How addicted to LHCF are U?

How many hours are you logging?

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caribeandiva said:
about 3 hours at a time. i can quit whenever i want. i swear. really.

anyway, i'm on here so often my family members don't even bat and eyelid at pics of the back of people's head anymore. whenever someone new asks about this site, i tell the truth and they back off right away. they don't get it nor do i offer any explanation. It's mine dang it! mine!
*in my best Gollum voice* MY PRECIOUS!!

"MY PRECIOUS" this is to funny. I LOVE IT! Appearently sombody know what I'm talkin bout! I feel better knowing I ain't the only one creepin. This is MADNESS.
Put it like this, I have this screen minimized on my computer at home all the time so the only thing I have to do is just click to bring it back up:)
3-5 But I can't quit whenever I want though. I think I may have a problem :look:

When the site is down I don't know what to do with myself. :(
I even have the posts of the subscribed threads come through to my blackberry so even when I'm not logged on I still have that LHCF connection :D
JazzyDez said:
i guessed 5-7 because I am always logged in. I check it on and off ALL throught the day. All day at work, then when I get home. I need help.:look:
Me too, somebody tell me to get off here and go do the dishes! :lol: I did cook dinner ! :look:
AtlantaJJ said:
Me too, somebody tell me to get off here and go do the dishes! :lol: I did cook dinner ! :look:

I should be washing dishes my damn self too. Instead made a plate of fries and decided to chill out. Hell washing no dishes right now is gonna help me grow some hair.:lol:
I'm logged on for most of the day even when I'm not directly at the computer. When I pass by, I like to check in without delays. :lol:

Pretty sad. :(
I check in at least once every time I'm on the computer...maybe 3-5 times a day. It's my homepage, and yes, I am hooked. :p
LondonDiva said:
I should be washing dishes my damn self too. Instead made a plate of fries and decided to chill out. Hell washing no dishes right now is gonna help me grow some hair.:lol:

AtlantaJJ & London Diva I am not mad at you, I was actually late to my psychology class last night, messing around. I looked at the clock and I had a half hour next thing I know I i'm 5 minutes late and running across campus.
Another Junky here... I log in first thing when I get to work and don't log out until I leave work, LCHF is my home page on my laptop at home, and my DH says I've joined a hair cult!:cool: :lachen:
I'm here all day long at work and for at least an hour or 2 at home. But I can't quit when I want :look:
I"m definitely a certified junky! This is a site that I actually learn something from everyday and I freak out if I think i'm going to miss something. I am sort of a newbie, joined last month and I think it's great what I learn here and some people are just dang on funny, like maself.. so I get a good laugh too. It's a place where your two cents counts, and others' cents add up to dollars in your life because you certainly benefit a great deal from what they have to say! I love it here! Peace!
DCBrown said:
Another Junky here... I log in first thing when I get to work and don't log out until I leave work, LCHF is my home page on my laptop at home, and my DH says I've joined a hair cult!:cool: :lachen:
Me's not my homepage...YET!!
:drunk2: I am not addicted! I can stop whenever I want! Logging on at work, at home and on the go on my laptop is not an addiction but rather active enjoyment!
Yeah, this stays open as a window on my computer.. all I do is click refresh, haha. I'm pretty much addicted to hair anyway.. I'd rather do my hair than eat:look: ... as I sit here with a treatment in my head, stomach grumbling.
I'm so guilty - at work and at home, I'm on this site. With me it's this site and for my husband it's playstation.
When I'm surfing the channels and see APL which stands for Animal Planet, I always think Arm Pit Length.:lol:
How about when my internet was disconnected for a week (no comment) :look: I nearly went mad. :wallbash: I didnt even realize my addiction until I was coming BACK to work AFTER leaving to log on. I even came in on the weekends.
I have a serious problem, I dont have a computer at home so I go to the local library after work or on the weekends just to log on, I have even went to work on my off day to get on the computer. I am now shopping for a home computer:grin: . Also, i have 2 jobs one i am on all 7 hours that i am there, its minimized, the other, i check at least 3 times a day. somedays my lunch break consists of LHCF and no food...I am a serious Junkie, i substitute LHCF for food. :perplexed Also, i am quick to minimize when co-workers come along, I am beginning to think, they must think i am a lesbian because I am always looking at the back of some girls head or thier face is on my computer when they walk up!:lachen:
I'm on here every day. Sometimes Im more addicted than at other times, but I've always gotta check in.
I check in a lot now, because I have gotten serious with my hair. I'm pretty sure down the road, I might not check in as often.
Precious_1 said:
I have a serious problem, I dont have a computer at home so I go to the local library after work or on the weekends just to log on, I have even went to work on my off day to get on the computer. I am now shopping for a home computer:grin: . Also, i have 2 jobs one i am on all 7 hours that i am there, its minimized, the other, i check at least 3 times a day. somedays my lunch break consists of LHCF and no food...I am a serious Junkie, i substitute LHCF for food. :perplexed Also, i am quick to minimize when co-workers come along, I am beginning to think, they must think i am a lesbian because I am always looking at the back of some girls head or thier face is on my computer when they walk up!:lachen:
Come on now, we gotta get you packing some protein shakes to take with you to work, your hair needs the amino acids around the clock!! Get this woman some protein shakes to go....STAT! Can't let our LHCF babe go hungry! :look:
Pinka said:
AtlantaJJ & London Diva I am not mad at you, I was actually late to my psychology class last night, messing around. I looked at the clock and I had a half hour next thing I know I i'm 5 minutes late and running across campus.
I'm trying to be smart about it.. I do the dishes in the early morning now...when no one is online! Haha! see, I'm doing good...I got this thang licked...hehe I ain't no junky... I have a presentation tomorrow at 10:00, I got all my agenda items done... while talking about everybodies hair in between...see I have thangs under control....:look:
I joined a couple months ago and ever since I've logged on for hours a day. I didnt have my laptop so in between classes I would go to the library and log on til my next class. I kno ppl in the library probably thought I was crazy looking at back of heads and females. I would minimize it when I felt like someone was watchin me or standing over my shoulder. My bf thinks I'm crazy cuz I would stay in the library for hours on the computer. I would even sometimes not eat or when I did eat I would try to hurry so I could get more LHCF time. Sad I know:perplexed. I finally got my laptop back this week and yesterday I was up after til 5:30a.m supposed to be doing a paper but getting distracted by LHCF. It's sooooo addictive. There should be some type of 12 step program for this.