How addicted to LHCF are U?

How many hours are you logging?

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New Member
Oh ladies, I have noticed I can’t get anything done because I am busy surfing this site. I have been a member for about 2 weeks and I am a CERTIFIED JUNKY. I got all the behaviors. Not showing anyone my copies I print off, denying what site I’m on, waiting for people to leave my cubicle to log on. Is there anyone else out there fiending for a LHCF hit? How many hours are you clocking on this site?
i guessed 5-7 because I am always logged in. I check it on and off ALL throught the day. All day at work, then when I get home. I need help.:look:
JazzyDez said:
i guessed 5-7 because I am always logged in. I check it on and off ALL throught the day. All day at work, then when I get home. I need help.:look:

Same here. If I really have work to do, I'll do it, but it's been slow around here lately....LOL. I keep thinking somebody's going to walk by and ask what site I'm on. How would I explain this place to a coworker?:lachen:
I guess I need help too ^^ I'm logged for about 5 hours a day ^^
I'm so addicted (since february 2006) ! And even if I was on a trip in London in august, i went to an internet cafe ! O_o
5 -7 I'm on whenever I get near a computer. I realize now that I have a serious problem. I've even got my mother hooked.:look:
***Strolls in humming..."If there's a cure for this, I don't want it":sekret:

Chunks up the LHCF gang sign and rolls back out:smirk:
I'm surrpised that 3-5 hrs is "I can quit when ever I want" because thats my average and I know I have a serious problem

edited to say I had a blonde moment
lol oh i get's sacrastic like in denial
ne way Nice and Wavy that puff is simply BEAUTIFUL!
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***Strolls in humming..."If there's a cure for this, I don't want it":sekret:

Chunks up the LHCF gang sign and rolls back out:smirk:
I'm surrpised that 3-5 hrs is "I can quit when ever I want" because thats my average and I know I have a serious problem
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too darn often (all day everyday) home at the's like a secret love affair!!

my kids always ask about them ladies on the board..who's hair is what..what's going on. blah blah blah

at work i've been caught look at peoples fotki's..they must think i am obessessd with hair.
nicki6 said:
***Strolls in humming..."If there's a cure for this, I don't want it":sekret:

Chunks up the LHCF gang sign and rolls back out:smirk:

Bwahh haa haa haa. Zeal holding the gang sign too walking backwards in the opposite direction.

I have a little problem. This is site has really helped me.
Yeah. I log on and off throughout the day because I don't want to leave it up on my computer. My work comes first...but boy I need some help. :perplexed I really shouldn't be on it all during work hours! I need to repent!

I'm sure it will slow down once I reach my goals...

yeah, right. :look:
preciousjewel76 said:
Same here. If I really have work to do, I'll do it, but it's been slow around here lately....LOL. I keep thinking somebody's going to walk by and ask what site I'm on. How would I explain this place to a coworker?:lachen:

well I'm sittin here with my browser all small hoping these people would leave the lab so I can browse LHCF in a fully maximized window in peace :lol:
I know I'm addicted. I found this place about one month ago and I haven't been able to log onto a computer without stopping by and -- er -- staying for hours upon a time.
Lol...I need to repent too. I'll be in lecture class with my laptop acting like I'm following along when I'm really following hair threads and fotkis!! Yeah I admit it, I have a serious problem:grin:

Royal Glory said:
Yeah. I log on and off throughout the day because I don't want to leave it up on my computer. My work comes first...but boy I need some help. :perplexed I really shouldn't be on it all during work hours! I need to repent!

I'm sure it will slow down once I reach my goals...

yeah, right. :look:
I thought I was the only one:cry: . I need help!!!!!!!!! I am on here on and off the day. I can't help it. Looking for a rehab center :ill: to check in. :sekret:
JazzyDez said:
i guessed 5-7 because I am always logged in. I check it on and off ALL throught the day. All day at work, then when I get home. I need help.:look:

This is me also...I said I'm just logging on for a minute...I've been on for 1 1/12 hours.......HELP!!!!!!!:D :D
jtsupanova said:
I'm surrpised that 3-5 hrs is "I can quit when ever I want" because thats my average and I know I have a serious problem

edited to say I had a blonde moment
lol oh i get's sacrastic like in denial
ne way Nice and Wavy that puff is simply BEAUTIFUL!

Thanks, girl....throwing up the gang sign!!!
I am a junky also. I have tried to cut back. But it just keeps calling me. I'm on constantly at work and at home. I need help. :p
about 3 hours at a time. i can quit whenever i want. i swear. really.

anyway, i'm on here so often my family members don't even bat and eyelid at pics of the back of people's head anymore. whenever someone new asks about this site, i tell the truth and they back off right away. they don't get it nor do i offer any explanation. It's mine dang it! mine!
*in my best Gollum voice* MY PRECIOUS!!
You see I use to be a junkie, but I got help :) And now I can say that I check in about 2-4 times a week. But I still have longhaircare as my home page on my pc and laptop, that's the crazy part
Pinka said:
Oh ladies, I have noticed I can’t get anything done because I am busy surfing this site. I have been a member for about 2 weeks and I am a CERTIFIED JUNKY. I got all the behaviors. Not showing anyone my copies I print off, denying what site I’m on, waiting for people to leave my cubicle to log on. Is there anyone else out there fiending for a LHCF hit? How many hours are you clocking on this site?