How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Still hanging in with 7 grams a day!:grin:

Hey Platinum. I noticed earlier that you were able to lose weight on chlorella but did not want to lose weight. I remember that you were able to stop that from happening. I'm just curious to how. My friend wants to start but already has a super metabolism and wants to make sure she doesn't lose weight either. I told her most people don't lose if they're tiny but there are a few exceptions.

So anyways did you just lower your dose to stop weight loss, or increase your protein?

Glad to see you're still in the chlorella party.:yep:
Hi Luckiest! Thanx for the love! :yep:

My mom did not say, she talked to me while she was out of town but I suspect it was a combination of her meds and the CHL but I found out that even though she was out of town she was still getting small amounts of CHL due to her drinking Bolthouse Farms Green I say she better go on with her bad self!!! Oh, I definitely think CHL has something to do with it because she has been on the meds forever and never had this kind of breakthrough. Now she still deals with a lot of pain and other issues but Luckiest, she is making PROGRESS! By the way, how is your mom doing???

Good to see your mom is doing better. My mom is okay. Thanks for asking. she's never great these days because she feels so bad from systemic lupus and she also has trouble breathing so she has an oxygen machine too. However the doc has noticed a few changes in her tests,like her blood pressure is better. She was borderline diabetic and that has changed back to almost normal. She hasn't done anything differently except chlorella.

Also her hair is just off the chain. It grows like a weed. I'm It is so much thicker and longer than it was before and that's with her cutting it all the time.

She doesn't have as dramatic a weight loss as me, but that's because she is eating southern fried food left and right and cannot exercise because of all the problems she has (the docs told her NOT to). But at least she's getting it down slowly.

I'm glad to hear from you Hairhustla. :grin:
Hang in there girl.... We are all in this together!! If only I could get my diet together...

Hey soonergirl thanks for encouraging mstar! Good to hear from you too. I always look forward to your posts.

I hear you on the diet thing.It took me years to even get it together. I tried a little by little. Changing one thing at a time. Like adding a salad to one of my meals, and reducing the amount of soda I drunk little by little. Adding fish or seafood as one meal a week, then two, etc. It's a little less dramatic then cutting everything out at once, losing it a few weeks later, and then going back to normal habits. :wallbash:

I even eat desserts and stuff but I just make sure they're organic now, so that it's not processed, but I definitely eat tons of veggies, and seafood. Which would be HYSTERICAL to me a couple years ago:lachen:like what? What? What do you mean you don't eat mcdonald's or drink soda and you love veggies and seafood, and organic stuff. I thought it would taste crappy and that I would be forced into hell on earth:rolleyes:. The good news is there are so many yummy options.

We are all in this together. Thanks for your encouragement to Mstar again.
Hey soonergirl thanks for encouraging mstar! Good to hear from you too. I always look forward to your posts.

I hear you on the diet thing.It took me years to even get it together. I tried a little by little. Changing one thing at a time. Like adding a salad to one of my meals, and reducing the amount of soda I drunk little by little. Adding fish or seafood as one meal a week, then two, etc. It's a little less dramatic then cutting everything out at once, losing it a few weeks later, and then going back to normal habits. :wallbash:

I even eat desserts and stuff but I just make sure they're organic now, so that it's not processed, but I definitely eat tons of veggies, and seafood. Which would be HYSTERICAL to me a couple years ago:lachen:like what? What? What do you mean you don't eat mcdonald's or drink soda and you love veggies and seafood, and organic stuff. I thought it would taste crappy and that I would be forced into hell on earth:rolleyes:. The good news is there are so many yummy options.

We are all in this together. Thanks for your encouragement to Mstar again.

Hey girlie!!! thanks bunches!! your weight loss is very inspirational as well as your mother's health turn around (p.s. I am with her on the southern fried stuff though ;)!! Lucky, would you mind sharing some of your fish recipes (preparation, type of fish) I know I am asking a bunch but I know I am not the only one taking chlorella trying to transition to fish and other seafood.. Thanks
I realized that is a difference when I don't take chorella. I have slacked within the last week and I looked in the mirror and noticed all these little bumps on my face. I have good skin in which I only get pimples when I have my period or drink coffee. I have been drinking coffee for the last week and the little pimples set in.

