that something isn't right. Through my short years of life, I've already learned that usually if something doesn't "feel right", it most likely ISN'T right. :nono:
fast forwarded your life WITh him, let down after let down, emotional stress, throw in a cpl of kids and imagine that joker still doin him, while u crumble, leave with yo sanity a peace, while u have time......
How do you stop thinking someone is the one for you even though the relationship is not right? I want the man God has intended for me to be with but am I crazy for thinking this man is the one based on your history together (including child) and emotional connection between the two of us? We constantly break up and get back together, we are currently not together now and this might be it for us, but I cant stop feeling this way even though I know he is not right for me at this time. I dnt want to spend years with the wrong person:nono:

I felt this way about my ex about a year or so into our relationship. God was pulling on me to grow and let it go. I didn't want to, but then I finally wanted to end things. However, he still had a pull on me and we started to a very unhealthy relationship (and I'll spare you the details.) You have to ask yourself if God would want you with someone like that and if the answer is "no", then you know what you need to do. Don't wait several years thinking, "Oh, he'll change, he'll get better" 'cause most of the time, men don't. Know your worth and what's best for you and your child.
Thank you guys all so much. You are a big help, when my mind starts going and I start feeling lonely and hurt I just come and read all the responses and pray. Usually when we would break up, no more than a week later I couldnt face the hurt and pain and would initiate contact with him and the start of our relationship again, thats why we were constantly on and off again. I think I tried to leave him about 4 times this year but this time he's gone on deployment for four months so I purposely waited for this time to ensure Im not able to contact him again, to give myself some time to heal and be able to deal with as just the father of my child when he gets back. This is so hard, but Im confident I did the right thing for me I just wish this hurt and pain would go away, and this hope of him realizing that he doesnt want to be without me and get his s*** together but how often does that happen:ohwell: I just keep telling myself that there is a light at the end of this tunnel and God is gonna see me through. Its just so hard and I cant stop crying:nono:
I understand how you are feeling OP

When I have felt this way in the past, I stop and ask myself "What am I afraid of?" I have found that when we hold on to something we know is not good for us, it's usually out of fear. I could be fear of the unknown or some other thing that isn't evident to you until you sit and think about it. For example, I asked myself "what am I afraid of?" when I was dealing with my ex. It turns out the answer was "being without him." Well it turned out that I was already without him and my world didn't fall apart. For me, it made it that much easier to move on. Granted, I still had to take each day one step at a time but knowing my fear helped me focus on meeting some great people and making the necessary changes to my life so I could conquer it.
I think you will reach the point where you'll throw in the towel...

Ive been there...

Try to stay strong and listen to your brain..that other organ is a trouble maker...

Good luck...

sorry I dont have any real advice

That was some good advice for her and I totally agree. Everybody has their own breaking point when they say to themselves enough is enough. :yep:
My sister recently went through this. She has a little girl too. Cut your losses and move on. A man that wants you will commit WITH a ring AND a wedding, no excuses. God has something better for you.
:grouphug::bighug:God will see you through. He's a way maker. Have faith in his ability to chage you and change your circumstances. But know its never the way we expect which is the spice of life. This guy probably will not get his act together. Thats ok. When you finally get over it and move on (because you will because beautiful and deserve better), you look back and wonder why you wasted your time when God has given you so much more. Pray to God for change in your heart and a mate that compliments you in everyway. That will love you and someone you can respect and follow. I pray these things for you. Pray them for yourself as well.

Thank you guys all so much. You are a big help, when my mind starts going and I start feeling lonely and hurt I just come and read all the responses and pray. Usually when we would break up, no more than a week later I couldnt face the hurt and pain and would initiate contact with him and the start of our relationship again, thats why we were constantly on and off again. I think I tried to leave him about 4 times this year but this time he's gone on deployment for four months so I purposely waited for this time to ensure Im not able to contact him again, to give myself some time to heal and be able to deal with as just the father of my child when he gets back. This is so hard, but Im confident I did the right thing for me I just wish this hurt and pain would go away, and this hope of him realizing that he doesnt want to be without me and get his s*** together but how often does that happen:ohwell: I just keep telling myself that there is a light at the end of this tunnel and God is gonna see me through. Its just so hard and I cant stop crying:nono:
I did a dance like this once. It ended up being so painful for me and for other people because during those break-ups we would involve other people. My fear that he would have be with someone else kept me with him way past the time when that relationship should have expired.
After that I made the decision that a man had to make sense to my head & my heart. If being with someone feels irrational, it probably is.
i'm feeling the same way now as well and when i thought abt why, i realized that it was mainly a fear that i would be single and alone for a long time since most of my friends are single and not being able to meet anyone. So i'm scared of that and so it makes it harder to just forget it and move on. And i also feel like he hasnt gotten a chance to know me enough and keeps jumping to conclusions so I want to show / prove to him that he is wrong abt me instead of just dropping him and moving on.

Thats what i noticed abt myself and so its hard and it eats at me. So i understand what u guys are going thru and I dont know what to do to make it easier. Because its like eventhough ppl around me say forget hm, its his loss, u deserve better / u'll find someone else who'll treat u right etc, i feel like 'no, i'll just be single'. And its not that i'm being pessimistic; but i was single for a good while before meeting him and i dread going back to that.
Wow ladies...what great advice! This is helping me out so much right now... :yep:
Thanks for starting this thread OP! :up:

Thank you guys all so much. You are a big help, when my mind starts going and I start feeling lonely and hurt I just come and read all the responses and pray. Usually when we would break up, no more than a week later I couldnt face the hurt and pain and would initiate contact with him and the start of our relationship again, thats why we were constantly on and off again. I think I tried to leave him about 4 times this year but this time he's gone on deployment for four months so I purposely waited for this time to ensure Im not able to contact him again, to give myself some time to heal and be able to deal with as just the father of my child when he gets back. This is so hard, but Im confident I did the right thing for me I just wish this hurt and pain would go away, and this hope of him realizing that he doesnt want to be without me and get his s*** together but how often does that happen:ohwell: I just keep telling myself that there is a light at the end of this tunnel and God is gonna see me through. Its just so hard and I cant stop crying:nono:

Awww....Poor OP...I know what you're going through. :nono: It's really hard sometimes. Trust me, I was crying not too long ago due to something that recently happened today w/my "ex". It's hard having to let a guy go that you know isn't right for you. It's even harder to see that the guy that isn't right for you has moved on and is dating someone else right now. :cry4: It's very hard...

But if you know deep down that you did the right thing, then more than likely you DID do the right thing. Trust me, when you find a new guy who really LOVES and cherishes you like you deserve to be, you won't even give these other guys a second thought. :rolleyes:

Just this past weekend I went to a very nice wedding of a friend of mine, and the way the husband was talking about his bride during his reception speech just made my mouth drop! THAT is how you want a man to think about you!! I just kept thinking in my head that God must have somthing better for me around the corner.

I understand how you are feeling OP

When I have felt this way in the past, I stop and ask myself "What am I afraid of?" I have found that when we hold on to something we know is not good for us, it's usually out of fear. Granted, I still had to take each day one step at a time but knowing my fear helped me focus on meeting some great people and making the necessary changes to my life so I could conquer it.

Hmm...that's a great question to ask!!

:grouphug::bighug:God will see you through. He's a way maker. Have faith in his ability to chage you and change your circumstances. But know its never the way we expect which is the spice of life. This guy probably will not get his act together. Thats ok. When you finally get over it and move on (because you will because beautiful and deserve better), you look back and wonder why you wasted your time when God has given you so much more. Pray to God for change in your heart and a mate that compliments you in everyway. That will love you and someone you can respect and follow. I pray these things for you. Pray them for yourself as well.

