How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
You're "Good to go" as in you're taking at LEAST enough to make a difference in your body. But you should follow the guidelines that I and a few others posted in several articles 5-6 is a maintanence dose (where the article said you wouldn't notice much difference 10-12 or up is disease fighting and you should notice a significant difference (though you should take your time to get there if you want to do that).

Here's a snippet from one of those articles:

Disease-fighting dose: 10 grams / day
Maintenance dose: 5 grams / day
Upper limit: there is no upper limit, but introduce chlorella into your diet gradually and monitor your stools. Since chlorella can result in mild diarrhea in some persons, introduce it slowly. (Your body will adapt over a period of a few weeks, allowing you to take more.)

Once again, most people take far too little of these foods. I've seen people take two tiny tablets of chlorella -- about 300mg -- and declare they've "taken my chlorella for the day!" That's like eating one bite of broccoli and expecting to receive the full health benefits of broccoli.

In order to be effective, you've got to take the much larger doses mentioned above. If you buy chlorella in tiny tablets, as it is often sold, that means taking a handful of tablets with each meal. Here's a tip: don't count out the tablets every single time. Count them once so you know what five grams looks like. After that, just grab a handful and toss it down your throat. It doesn't matter if it's off by a few tablets. Remember: these aren't drugs. You don't have to be exact about it, just make sure you're getting at least the doses mentioned above.

There's no harm in taking more, of course. Aside from the health benefits I've described here, the main thing you'll notice is that your stools will turn green. This is an indication that you're getting a good dose of chlorella and spirulina into your diet. If your stools aren't green, you aren't taking enough

Though a few people are at 3 gms and doing just fine. So you need to do what's right for your body.

Also those using it as a protein supplement can up their dose even more than 12, and taking even more is not a bad thing as it's a super food. So it's really up to you to judge for yourself. Some vegetarians have been known to take 20 gms or more as their sole source of protein. As chlorella is processed by your body from 80-90 percent (depending on how the cell wall is cracked and how you take it), regular protein like beef is only processed to 20 percent and the rest leaves in your #2! So Chlorella at a smaller dose can do significantly more than meat or even protein drinks. The article also talks about Spirulina which I am NOT taking because I am autoimmune. So those with autoimmune and other immune challenges should weigh it appropriately as some argue that it helps, and others that it makes the immune system over active (which could lead to attack instead of helping). I don't take the chance, and just avoid it. There is no argument w/ Chlorella however, so it can be taken by those w/ health problems.

Though there are other articles that say the opposite, I just wanted to post it as a reminder so that everyone can make informed decisions if deciding to take spirulina:

This is By Dr. Ray Sahelian M.D
Apparently spirulina has the ability to stimulate the immune system which could be beneficial in some individuals, and potentially harmful in those who already have an overactive immune system or an autoimmune condition. Therefore, spirulina is not advised to be taken regularly for those who have lupus, autoimmune thyroiditis, pemphigus vulgaris, and other such conditions (auto/overactive)


Just because it's natural doesn't mean there is not an upper limit. Too much of a good thing can be harmful, ie when people drink too much water and die from imbalancing their electrolytes.
Just because it's natural doesn't mean there is not an upper limit. Too much of a good thing can be harmful, ie when people drink too much water and die from imbalancing their electrolytes.

Gotcha. Just posting the article. That's THEIR opinion and tons of other nutritionists. However I do agree with you that too much of a good thing can be bad. And just because something is good for you doesn't mean it is for everyone so you should listen to your body.

For instance, everyone raves over soy. I start spotting when I eat it (fibroids) and when I don't I'm fine. So NO one can tell me it's great for my body because I know it does something that makes my body respond negatively. Maybe I already have too much estrogen...who knows?

Another example: If you're allergic in theory a food that is good can be bad for you. If you eat too much of anything it's a nono. I don't think people will start substituting chlorella for their entire meals (though I posted an article about people in China taking it during the war so that they would not starve and they survived and thrived on just chlorella). As we are not in a Dire situation, we should not over do it either. I did a post about that earlier in the thread asking that chlorella still be used in reasonable amounts.

