
Well-Known Member
me and my roommates are young, smart, beautiful college girls and yet none of us are dating! I understand that we have a our issues with our exes but we have all come to the consensus that we want to date! We want to live the 20's that they make movies about!:drunk: SO we want to know how do you to put yourself out there.. :perplexed My girls and I don't club (maybe every once and a while) but that is not the type of guys we want to attract anyway! :wallbash: We are looking for 21-26 yr college educated men who can hold a conversation! :yep: Any Ideas???
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I don't know about where you are but here in LA there is something called first friday's. It is normally at a club or hotel every first friday. Thing about it though is there's this networking part before the partying. It normally starts early, around 6:00. The pick is a little better
Check your local radio station website to see if they have it. I know that a lot of places do this.
Eh, I say online is the way to go these days if you're not meeting guys at college. You can always check what's going on in your city and attend social events and hopefully meet a guy who has the same interests as you do.
It is ROUGH out there. :nono: No matter your age, cuteness quotient, size, etc. My only suggestions would be
-get busy and do the activities you love to do, even if you have to do them SOLO
-take up a new hobby (ie golfing)
-try online dating or post on craigslist
-stay positive and believe there's a fabulous man out there for you who is on the way :yep:
I would try online dating. Let me tell you "It's Raining Men." Yeah you might have to do a little leg work to weed out the occasional weirdo or the players but that goes for pretty much any man you meet. If they can't put together a coherent sentence they probably aren't right for you. :grin:

Since you're in college I would encourage you to join some clubs and service organizations. Target groups with the type of men you would like to meet.
me and my roommates are young, smart, beautiful college girls and yet none of us are dating! I understand that we have a our issues with our exes but we have all come to the consensus that we want to date! We want to live the 20's that they make movies about!:drunk: SO we want to know how do you to put yourself out there.. :perplexed My girls and I don't club (maybe every once and a while) but that is not the type of guys we want to attract anyway! :wallbash: We are looking for 21-26 yr college educated men who can hold a conversation! :yep: Any Ideas???

You all don't meet dudes on campus? When I was that age I stayed with men...LOL...I don;t have any advice...sowwy!!
libraries, happy hour, sports bars on Mondays and Sundays when the football games are on, car wash on a Saturday morning, and especially the gym.
You all don't meet dudes on campus? When I was that age I stayed with men...LOL...I don;t have any advice...sowwy!!

same here...i stayed having a man in college and there werent even guys at my school :lachen: you just have to put yourself out off campus, volunteer off campus, go to events at other schools...
Attend events. I KNOW yall got facebook :lol:. Just be around more. The men will come. Find out where the college people hang and just show up. Volunteer, go to college sports games.
What about men that have graduated from college? I'm 23 and most of the guys i'm meeting are really focused on the club thing right now. That's now where I'm trying to be? I'm not seeing too many men at church either.
Basically I'm getting the sense that men my age:
- go to the club
- Bar
- Play video games
- watch espn
- work out at the gym
At work 30 year old men approach men and their perverts cause I look younger then I really am.
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What about men that have graduated from college? I'm 23 and most of the guys i'm meeting are really focused on the club thing right now. That's now where I'm trying to be? I'm not seeing too many men at church either.
Basically I'm getting the sense that men my age:
- go to the club
- Bar
- Play video games
- watch espn
- work out at the gym
At work 30year old men approach men and their perverts cause I look younger then I really am.

well when you get older they still do the same things just not as much...lounges and social networking events ...conferences and cocktail parties are good to go to
I always thought college was the best and easiest place to meet a guy, cause mostly all the guys in college are single. I would suggest you fiind them through class, clubs and social organizations, at parties, at college football and basketball games, parties, clubs, volunteering, and online things (my cousin and brother both met their wives online in college), and at college events (ie homecoming). I met my husband in college at a house party. Church is a good place also, try and find one near your school because it'll probably have a higher population of young people.

And the club is not that horrid of a place, in my opinion anyway. I know a few couples from when I was in college who met in the club and are now married. One couple is super saved and you would never know they met in the club either.
I was complaining of the same thing about a year ago, and later realized the problem goes both ways.