This is a good idea. I already pray to God about my situation, but I think I'm going to add these things into my prayers too. Great advice! :up:

i'm feeling the same way now as well and when i thought abt why, i realized that it was mainly a fear that i would be single and alone for a long time since most of my friends are single and not being able to meet anyone. So i'm scared of that and so it makes it harder to just forget it and move on. And i also feel like he hasnt gotten a chance to know me enough and keeps jumping to conclusions so I want to show / prove to him that he is wrong abt me instead of just dropping him and moving on.

Thats what i noticed abt myself and so its hard and it eats at me. So i understand what u guys are going thru and I dont know what to do to make it easier. Because its like eventhough ppl around me say forget hm, its his loss, u deserve better / u'll find someone else who'll treat u right etc, i feel like 'no, i'll just be single'. And its not that i'm being pessimistic; but i was single for a good while before meeting him and i dread going back to that.

OMG...Angelica I feel like I could have written this very post!!!! :shocked: At first, when I asked myself: "what am I afraid of that I can't really let this guy go??" I couldn't think of anything. But what you posted here and put so eloquently helped me to see that what you stated is EXACTLY how I'm feeling!!! :shocked: I think I'm afraid of being "alone" or "single" for life. :ohwell: EVen though I know it's an irrational fear, I think I'm afraid of being single for my adult life, or....being married to a man that I'm not really in love with. :ohwell: I don't want either! :nono: *sigh*

I also am upset that the guy I really liked never truly got to see my "true" self, and that if he had, we would be together now. Call it regret I guess. Oh well.... All of that is all under the bridge now.

Yet, even though I've had a lot of road bumps lately and in the past, I still can't shake the feeling that something and SOMEONE great for me is coming right around the corner! :grin:
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I understand how you are feeling OP

When I have felt this way in the past, I stop and ask myself "What am I afraid of?" I have found that when we hold on to something we know is not good for us, it's usually out of fear. I could be fear of the unknown or some other thing that isn't evident to you until you sit and think about it.

This needs to be repeated time and time again for various situations, regardless of relationships....
I'm glad i'm not the only one. I'm finding it quite hard to find the strength to move on. I've prayed and prayed and cried and it still really hurts. I hope it gets better but i feel a bit pessimistic at this time. we'll see i guess...

OMG...Angelica I feel like I could have written this very post!!!! :shocked: At first, when I asked myself: "what am I afraid of that I can't really let this guy go??" I couldn't think of anything. But what you posted here and put so eloquently helped me to see that what you stated is EXACTLY how I'm feeling!!! :shocked: I think I'm afraid of being "alone" or "single" for life. :ohwell: EVen though I know it's an irrational fear, I think I'm afraid of being single for my adult life, or....being married to a man that I'm not really in love with. :ohwell: I don't want either! :nono: *sigh*

I also am upset that the guy I really liked never truly got to see my "true" self, and that if he had, we would be together now. Call it regret I guess. Oh well.... All of that is all under the bridge now.

Yet, even though I've had a lot of road bumps lately and in the past, I still can't shake the feeling that something and SOMEONE great for me is coming right around the corner! :grin:
The funny thing is I sit back and reflect on past relationships that I had a difficult time moving on from and I think to myself, "I'm in such a better place in my life now" and I reflect on the blessings that poored in to me from God immediately when I made that choice and stuck with it. Blessings that range from financial to friendships, so I know Im blessed at this very moment and I know that peace and happiness is coming right around the corner, whether its just a simple peace of mind, Im gonna be happy. So I will be ok, you guys are inspiring, its actually better already.:yep:
i'm feeling the same way now as well and when i thought abt why, i realized that it was mainly a fear that i would be single and alone for a long time since most of my friends are single and not being able to meet anyone. So i'm scared of that and so it makes it harder to just forget it and move on. And i also feel like he hasnt gotten a chance to know me enough and keeps jumping to conclusions so I want to show / prove to him that he is wrong abt me instead of just dropping him and moving on.

Thats what i noticed abt myself and so its hard and it eats at me. So i understand what u guys are going thru and I dont know what to do to make it easier. Because its like eventhough ppl around me say forget hm, its his loss, u deserve better / u'll find someone else who'll treat u right etc, i feel like 'no, i'll just be single'. And its not that i'm being pessimistic; but i was single for a good while before meeting him and i dread going back to that.

My main fear is that happiness doesnt come that easy and Im gonna mistake toughing out a good relationship with just plain abuse. I never know when to walk away before investing years into it. Im also afraid that our men are getting worse and worse. Im starting to lose hope in good men. All my friends and several family members are breaking up with their SO. Their facing foreclosures, dealing with the mistress having a baby, divorce, seperation, I have a cousin whose been with her boyfriend for 8yrs, he cheats on her, now she's moved out of the house they bought together. Its depressing and it makes you wonder if the world is coming to an end. I just want to scream!!!!!!!!!! Im turning 32 this month and Im already wanting to give up on a real relationship. Whats going on? Is it that people feel there are more options and they just give up on making it work with the person theyre with. IDK ladies, I think the Lord is our husband now.
My main fear is that happiness doesnt come that easy and Im gonna mistake toughing out a good relationship with just plain abuse. I never know when to walk away before investing years into it. Im also afraid that our men are getting worse and worse. Im starting to lose hope in good men. All my friends and several family members are breaking up with their SO. Their facing foreclosures, dealing with the mistress having a baby, divorce, seperation, I have a cousin whose been with her boyfriend for 8yrs, he cheats on her, now she's moved out of the house they bought together. Its depressing and it makes you wonder if the world is coming to an end. I just want to scream!!!!!!!!!! Im turning 32 this month and Im already wanting to give up on a real relationship. Whats going on? Is it that people feel there are more options and they just give up on making it work with the person theyre with. IDK ladies, I think the Lord is our husband now.

The Lord is not supposed to be one's husband, at least not on Earth. The church needs to stop with that... :rolleyes: (don't get me started, lol)

One thing I noticed about this post... most of the situations that you mentioned involve women in very long relationships with men who they have not married. Is it possible that perhaps the problem revolves around the fact that many women seem to accept these long-term uncommitted relationships instead of expecting -- excuse me -- requiring -- more?

It should never get to the point, IMO, where a woman is "investing" years in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship and ain't na'an ring on her finger and ain't na'an negro even talking about commitment, especially at your ages. (I'm the same age, so I'm talking about myself as well.)

Not saying that any of those dudes are worth being a husband, but it seems that their poor character should have been discovered very early in the relationship and ties should have been cut long before you all "invested" years in a relationship.

As for the term "investment," well, a smart investor takes their money out and RUNS once the stock starts to drop... you know you wouldn't put your money with a broker who causes you to lose all your money but keeps saying, "But you've invested so many years in this losing stock... you don't want to lose those years do you?"

So... why do we consider a bad relationship an "investment?" :look:

Also, maybe your very first sentence here is the whole answer to your concern... good relationships are supposed to be easy... if you're thinking that a good relationship involves "toughing things out," well... that might be the problem right there. Yes, there will be tough times in a relationship, often due to situations beyond our control (family issues, illnesses, etc.), but on a basic level, the interaction between the man and woman should flow very smoothly in a good relationship. If a relationship is tumultous, then that is not the right man for you.

All the best to you...
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The Lord is not supposed to be one's husband, at least not on Earth. The church needs to stop with that... :rolleyes: (don't get me started, lol) The Lord is the only one that has never let me down so he is my husband until he sends me one in the flesh is all Im saying.

One thing I noticed about this post... most of the situations that you mentioned involve women in very long relationships with men who they have not married. Is it possible that perhaps the problem revolves around the fact that many women seem to accept these long-term uncommitted relationships instead of expecting -- excuse me -- requiring -- more? Point taken and understood prior to this post so nothing new said here.