Thanks for reminding us, though. I don't think anyone here has posted a ridiculous amount that they're taking, however it's important to just remind people to listen to their bodies.:yep:
Thought my weight loss had stalled for a minute (you know how plateus are). I am proud to say I am now at 132 pds. Whohooo! (I'm just shy of 5'5 and my goal is about 122-125 starting weight was 229. Starting weight w/ chlorella end of Jan was 163) I've officially lost over 30 pounds in about 4 months using chlorella (I was averaging way less without it. I was losing but it was creeping along sometimes, and sometimes faster and plateaus...I'd stay at FOREVER).:rofl:
I have lupus too. And I've started taking Chlorella, but I've only been on it a couple of weeks. Glad to hear it hasn't caused you to flare, Luckiestdestiny.
I have lupus too. And I've started taking Chlorella, but I've only been on it a couple of weeks. Glad to hear it hasn't caused you to flare, Luckiestdestiny.

MSA is the one with Lupus. I have Grave's which is autoimmune and any auto immune I think must think about whether to use it or not. In addition, my docs are extensively testing me and watching as they think I have a cluster effect happening (where you get one auto and then another). I'm hoping chlorella can help me with this.

My mom has systemic Lupus and she was So ill from Spirulina she went to the emergency room. It was the only thing she did differently. After they told her to stop taking it, she instantly felt better. Not SUPER good, but better (as she still has lupus). It really caused hers to flare up. It wasn't pretty.:nono:

Others have had success so I guess it's for you to judge.

However even though chlorella and spirulina are similar, they have other properties that make them different. Chlorella's CGF helps the body to renew its cells (and heal disease), so it's not "stimulating the immune system" in the same way. It's encouraging the immune system and cells of the body to renew and get healthy, and the systems to balance itself.

Whereas SPirulina encourages the immune system to strengthen. That's great, except if you're auto immune. For instance with Systemic lupus, as I'm sure you know, internal organs are attacked. So if you make the immune system stronger that's a no no because now it's stronger and it's going to attack you stronger (possibly) because the immune systme is still unbalanced. Whereas Chlorella's going to encourage the body to balance itself so to speak. Spirulina is great for those w/o those problems, and some with immune problems have responded well to it. It just is like a crap shoot, and I, having an auto immune problem (and possibly others), don't want to expose myself to that risk.

However everyone should approach it cautiously. That's why I just wanted to inform everyone so you can have it in the back of your mind. If you are willing to take the leap, and you feel violently ill after taking it, and your symptoms flare up, then you'll know and stop takin git.
Here's a post I found. I also found some that recommend both chl and spir, but others that do not recommend spir for Lupus. So decide carefully whether to just take chl or both.

The post I'm posting below is just related to CHL.
My mom hasn't had instantaneous results like the lady below, but she's had systemic lupus for over 16 years now and it's really severe. She's such a fighter but she finally had to leave work, it got so bad. She does feel a little better, though.
As per our telephone conversation yesterday, I am forwarding you the email that gives testament to the wonderful benefits that our family has experienced since taking the Chlorella.
Suffering from symptoms of lupus and a very advance candida overgrowth, the search was ongoing for supplements that would help the condition of my body. I had changed my eating habits and lifestyle several years earlier and was on a pretty intensive regiment of natural supplements in hope of regaining the state of health and well being that had been robbed from me. Although I had some results from the supplements that I was taking, nothing came close to comparing what happened when I began to take the Chlorella.

I am not exaggerating, the day that I began taking the Chlorella, I had instantaneous results. The lupus symptoms virtually walked out the door! Energy to last throughout the day, no mid-afternoon fatigue that usually wiped me out.

How's everyone's energy with the chl after detox symptoms dissipate? I have a little more, but not a lot. However, I didn't have much to begin with anyways so any extra is a God send.
^ ^
same here, I wasn't high energy to begin with (unless it was after a really loooong day time nap) and so far I haven't noticed any improvement in that area. I've only been taking Chl since May, so I'm still waiting for results. I may actually switch brands in hopes of getting some of these amazing results that I'm reading on this thread.
Still on the chlorella train... choo-choo.. Havent posted in a while, as this thread has really grown...Love reading the new posts!! Its so good to see so many of you joining us on this journey!!! Wow, there are a lotta ladies out there that have gone green, with no body odor, morning breath and are healthy!!!