I randomly last week took chorella during slacking off and I had the worse detox symptoms: I woke up at 4:00 and vomitted and had severe diarehha. I will be starting back today and attempt to be consistent. This week was a great lesson for me.
I think I'm going to do this. How many mg should I start out taking a day?

Its really up to you! Check out the first couple of pages where lucky gives the "how to's"...Its recommended to not start off to fast as it can cause diarrhea or constipation...I was hard headed and started off with 3 grams... Good luck!!!
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Well, 500mg a day seemed so easy that I've bumped it up to 1gm. I've decided to space my doses 6-7 hours apart. that give me 730am, 3pm, and 10pm. Today is my trial day. Hope it works well. That would get me to 1.5gm within a week of restart.
I realized that is a difference when I don't take chorella. I have slacked within the last week and I looked in the mirror and noticed all these little bumps on my face. I have good skin in which I only get pimples when I have my period or drink coffee. I have been drinking coffee for the last week and the little pimples set in.

I randomly last week took chorella during slacking off and I had the worse detox symptoms: I woke up at 4:00 and vomitted and had severe diarehha. I will be starting back today and attempt to be consistent. This week was a great lesson for me.
The exact same thing happened to me. Needless to say, I am back on:yep:
Hey all

NiceLady - you said you notice a difference when you don't take chlorella - you are so right. I am so addicted to this thread and went back to read some old posts and someone said that they now smile when they look in the mirror instead of avoiding it.

I thought it was just me - I am 44 years old - I have been taking chlorella for nearly 6 weeks and I now have tight glowy skin, eyebrows (I could never get them shaped cos they hardly grew but now they need shaping) eyelashes, and I just feel good alot of the time. I can't believe it is me!!! I smile when I look in the mirror too :spinning:

Also, my hair is growing (but natural so cant say how much yet). Just waiting for my appetite to decrease and lose some more weight.

BTW I tried my new growth serum - aloe vera gel, chlorella powder, coconut oil and rosemary - applying mixture to scalp everyother day. Don't know if it will grow my hair any more but it cant do any harm - better than my paraben loaded ex hair growth tonic:nono:

Will keep you all posted on hair growth must take some pictures and post.

Thank you LD for starting this thread - and those that have also taken lots of time to encourage others, you have changed women's lives across the world by introducing us to chlorella - not sure you will ever know the great positive impact you are having and willl continue to have. May God bless you abunduntly:pray:
Hang in there girl.... We are all in this together!! If only I could get my diet together...
Thank you so much for the encouragement!! I'm definitely in it for the long haul, but it is hard sometimes to hear about people seeing amazing results after 2 weeks of taking chl. Of course I'm happy for them, but I'm like, what about me? How come I never get anything good?:lachen:I'm sure it will come in time...

LD, I'd love to hear some of your healthy fish recipes, too! I've always loved fruits and vegetables, and I was raised eating a healthy diet, but I also have a weakness for sweets. I'm also never hungry in the morning, and I sometimes put off eating until late afternoon, and I know I HAVE TO break that pattern. I'm going to check out the health section of the forum to see if I can get some tips on meal preparation...I'm lazy, so having pre-prepared meals is about the only way to get me to eat more regularly.
Thank you so much for the encouragement!! I'm definitely in it for the long haul, but it is hard sometimes to hear about people seeing amazing results after 2 weeks of taking chl. Of course I'm happy for them, but I'm like, what about me? How come I never get anything good?:lachen:I'm sure it will come in time...

LD, I'd love to hear some of your healthy fish recipes, too! I've always loved fruits and vegetables, and I was raised eating a healthy diet, but I also have a weakness for sweets. I'm also never hungry in the morning, and I sometimes put off eating until late afternoon, and I know I HAVE TO break that pattern. I'm going to check out the health section of the forum to see if I can get some tips on meal preparation...I'm lazy, so having pre-prepared meals is about the only way to get me to eat more regularly.

Really? I've never been asked for recipes before. I'll have to think of a few that I use and pm them. Some are healthy and some are more substantial. I use the others like crab enchiladas for saturdays, etc. I still make them with all natural ingredients w/o chems and stuff that I get from wholefoods so it's still a lot healthier for the body then eating processed stuff (however those crab enchiladas are not low in fat lol!) but sometimes I crave cheesy enchiladas (not with that red sauce though, the green chile sauce:grin:). But I also have some grilled fish ones and stuff and also grilled shrimp with mango salsa:lick:.

I'll think about which ones and get back to you soon via pm. If I forget please don't hesitate to pm! BTW I definitely have a weakness for sweets and fries. If I eat them, I try to make sure that they have less sugar, and aren't again made with processed ingredients. With fries, I like to make them the all natural way by slicing up potatoes or sweet potatoes. For desserts I'll use wholewheat flour: honey or less sugar, and other ingredients so that my body can process it better. I don't believe in depriving myself. I just try to balance what I eat. Lots of veggies and seafood, occasional all natural desserts because life is too short to live without sweets:spinning: at least for me.

If you love vegetables you're already half way there. I tried to make a rule of thumb to have half vegetables at lunch and dinner at the very least (I actually have more than that but that's what I did in the beginning to ease myself into it. Now my lunch most of the time is all veggies and my dinner is at least half to three quarter veggies and seafood, and I still try to eat some type of fruit with my breakfast. Heck sometimes I even eat veggies which I know will gross out some of you). When in doubt you want to cover 1/2 to 3/4 of your plate with veggies:yep: and when eating carbs stick to stuff like whole wheat, brown rice, and other non processed items.

I realize that feeling of wanting everything to happen now! But last year I made a promise to myself. I weighed 229pds and partly because of medication and partially because my thyroid was destroyed (with it went my metabolism) because before that I was always in the 120's. I knew that for a couple years I was like I really need to get this weight off! But I'd try something and then quit. One day I made a realization...

I thought to myself what would've happened if I had even applied myself and took it day by day. I realized I would've gotten to my goals by now if I had of taken some kind of action. So I decided that w hen I fell off, I didn't beat myself up, so what I fell off for a day. I'd make sure to get back on the horse the next day. I thought eventually I HAD to lose the weight. I had a theory that weight loss is about eating right, screwing up, and eating right again. Because no one in the beginning is going to do everything right. And also no one in their right mind can live without what they love for long. So I decided okay. I will keep the things I love, but just make healthier and all natural versions of those things. Well now I've lost pretty much 100 pounds. You heard it. And I would not believe it NOR my docs who told me it was impossible now that I'd been given radioactive iodine and had my thyroid destroyed. They told me it would be a struggle even with medication as I had just gained too much, and that I should just embrace where I was and try to get down as much as I could. So ha to them! Okay. Sorry. I got carried away.

I definitely wanted the weight off right then and there, but if I never committed I wouldn't be able to check this off my list this year. So even when I want to roll my eyes and yell "I WANT IT NOW!" about whatever I'm doing, I remind myself that no matter what, if I take a step forward in whatever I do, I WILL get there.

I think of chlorella the same way. It's just something that I do every day. I don't wait for results, but I just do it. I take it. It contains all the vits, minerals, and amino's I need anyways. I think anything else will be gravy. And surprise surprise it is definitely gravy. But I didn't eyeball it everyday. Believe me I understand impatience, but chlorella is doing it's thing. You just wait.
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Really? I've never been asked for recipes before. I'll have to think of a few that I use and pm them. Some are healthy and some are more substantial. I use the others like crab enchiladas for saturdays, etc. I still make them with all natural ingredients w/o chems and stuff that I get from wholefoods so it's still a lot healthier for the body then eating processed stuff (however those crab enchiladas are not low in fat lol!) but sometimes I crave cheesy enchiladas (not with that red sauce though, the green chile sauce:grin:). But I also have some grilled fish ones and stuff and also grilled shrimp with mango salsa:lick:.

I'll think about which ones and get back to you soon via pm. If I forget please don't hesitate to pm! BTW I definitely have a weakness for sweets and fries. If I eat them, I try to make sure that they have less sugar, and aren't again made with processed ingredients. With fries, I like to make them the all natural way by slicing up potatoes or sweet potatoes. For desserts I'll use wholewheat flour: honey or less sugar, and other ingredients so that my body can process it better. I don't believe in depriving myself. I just try to balance what I eat. Lots of veggies and seafood, occasional all natural desserts because life is too short to live without sweets:spinning: at least for me.

If you love vegetables you're already half way there. I tried to make a rule of thumb to have half vegetables at lunch and dinner at the very least (I actually have more than that but that's what I did in the beginning to ease myself into it. Now my lunch most of the time is all veggies and my dinner is at least half to three quarter veggies and seafood, and I still try to eat some type of fruit with my breakfast. Heck sometimes I even eat veggies which I know will gross out some of you). When in doubt you want to cover 1/2 to 3/4 of your plate with veggies:yep: and when eating carbs stick to stuff like whole wheat, brown rice, and other non processed items.

I realize that feeling of wanting everything to happen now! But last year I made a promise to myself. I weighed 229pds and partly because of medication and partially because my thyroid was destroyed (with it went my metabolism) because before that I was always in the 120's. I knew that for a couple years I was like I really need to get this weight off! But I'd try something and then quit. One day I made a realization...

I thought to myself what would've happened if I had even applied myself and took it day by day. I realized I would've gotten to my goals by now if I had of taken some kind of action. So I decided that w hen I fell off, I didn't beat myself up, so what I fell off for a day. I'd make sure to get back on the horse the next day. I thought eventually I HAD to lose the weight. I had a theory that weight loss is about eating right, screwing up, and eating right again. Because no one in the beginning is going to do everything right. And also no one in their right mind can live without what they love for long. So I decided okay. I will keep the things I love, but just make healthier and all natural versions of those things. Well now I've lost pretty much 100 pounds. You heard it. And I would not believe it NOR my docs who told me it was impossible now that I'd been given radioactive iodine and had my thyroid destroyed. They told me it would be a struggle even with medication as I had just gained too much, and that I should just embrace where I was and try to get down as much as I could. So ha to them! Okay. Sorry. I got carried away.

I definitely wanted the weight off right then and there, but if I never committed I wouldn't be able to check this off my list this year. So even when I want to roll my eyes and yell "I WANT IT NOW!" about whatever I'm doing, I remind myself that no matter what, if I take a step forward in whatever I do, I WILL get there.

I think of chlorella the same way. It's just something that I do every day. I don't wait for results, but I just do it. I take it. It contains all the vits, minerals, and amino's I need anyways. I think anything else will be gravy. And surprise surprise it is definitely gravy. But I didn't eyeball it everyday. Believe me I understand impatience, but chlorella is doing it's thing. You just wait.

Love this post! You're such an inspiration, LD!:grin:

Well, I'm happy to report all of my pain in my ab region is gone! (I had abdominal hernia surgery last year and had been in chronic pain ever since because my nerves had been cut). It is so awesome. I tried to get my mom on CHL but she tried to take it like me (tossing 1/2 tsp in the mouth followed by water) and gagged, so she threw it away. Personally, I was quite annoyed---the stuff ain't cheap!

Go green, Girls!
I got my NOW powder yesterday and I'm finding very hard to take:perplexed, but I'm getting more grams than when I take the pills. Went green super fast ( TMI, I know) But I love the healthy feeling it gives off. I mixed it with Naked blue machine and couldn't taste it at all. I may have to get more soon my DH on this kick too and he loves it. I'm leaving for FL on sat. so my mom is getting on this too. Glad to see it's helping so many.
Really? I've never been asked for recipes before. I'll have to think of a few that I use and pm them. Some are healthy and some are more substantial. I use the others like crab enchiladas for saturdays, etc. I still make them with all natural ingredients w/o chems and stuff that I get from wholefoods so it's still a lot healthier for the body then eating processed stuff (however those crab enchiladas are not low in fat lol!) but sometimes I crave cheesy enchiladas (not with that red sauce though, the green chile sauce:grin:). But I also have some grilled fish ones and stuff and also grilled shrimp with mango salsa:lick:.

I'll think about which ones and get back to you soon via pm. If I forget please don't hesitate to pm! BTW I definitely have a weakness for sweets and fries. If I eat them, I try to make sure that they have less sugar, and aren't again made with processed ingredients. With fries, I like to make them the all natural way by slicing up potatoes or sweet potatoes. For desserts I'll use wholewheat flour: honey or less sugar, and other ingredients so that my body can process it better. I don't believe in depriving myself. I just try to balance what I eat. Lots of veggies and seafood, occasional all natural desserts because life is too short to live without sweets:spinning: at least for me.

If you love vegetables you're already half way there. I tried to make a rule of thumb to have half vegetables at lunch and dinner at the very least (I actually have more than that but that's what I did in the beginning to ease myself into it. Now my lunch most of the time is all veggies and my dinner is at least half to three quarter veggies and seafood, and I still try to eat some type of fruit with my breakfast. Heck sometimes I even eat veggies which I know will gross out some of you). When in doubt you want to cover 1/2 to 3/4 of your plate with veggies:yep: and when eating carbs stick to stuff like whole wheat, brown rice, and other non processed items.

I realize that feeling of wanting everything to happen now! But last year I made a promise to myself. I weighed 229pds and partly because of medication and partially because my thyroid was destroyed (with it went my metabolism) because before that I was always in the 120's. I knew that for a couple years I was like I really need to get this weight off! But I'd try something and then quit. One day I made a realization...

I thought to myself what would've happened if I had even applied myself and took it day by day. I realized I would've gotten to my goals by now if I had of taken some kind of action. So I decided that w hen I fell off, I didn't beat myself up, so what I fell off for a day. I'd make sure to get back on the horse the next day. I thought eventually I HAD to lose the weight. I had a theory that weight loss is about eating right, screwing up, and eating right again. Because no one in the beginning is going to do everything right. And also no one in their right mind can live without what they love for long. So I decided okay. I will keep the things I love, but just make healthier and all natural versions of those things. Well now I've lost pretty much 100 pounds. You heard it. And I would not believe it NOR my docs who told me it was impossible now that I'd been given radioactive iodine and had my thyroid destroyed. They told me it would be a struggle even with medication as I had just gained too much, and that I should just embrace where I was and try to get down as much as I could. So ha to them! Okay. Sorry. I got carried away.

I definitely wanted the weight off right then and there, but if I never committed I wouldn't be able to check this off my list this year. So even when I want to roll my eyes and yell "I WANT IT NOW!" about whatever I'm doing, I remind myself that no matter what, if I take a step forward in whatever I do, I WILL get there.

I think of chlorella the same way. It's just something that I do every day. I don't wait for results, but I just do it. I take it. It contains all the vits, minerals, and amino's I need anyways. I think anything else will be gravy. And surprise surprise it is definitely gravy. But I didn't eyeball it everyday. Believe me I understand impatience, but chlorella is doing it's thing. You just wait.

yup this is completely off topic. ok soooooooooo this post made me tear up. soley because it was so supportive and encouraging. see imma fatty butnot because of any operation, condition or medication. i just eat too much crap and dont move enough. so i had been determined i was gonna get my health on track (my poppa passed from a massive coronary and heart disease/diabetes run in my family). some other stressors in my life have completely gotten me off track and i figured, *** it, so i stopped even taking my chlorella and i've been eating everything in sight like some type of starving refugee. this post just got to me. i need to lose around 70lbs and I think i can do it. im finna go pop my chlorella. Thanks LD. oh and hit me up with some of those recipes too homie. i'll be expecting some PMs.
Thanks for the post LD. I sometimes think God gives us the cures to everything naturally. I stumbled upon your post for a reason. I felt I was starting to look tired in the face and have no energy but because of Chlorella my body is changing. I had a goiter that is not as visble now. I am losing some of my chins.(lol) Just wanted to say without getting emotional God bless you. I 'm telling everyone I know about it.
yup this is completely off topic. ok soooooooooo this post made me tear up. soley because it was so supportive and encouraging. see imma fatty butnot because of any operation, condition or medication. i just eat too much crap and dont move enough. so i had been determined i was gonna get my health on track (my poppa passed from a massive coronary and heart disease/diabetes run in my family). some other stressors in my life have completely gotten me off track and i figured, *** it, so i stopped even taking my chlorella and i've been eating everything in sight like some type of starving refugee. this post just got to me. i need to lose around 70lbs and I think i can do it. im finna go pop my chlorella. Thanks LD. oh and hit me up with some of those recipes too homie. i'll be expecting some PMs.

Yup I got emotional too... That post was from your heart lucky and we all could feel it....whew!
Love this post! You're such an inspiration, LD!:grin:

Well, I'm happy to report all of my pain in my ab region is gone! (I had abdominal hernia surgery last year and had been in chronic pain ever since because my nerves had been cut). It is so awesome. I tried to get my mom on CHL but she tried to take it like me (tossing 1/2 tsp in the mouth followed by water) and gagged, so she threw it away. Personally, I was quite annoyed---the stuff ain't cheap!

Go green, Girls!

I am so happy for you berry black (about your ab pain leaving not about your mom throwing out the CHL:lachen:it IS expensive)! Thanks for sharing your experience with CHL with everyone here.
I got my NOW powder yesterday and I'm finding very hard to take:perplexed, but I'm getting more grams than when I take the pills. Went green super fast ( TMI, I know) But I love the healthy feeling it gives off. I mixed it with Naked blue machine and couldn't taste it at all. I may have to get more soon my DH on this kick too and he loves it. I'm leaving for FL on sat. so my mom is getting on this too. Glad to see it's helping so many.

Haven't tried the blue machine, only the green. However if you can't taste it!! Try to see if it helps the same way as the green by feeling free to add some distilled or spring water to it. It'll make it the consistency of juice and not a smoothie (for less sugar). Also know that you only need 2-40z of juice/water to get it down. No need to get 8 ounces unless you just want to. I started doing less juice/water mixture to save money but found that it was just as effective. HTH
yup this is completely off topic. ok soooooooooo this post made me tear up. soley because it was so supportive and encouraging. see imma fatty butnot because of any operation, condition or medication. i just eat too much crap and dont move enough. so i had been determined i was gonna get my health on track (my poppa passed from a massive coronary and heart disease/diabetes run in my family). some other stressors in my life have completely gotten me off track and i figured, *** it, so i stopped even taking my chlorella and i've been eating everything in sight like some type of starving refugee. this post just got to me. i need to lose around 70lbs and I think i can do it. im finna go pop my chlorella. Thanks LD. oh and hit me up with some of those recipes too homie. i'll be expecting some PMs.

I'll make sure to pm you too! I don't think it's off topic. Chlorella helps with overall health. Though it will not take off weight for everyone right away it does provide the "environment" for weight loss (from the article I posted waaaay back in this thread). So when you start eating right it helps to speed up the weight loss and really aid the metabolism by balancing the body. I KNOW you can lose the weight. Pm me if you ever need encouragement. I can be your cheerleader buddy so to speak:yep:. Bless you!
Anybody using Wonder Laboratories Super Chlorella, 1000 mg (3 tabs/q day)? I'm almost out of powder and ready to purchase more.
I wanna take my Chlorella again :( How can I get the vomiting to stop. 10 pills is 2 grams, and I took just one pill and I still got sick! What's wrong with me.
I wanna take my Chlorella again :( How can I get the vomiting to stop. 10 pills is 2 grams, and I took just one pill and I still got sick! What's wrong with me.

OcoLove I don't think anything is wrong with you. Just like there are allergies to other foods, you may have an allergy to chlorella. Especially if one pill is making you throw up.

First assess your foods: are you eating right? Perhaps you're very sensitive and there's a lot of detoxing for you to do.
Do you drink water with it?

Finally if you take it w/o food, do it the other way. If you take it with food, do it without. Some people have tweaked their diet this way and chlorella works for them. Go figure why some bodies like it with food and some without.

If you are eating right, and drinking water then you are probably allergic sorry to say.

My first advice is to ask people to lower their dose and then ease their way into it. However it seems that you've already done that. If that's the case, you may have a bonefide allergy like some have to eggs, or chicken, or fish. If that's the case then you should stop taking it. Because no one should suffer food allergy complications because of chlorella. Some say it's a detox effect but I just wouldn't risk it if I tried everything above.
OcoLove I don't think anything is wrong with you. Just like there are allergies to other foods, you may have an allergy to chlorella. Especially if one pill is making you throw up.

First assess your foods: are you eating right? Perhaps you're very sensitive and there's a lot of detoxing for you to do.
Do you drink water with it?

Finally if you take it w/o food, do it the other way. If you take it with food, do it without. Some people have tweaked their diet this way and chlorella works for them. Go figure why some bodies like it with food and some without.

If you are eating right, and drinking water then you are probably allergic sorry to say.

My first advice is to ask people to lower their dose and then ease their way into it. However it seems that you've already done that. If that's the case, you may have a bonefide allergy like some have to eggs, or chicken, or fish. If that's the case then you should stop taking it. Because no one should suffer food allergy complications because of chlorella. Some say it's a detox effect but I just wouldn't risk it if I tried everything above.

I knew you'd come in and make me feel better. :grin: I have not taken it on an empty stomach, so I think I'll cut one in half and take it that way over the weekend.

I was taking like 20 of them with no problem -- then one day I got sick from only 5. And skin was so pretty! Now I have three bumps on my face.

I'm on atkins, so my energy level is good and I'm swimming in water cause I drink so much. I'm gonna try once more...then I guess I can wet them up and put them on my face!

Thanks honey bunny.
I was supposed to start back on chlorella a few weeks ago but never did. It was breaking me out and one some days it was making me feel not so good...and I'm sure that's part of the detox but I just didn't feel like dealing with it after a while!
I'm trying to get back on track, I'm sure I'll see results in the long run, but it's hard to keep consistent. Nice to see the thread still going strong, it looks like I've missed a lot so I'll have to go back and see what I've missed....
I'm still on the CHL train, my noticeable changes have slowed, but I think thats due to a combi of factors. I'll continue because I know what it is and will continue to do for my body even if I am past the stage of seeing drastic changes.

LD you are such an encouragement, inspiration, and all out sweetie! Thank you for your post, sharing your story and the positive effects many of us will experience from doing better now we know better.

God bless ya!
Stopped Chl/Spr for past two weeks due to an upcoming surgery. However, my status has changed and surgery postponed until August. I am resuming today at my regular dosage.

FYI, my pre-op bloodwork was excellent, not that I expected less, I received a clean bill of health, but came down with Acute Bronchitis that turned into pnuemonia, and now I am trying to get over that.

Why stop the Chl/Spr? Because of its cleansing properites of the blood. My Doc advised me to stop taking it two weeks before so that it would not cause me to have excess bleeding.

I spent two days in Hosp this past week, I really wanted to get surgery (hand) over with so I can get on with life, but it is what it is. Grateful to be feeling better than I have been.

Have a great weekend ladies!