Not saying that any of those dudes are worth being a husband, but it seems that their poor character should have been discovered very early in the relationship and ties should have been cut long before you all "invested" years in a relationship. I dont recall revealing enough info about the relationships mentioned in order for you assume these men had poor character.

As for the term "investment," well, a smart investor takes their money out and RUNS once the stock starts to drop... you know you wouldn't put your money with a broker who causes you to lose all your money but keeps saying, "But you've invested so many years in this losing stock... you don't want to lose those years do you?" Never looked at it that way, thank you.

So... why do we consider a bad relationship an "investment?" :look: Never said I did:ohwell:

Also, maybe your very first sentence here is the whole answer to your concern... good relationships are supposed to be easy... if you're thinking that a good relationship involves "toughing things out," well... that might be the problem right there. Yes, there will be tough times in a relationship, often due to situations beyond our control (family issues, illnesses, etc.), but on a basic level, the interaction between the man and woman should flow very smoothly in a good relationship. If a relationship is tumultous, then that is not the right man for you.
So do you mean to tell me that if Im in an overall good relationship and the first argument we have that does not include family, illnesses, etc. that he is not the right man for me and I should drop him? I understand the point u are trying to make but I dont totally agree.:nono:
The Lord is not supposed to be one's husband, at least not on Earth. The church needs to stop with that... :rolleyes: (don't get me started, lol) The Lord is the only one that has never let me down so he is my husband until he sends me one in the flesh is all Im saying.
Gotcha... I'm responding to the part where you said, "Ladies, I think the Lord is our husband now." I know, I take things pretty literally (like the word "our"), but I never considered the Lord as my husband. He's my heavenly Father, most definitely, but He's not my husband and never will be.

I realize that folks feel differently, but I personally don't believe in that line of thinking.

[/B]I dont recall revealing enough info about the relationships mentioned in order for you assume these men had poor character.
You just said these men are liars and cheaters, so yeah, that's poor character. I wasn't talking about your relationships specifically, since you didn't mention those, but the relationships you described in your post all indicate that those men have poor character.

So... why do we consider a bad relationship an "investment?" :look: Never said I did:ohwell:

You said it right here... "I never know when to walk away before investing years into it."

So do you mean to tell me that if Im in an overall good relationship and the first argument we have that does not include family, illnesses, etc. that he is not the right man for me and I should drop him? I understand the point u are trying to make but I dont totally agree.:nono:
An argument doesn't mean that the relationship is a bad one. People are going to argue. But there's a difference between the people arguing about say, a misunderstanding, and an argument that shows a fundamental problem with the man.

I haven't shared this on the board, but I'm going to do it now just because I feel ready to... and this post moved me to do so.

A long time ago, I was dating a guy and things were going great for three months. Then one day, he got upset with me and locked me out of his apartment. It was over the silliest thing... we should have just had the argument, figured out the problem and then moved on.

But the fact that he ignored my calls and then sat in his place while I sat outside knocking on the door? And refused to answer to teach me a lesson? Oh hell naw!

So I let him have it, but silly me forgave him after he begged and pleaded and gave me flowers and all that. Luckily, it ended three months after that, so the six months didn't take a lot of time out of my life and cause too much lasting damage.

My point is, THAT action was a situation that should have ended the relationship immediately. If we had just argued over the issue and hashed it out (in a reasonable manner), we probably would have been fine after that. But that was a BIG red flag as to the nature of his POOR character... and I would have looked foolish if I had stuck around much longer asking why is my relationship so difficult when I knew good and well at the three-month point that I had an a@@ on my hands.
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Just wanted to add... I really don't mean to come off rude, as I know that you are in deep pain right now... my writing style tends to be a bit blunt, but I am truly hoping that you find happiness with the right person someday. :)