Thanks to luckiest,babydollhair,yodie,muse,mariomadragal,bellereveuse,blaqueangel,atlantajj and all of the other ladies (soo many I cant name) that have paid it forward in the name of chlorella!! Hang in there ladies, remember we are in this for life!!
^ ^
same here, I wasn't high energy to begin with (unless it was after a really loooong day time nap) and so far I haven't noticed any improvement in that area. I've only been taking Chl since May, so I'm still waiting for results. I may actually switch brands in hopes of getting some of these amazing results that I'm reading on this thread.

Remember, Luckydestiny said that women see the results within 3 months. I have been taking it for a month and I too find that after I drink it I become tired. However, I always take it a couple of hours before going to sleep. I am wondering if it is helping my hair because my sides started growing earlier than usual and within 4 weeks, it seemed as though I needed a serious relaxer.

What about your skin? My skin is shiny and wonderful. Are there any other areas that are improving? If so, then it is working and just sit tight.
alright. it's officially been one whole month. i started may 20th. so, i originally started with 3g, but was quickly reminded by mama lucki to cut it down to 1g and drink more water. i obeyed. after about two weeks i increased to 3g. even before the increase, i was noticing some breakouts. but i have problem skin anyway, so sometimes it's hard to tell what from what.

one month and 40 pages later... still having breakouts. guzzling water like a camel, so i don't know. i'm gonna stick it out for the recommended three months. not noticing any real growth spurts or anything. i will say that i am happy to report that i have about 5 inches of texlaxed hair since i started this journey in october of last year. and that's just stretching with my hand, without flat ironing it (on bootcamp, so no heat allowed). that's a teeny bit more than half an inch per month. i'm still cutting away at relaxed ends, so it's not getting longer, but it's surely healthier.

thank god for you ladies and this forum. seriously. sometimes i get really discouraged, but then i get on here and see some progress pic, or read some story or just be a part of this community where there are actually women of color HELPING each other. i was watching traycee's thank you youtube vid two days ago about how wonderful it is for black women to help each other, when in real life, it seems like they try NOT to. how even if you complimented a sista on her shoes and ask her where she got them, she'll dodge trying to tell you. yesterday i was at the mall, and saw a cacasian sista with some fire gladiator sandals on. i asked her where she got them and she immediately told me "aeropostale, thank you." traycee's vid popped into my head. "i wish we did THAT more," i thought.

so, sorry, that was a lot more than about chlorella. but i just feel wonderful about finding this board. thank you.
NuBraveHart, great progress report. Glad to hear you are not going to give up on Chlorella. Let it work out the problems that you had pre-chlorella, that's what you want it to do. Hang in there, I promise you will love reaping the full benefits as they will surely come. Green for life!
NuBraveHart as you know chlorella works differently in each person as it balances your system first. In 3-4 months you should see some amazing changes. I'm glad you're hanging in too just as Mariofmagdal says those benefits are coming.

I love the green life!

Mariofmagdal I love it when you pop in BTW, you are so inspirational.
Just an update which I have not done in a while:

Was at 3g of Chlorella from my usual 6 for a little over a month. Vitacost was on backorder and my powder just came Friday. So now I am back up to 6, I lost my green and hope to be back green soon.

Bad news: I lost 4 pounds in a week! Its bad cause I only weighed 100 and am now down to 96:blush:! Granted I am only 5'1, but that is still too little. Nothing else changed so I am wondering if dropping off the chlorella had something to do with it. I have been very consistent with 6g a day since February.

Anyway, I want to up my dose and see how it goes. My eyelashes are still long, and my skin has that nice glow. My hair is a wreck due to heat styling so I am hoping the chlorella helps my newgrowth come out strong and fast so I can start cutting away the damage.

Tis all for now:wave:
NuBraveHart as you know chlorella works differently in each person as it balances your system first. In 3-4 months you should see some amazing changes. I'm glad you're hanging in too just as Mariofmagdal says those benefits are coming.

I love the green life!

Mariofmagdal I love it when you pop in BTW, you are so inspirational.

Thanks LD, you introduced me and so many others to something so AWESOME, it's easy to jump in and share what I have learned. GREEN is the new BLACK for me! Thanks to all the wonderful ladies who share in this forum!
Just an update which I have not done in a while:

Was at 3g of Chlorella from my usual 6 for a little over a month. Vitacost was on backorder and my powder just came Friday. So now I am back up to 6, I lost my green and hope to be back green soon.

Bad news: I lost 4 pounds in a week! Its bad cause I only weighed 100 and am now down to 96:blush:! Granted I am only 5'1, but that is still too little. Nothing else changed so I am wondering if dropping off the chlorella had something to do with it. I have been very consistent with 6g a day since February.