- Getting out there and doing things that men are likely to be present at is one thing. Yea "hitting the mall" may be fun with the girls, but chances are, the guys you meet in these environments are not going to be dating material. Keep that in mind.
- Me and my girls, all huge hip hop fans, have started going to more live and independent shows and the male/female ratio at these events is like 5:1. It's like a d*ck fest (yea I said it). And it's interesting, the type of music being showcased is a direct representation of the type of men in the audience (Foreign Exchange? :lick: Devin the Dude? :nono2:). We've made the effort to start going out and actively seeking more live music and in the process have found a whole bevy of undiscovered men in LA of all places... :grin:

- Networking events and professional associations. I just came back from a minority MBA networking event (no I don't have one, but I'm working on it). OK. Eligible, smart, intelligent, ambitious, ATTRACTIVE brothers all over the place excited to talk to some sisters who are "on the level".
I always thought college was the best and easiest place to meet a guy, cause mostly all the guys in college are single. I would suggest you fiind them through class, clubs and social organizations, at parties, at college football and basketball games, parties, clubs, volunteering, and online things (my cousin and brother both met their wives online in college), and at college events (ie homecoming). I met my husband in college at a house party. Church is a good place also, try and find one near your school because it'll probably have a higher population of young people.

And the club is not that horrid of a place, in my opinion anyway. I know a few couples from when I was in college who met in the club and are now married. One couple is super saved and you would never know they met in the club either.

I'd actually say I found college to be difficult, especially if you go to a predominately white school, because brothers are like $5 bills on Halloween on these campuses. Brothers weren't checking for smart, have-it-together sisters because entire white sororities were throwing around panties like it was nothing. BUT, don't give up hope - stay in touch, because all of that changes AFTER graduation, if you can get over the awareness of their slutty undergraduate behavior. Some of my male friends I wouldn't go NEAR in college, graduated and 2 years later are now on the "I need to find a nice girl and settle down - it's time to start having kids" tip. :look:
I was complaining of the same thing about a year ago, and later realized the problem goes both ways.

- Getting out there and doing things that men are likely to be present at is one thing. Yea "hitting the mall" may be fun with the girls, but chances are, the guys you meet in these environments are not going to be dating material. Keep that in mind.
- Me and my girls, all huge hip hop fans, have started going to more live and independent shows and the male/female ratio at these events is like 5:1. It's like a d*ck fest (yea I said it). And it's interesting, the type of music being showcased is a direct representation of the type of men in the audience (Foreign Exchange? :lick: Devin the Dude? :nono2:). We've made the effort to start going out and actively seeking more live music and in the process have found a whole bevy of undiscovered men in LA of all places... :grin:

- Networking events and professional associations. I just came back from a minority MBA networking event (no I don't have one, but I'm working on it). OK. Eligible, smart, intelligent, ambitious, ATTRACTIVE brothers all over the place excited to talk to some sisters who are "on the level".

lol thanks for the tip...I have not done this LA...just the MBA events and some other business related things
I volunteer my a$$ off.. the only problem with that is that only women show up! I just got back from a four day service trip to Washington DC and only 1 black guy attended and 6 black girls! LOL! I go to a PWI (10% out of 35,000 of my school is black and 7% of that are girls!!!) so think if my girls and I ventured out to HBCU's we will find more variety. We are highly involved on campus activities because we all plan to attend graduate school.. so I think that we intimidate a lot of men when we are on the executive board of all these different organizations! I think that in order to get what we want I going to have to do something WAY outside my box! We aren't 21 yet (I'm the 1st to turn 21 in a week) so bars aren't allowed right now, unless we sneak in the back, lol!! thanks for advice.. and keep it coming.. I am decided to go to a local party thrown for a black school... maybe I can get a date there! I want a date for my birthday!!!!
Are you at N.C. State or in the triangle? Well if so NCCU homecoming is this weekend. If you don't want to do the club scene their are fashion shows, step shows, choir balls, comedy shows and other events where you can meet guys. Meeting guys during undergrad came xtrmly easy for me and my of luck out there. :)