Anyway, I want to up my dose and see how it goes. My eyelashes are still long, and my skin has that nice glow. My hair is a wreck due to heat styling so I am hoping the chlorella helps my newgrowth come out strong and fast so I can start cutting away the damage.

Tis all for now:wave:

Good to see you're having excellent benefits. Sorry about the weight loss as you don't want it....maybe increase your carb intake?
I did a chlorella mask this past weekend - slept in it.. it was AMAZING.. After rinsing the next morning I literally had glowing skin!!

I used Fruit of the earth Aloe Vera Gel+ chlorella (enough to make a smooth paste) then added water to thin out the consistency.. applied to clean towel dried skin.. and in the morning rinsed with warm water
I did a chlorella mask this past weekend - slept in it.. it was AMAZING.. After rinsing the next morning I literally had glowing skin!!

I used Fruit of the earth Aloe Vera Gel+ chlorella (enough to make a smooth paste) then added water to thin out the consistency.. applied to clean towel dried skin.. and in the morning rinsed with warm water

A few seem to love the chlorella mask. I think it's possibly good for those w/o acne problems, or who are having that as a detox symptom. It would probably be best to wait for others w/ these problems as chlorella detoxes the skin.

I myself, tried some on my scar and it lightened it soooo much, and also the skin is soft and feels like SKIN instead of like a scar.

Glad you love it!
I'm in awe. I've been using Chlorella for about 3 months. Initially I saw excellent benefits & went green in record time. Steadily moving along at 9 grams of Sun Chlorella pills (I cannot stomach powder) I decided to switch to Source Naturals because I could get it at Whole Foods for much less than I paid for the Sun. Wells the benefits, how do you say, ceased:wallbash: !!! I'm serious I maintained the benefits I had but nothing more. I brought two boxes so I had to finish. When I had about 5 days left I order my beloved Sun pills on Ebay. I have been taking them at 12 grms for 4 days and my nail growth has returned as has my energy and my SO said, "Don't take this the wrong way but your face looks juicy. I mean like moist:blush:" Coming from him, trust that is a compliment.

Needless to say I am happy regarding my choice and more fine results with this brand of Chlorella. I just love being green!!!
I'm in awe. I've been using Chlorella for about 3 months. Initially I saw excellent benefits & went green in record time. Steadily moving along at 9 grams of Sun Chlorella pills (I cannot stomach powder) I decided to switch to Source Naturals because I could get it at Whole Foods for much less than I paid for the Sun. Wells the benefits, how do you say, ceased:wallbash: !!! I'm serious I maintained the benefits I had but nothing more. I brought two boxes so I had to finish. When I had about 5 days left I order my beloved Sun pills on Ebay. I have been taking them at 12 grms for 4 days and my nail growth has returned as has my energy and my SO said, "Don't take this the wrong way but your face looks juicy. I mean like moist:blush:" Coming from him, trust that is a compliment.

Needless to say I am happy regarding my choice and more fine results with this brand of Chlorella. I just love being green!!!

Interesting...has anyone else had a chance to try sun chlorella versus source naturals......?
I'm in awe. I've been using Chlorella for about 3 months. Initially I saw excellent benefits & went green in record time. Steadily moving along at 9 grams of Sun Chlorella pills (I cannot stomach powder) I decided to switch to Source Naturals because I could get it at Whole Foods for much less than I paid for the Sun. Wells the benefits, how do you say, ceased:wallbash: !!! I'm serious I maintained the benefits I had but nothing more. I brought two boxes so I had to finish. When I had about 5 days left I order my beloved Sun pills on Ebay. I have been taking them at 12 grms for 4 days and my nail growth has returned as has my energy and my SO said, "Don't take this the wrong way but your face looks juicy. I mean like moist:blush:" Coming from him, trust that is a compliment.

Needless to say I am happy regarding my choice and more fine results with this brand of Chlorella. I just love being green!!!

i also stopped using source naturals everal weeks ago.:spinning:

i did not enjoy the benefits as much as the one i used in the beginning.
it is not branded, but is from japan and very potent :yep:
Hey all, I have been lurking for a few weeks and have been using SN Powder for approx 3 weeks. I'm currently at 9g. I am seeing real benefits to my nails, skin and general feeling of well being.

I have not tried Sun Chlorella tablets but I have been doing alot of research and read somewhere on the web that it is important to keep your Chlorella away from direct heat, sunlight, oxygen - meaning don't keep the lid open for too long. You see like any other food, the benefits in chlorella can be compromised if not packaged or stored correctly.BTW it does not need to be stored in the fridge.

Yaeyama Chlorella scored highly elsewhere on the web as a high quality chlorella but its downside was the way in which it is packaged.
Sun Chlorella tablets on the other hand scored highly as a good quality tablet that was packaged in order to retain goodness. Resealable pouches?

Sorry I don't have web addresses as was doing some quick browsing.

I ordered 2 jars of SN and have no problems but will try Sun once they have been used up and report back on benefits.
Interesting...has anyone else had a chance to try sun chlorella versus source naturals......?

I posted something similar a long time ago!

I started on Earthrise brand....I went green, had glowing skin, long nails, everything was so great.

I decided to start on SN Powder to save money. After awhile that glow was no longer there and my nails stopped growing.

I went back to Earthrise and all the benefits returned.

Last month I wanted to try Sun brand...I noticed after a wk that I wasn't green anymore and my glow was gone.

I've been back on Earthrise for a wk and my glow is back and I'm green once again.

At this point I believe that the brand you start off with, benefits your body the most...
I posted something similar a long time ago!

I started on Earthrise brand....I went green, had glowing skin, long nails, everything was so great.

I decided to start on SN Powder to save money. After awhile that glow was no longer there and my nails stopped growing.

I went back to Earthrise and all the benefits returned.

Last month I wanted to try Sun brand...I noticed after a wk that I wasn't green anymore and my glow was gone.

I've been back on Earthrise for a wk and my glow is back and I'm green once again.

At this point I believe that the brand you start off with, benefits your body the most...[/quote]

That makes sense :yep:
I tried the SN brand of Chlorella during a shortage of Earthrise, no change, but I am sticking with my Earthrise. I took the Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella during a shortage and it caused me to detox. Back to my Earthrise.

I think if you find a brand that does you good, it's best to stick with it. I am going to do my best not to run low/out anymore. Lesson learned.
Hi All,

My herbalist recommend that I take Chlorella, Alfalfa and some other essential vitamins. I came to this thread to find the best website selling Chlorella, but this thread is sooooo lengthy.

Can someone please recommend a brand and/or a site from which I can purchase?


Hi All,

My herbalist recommend that I take Chlorella, Alfalfa and some other essential vitamins. I came to this thread to find the best website selling Chlorella, but this thread is sooooo lengthy.

Can someone please recommend a brand and/or a site from which I can purchase?


SNJ,, or Vitamin Shoppe.
You can see the different brands in the poll included in this thread.
I use Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder or pills and Earthrise.
Make sure it's the Yaeyama /Japanese chlorella.

There are others, but they are not as effective as the Yaeymama type.

If you read the first 2-3 pages of the thread, you will learn all you need to know.
OMG!! Ladies, thank you for cosigning. I love the LHCF:grin::grin::grin::grin:

I thought I was the only one who was on pause while using another brand. As I sit here today clipping and buffing my beautiful strong nails I am sooo happy I went back to the Sun brand. I will purchase another truckload from Ebay when I get low.

In Philly I found them at Penn Herbs @ 2nd and Spring Garden 300 pills for $32.00. I got them for so much less on Ebay.

Thank you ladies for the confirmation. Green for life...I AM
I am currently on Vitamin Shoppe brand. Since I'm a newbie, I'm starting on 1g a day for 2 weeks, then up to 2g for another 2 weeks, and then on to 3g. I know some start on 3g or higher, but I always have to see how my body reacts to a product and let it acclimate to the increasing doses. My ultimate goal is to reach 5-6g/day. Already my body is starting to detox and my energy level is slowly starting to increase.
I am currently on Vitamin Shoppe brand. Since I'm a newbie, I'm starting on 1g a day for 2 weeks, then up to 2g for another 2 weeks, and then on to 3g. I know some start on 3g or higher, but I always have to see how my body reacts to a product and let it acclimate to the increasing doses. My ultimate goal is to reach 5-6g/day. Already my body is starting to detox and my energy level is slowly starting to increase.

You have done right to go slow in order to watch your body's reaction. Welcome aboard!