Oh if you are in Raleigh go downtown and hangout. Places like T.G.I.F is a cool restaurant to eat, have a drink and meet nice college guys.
Are you at N.C. State :grin: or in the triangle? Well if so NCCU homecoming is this weekend. If you don't want to do the club scene their are fashion shows, step shows, choir balls, comedy shows and other events where you can meet guys. Meeting guys during undergrad came xtrmly easy for me and my of luck out there. :)

Oh if you are in Raleigh go downtown and hangout. Places like T.G.I.F is a cool restaurant to eat, have a drink and meet nice college guys.

Yes I go to state and I didn't know anything about it (I think I live in a bubble) .. I got invited to a party on Saturday night!! So Imma try and talk my girls into going!!! lol
Girls usually outnumber men in college, At Howard, women outnumbered guys 10-1, so dating was definately hard (luckily I had a hubby at home). My roommate would date a guy, only to later find out that he was also dating the girl down the hall :nono: They had so much variety, they weren't even trying to just chill with one girl.

Facebook is a good option too...and there's nothing wrong with meeting guys at clubs that are populated by dudes that attend college...good guys like to party too :giggle:
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when i used to go to FAMU i met guys either thru fb (believe it or not i met a LOT of ppl on there) or i met them at parties or clubs.
I was complaining of the same thing about a year ago, and later realized the problem goes both ways.

- Getting out there and doing things that men are likely to be present at is one thing. Yea "hitting the mall" may be fun with the girls, but chances are, the guys you meet in these environments are not going to be dating material. Keep that in mind.
- Me and my girls, all huge hip hop fans, have started going to more live and independent shows and the male/female ratio at these events is like 5:1. It's like a d*ck fest (yea I said it). And it's interesting, the type of music being showcased is a direct representation of the type of men in the audience (Foreign Exchange? :lick: Devin the Dude? :nono2:). We've made the effort to start going out and actively seeking more live music and in the process have found a whole bevy of undiscovered men in LA of all places... :grin:

- Networking events and professional associations. I just came back from a minority MBA networking event (no I don't have one, but I'm working on it). OK. Eligible, smart, intelligent, ambitious, ATTRACTIVE brothers all over the place excited to talk to some sisters who are "on the level".

This is really great advice. :yep:

Girls usually outnumber men in college, At Howard, women outnumbered guys 10-1, so dating was definately hard (luckily I had a hubby at home). My roommate would date a guy, only to later find out that he was also dating the girl down the hall :nono: They had so much variety, they weren't even trying to just chill with one girl.

And this is the plight of many women in colleges across the nation! Lol, 10 women bringing their A game to get 1 dude -who can half-step all he wants to and STILL pull 3 or 4 of them at the same time. Ya can't blame these negroes for being so triflin' huh? lol
This is really great advice. :yep:

And this is the plight of many women in colleges across the nation! Lol, 10 women bringing their A game to get 1 dude -who can half-step all he wants to and STILL pull 3 or 4 of them at the same time. Ya can't blame these negroes for being so triflin' huh? lol

Yes the Hell I can!!!! LOL!!! :grin:
I know it may be scary.....but DUMP YOUR GIRL FRIENDS!

Ok ..........don't DUMP them per say.......but don't hang out in a big group of women!

Men find it really hard to approach you when he knows that your five other friends are looking him up and down and listening to the conversation blow-by-blow.

Even if you go to an event with girlfriends (there is safety in numbers), try to seperate and mingle alone or with only one other friend at a time.

Believe me this one tip will increase the conservations you will have with the opposite sex!

Good luck! :yep:
Yea I'm not too far from you. I'm at UNC, I plan on hitting up NCCU's homecoming. UNC's homecoming is next weekend, soo...yea lot's of nice educated black men...I can't wait :lick: lol. If you hit me up on facebook I can invite you to some of the major parties for our homecoming.

Put on topic, I'm having the same problem the girls outnumber the guys here :rolleyes: