How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Ok, I guess the detox phase is finally catching up with me. Since Thursday, my stomach has been queasy, I feel dizzy and lightheaded, my sleep has been restless, I have super-low energy, and I generally don't feel like myself.

I was due to step up to 5 grams last Friday, but I've decided to hold off until I begin feeling better.

My acne finally calmed down over the weekend, so that's good news. It had gotten really out of hand for a few weeks, and I was really feeling bad over it. Now I just have to wait for all the nasty acne scars to heal...
Ok, I guess the detox phase is finally catching up with me. Since Thursday, my stomach has been queasy, I feel dizzy and lightheaded, my sleep has been restless, I have super-low energy, and I generally don't feel like myself.

I was due to step up to 5 grams last Friday, but I've decided to hold off until I begin feeling better.

My acne finally calmed down over the weekend, so that's good news. It had gotten really out of hand for a few weeks, and I was really feeling bad over it. Now I just have to wait for all the nasty acne scars to heal...

It's good that you're taking it slow before increasing. I'm glad that you're listening to your body!
So... 5 months later and I caved. :lol: I took my first dose of the Source Naturals powder last night. The smell & taste is revolting! Like eating dirt! I did have some Green Goodness to mix it in though, fortunately. I'm going to be stocking up on it from now on! I hope to see some good come of this.

Welcome to the Chlorella party Shan_2001


Hope to hear more from you on your journey.:yep:
Ok Ladies, can anyone tell me whether its more important to be "green" or take a certain dosage? I recently cut back from 5 gms to 4gms to check my "green"; after 1-2 days at 4gm, i'm no longer green. I'll go back up to 5gm tomorrow. Just trying to decide whether to stay at 5 or go up to 6gm. HELP!

An article that I posted earlier in the thread states that if you aren't green you aren't taking enough. However, you should increase as your body allows.

Meaning, if you have to lower your dose because of detoxing or to cut costs, by all means do it. You will not be taking enough chlorella but at least you'll be taking some. Some is better than nothing. HTH
I'm finally green!!!!:clapping: Just started taking super chlorella (Vitamin Shoppe) on thursday(after reading through this mega thread who could resist??). I started at 1 gm for three days no symptoms so i upped it to 2 gms on monday.( i know...i know..... i should have waited a week but i was anxious to get the detox rolling) i've had slight headaches, stomache rumbling, a lot of gas LOL!! and a toothache. This morning a big pimple on my nose and a nice green movement so i guess i'm on the right path.
Is no symptoms so i upped it to 2 gms on monday.( i know...i know..... i should have waited a week but i was anxious to get the detox rolling)

No, hon. I think the word is it's up to you. Not a bad thing that you upped. I believe LHD commented go as fast as YOUR body will allow.

I started out at 3gms, but then a nice lady posted some way useful information, took all her time and made charts and stuff. I immediately upped mine from 6 to 10 grams. It's's all good.

Go 'head wid yo green self.
No, hon. I think the word is it's up to you. Not a bad thing that you upped. I believe LHD commented go as fast as YOUR body will allow.

I started out at 3gms, but then a nice lady posted some way useful information, took all her time and made charts and stuff. I immediately upped mine from 6 to 10 grams. It's's all good.

Go 'head wid yo green self.

Thx for that i guess im okay then. Your right it is food...Happy greening!!! LOL:grin:
Okay, how about I ran low on my Earthrise Chlorella, and would run out before my new shipment arrives, so off to vitamin shop. I purchased their Super Chlorella brand. I have been at 12g for ever, so why after only two days do I have detox symptoms and gas like nobody's business! Is their brand some kind of really Super Duper Chlorella? I am taking the 1000mg tablets. I really feel like I have the flu, I mean out of nowhere, WOW.

Anyone taking this brand do any research or have additional info on this brand? I asked the guy at the counter about it, of course he did not know very much. I am going to check their website.
I just bought my chlorella...I got the Source Naturals tablets. I'm going to start with taking 1g per day and see what happens. I'm most interested in the chlorella's effects on my immune system. And, I would rather get my vitamins from a food source than a Women's One-A-Day.

Now I just have to read through this thread...
I just bought my chlorella...I got the Source Naturals tablets. I'm going to start with taking 1g per day and see what happens. I'm most interested in the chlorella's effects on my immune system. And, I would rather get my vitamins from a food source than a Women's One-A-Day.

Now I just have to read through this thread...

Welcome. You have chosen an excellent brand. Any questions chime in, a great group of women here willing to help. GREEN is great!
I just bought my chlorella...I got the Source Naturals tablets. I'm going to start with taking 1g per day and see what happens. I'm most interested in the chlorella's effects on my immune system. And, I would rather get my vitamins from a food source than a Women's One-A-Day.

Now I just have to read through this thread...

Where did you purchase the Source Natural tablets?
I'm still aboard the green train ladies, but mostly from store bought green juices as I'm honeymooning and my CHL supply is down to only about 15 tabs. I've reordered so when I get back to the UK I'll jumpstart again. Good to see you girls are still green n goin strong!
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Okay, how about I ran low on my Earthrise Chlorella, and would run out before my new shipment arrives, so off to vitamin shop. I purchased their Super Chlorella brand. I have been at 12g for ever, so why after only two days do I have detox symptoms and gas like nobody's business! Is their brand some kind of really Super Duper Chlorella? I am taking the 1000mg tablets. I really feel like I have the flu, I mean out of nowhere, WOW.

Anyone taking this brand do any research or have additional info on this brand? I asked the guy at the counter about it, of course he did not know very much. I am going to check their website.

Interesting...haven't tried this brand though. Is the Super Chl brand Yaeyama or Japanese?
I just bought my chlorella...I got the Source Naturals tablets. I'm going to start with taking 1g per day and see what happens. I'm most interested in the chlorella's effects on my immune system. And, I would rather get my vitamins from a food source than a Women's One-A-Day.

Now I just have to read through this thread...

Welcome Msa to the chlorella party!:dance7:

I definitely AGREE with you about getting your vitamins from a food source. That's one of the main things that appealed to me about chlorella. I liked that it had tons of vits, minerals, and amino acids. I was also interested in it helping to balance my system as well.
I'm still aboard the green train ladies, but mostly from store bought green juices as I'm honeymooning and my CHL supply is down to only about 15 tabs. I've reordered so when I get back to the UK I'll jumpstart again. Good to see you girls are still green n goin strong!

Congrats on your marriage! :grin:
Girrl, YOU made the table from Excel, scratch?????? WOW, awesome. Now I gotta go read it.

This is certainly resourceful and on point. I just printed it out as I had decided to start the spirulina. Now I know where to get it (was looking on e-Bay and don't think that 1-lb ziplock bag would be the business).

Thanks again, Oco.

Sorry, this made me laugh out loud.:lol:
Interesting...haven't tried this brand though. Is the Super Chl brand Yaeyama or Japanese?

I will probably have to contact them directly to find out. I have not been able to find out anything about it. Not even why they call it SUPER.

I am really bad with detox today. Filled with mucus, and body aches. Very Lethargic. I know it's detox, changing brands is all I have done differently. I was perfectly fine before. It's crazy to me.

When I find out I will surely post.
Also, my little sister has alot of marks on her face from pimples, so I told her to use some as a paste and put it on her face at night and wash it off in the morning. Let me tell you that this has worked wonders for her with lightening the marks. She even had a prescription from the doctor to control her pimples and rid the marks and the cream and pills she took didn't work for her at all.
Wow, that's a great tip! I've been wondering if my fade cream is doing more harm than good, but I'm desperate to get these dark marks off my face in time for summer. I'm gonna try this tonight...thanks for the advice.
An article that I posted earlier in the thread states that if you aren't green you aren't taking enough. However, you should increase as your body allows.

Meaning, if you have to lower your dose because of detoxing or to cut costs, by all means do it. You will not be taking enough chlorella but at least you'll be taking some. Some is better than nothing. HTH

Thanks LD. But its not the expense. Just a general question. Are you good to go whenever you hit "green"? whether 2gm or 10gm or is a certain dose optimal?
Thanks LD. But its not the expense. Just a general question. Are you good to go whenever you hit "green"? whether 2gm or 10gm or is a certain dose optimal?

You're "Good to go" as in you're taking at LEAST enough to make a difference in your body. But you should follow the guidelines that I and a few others posted in several articles 5-6 is a maintanence dose (where the article said you wouldn't notice much difference 10-12 or up is disease fighting and you should notice a significant difference (though you should take your time to get there if you want to do that).

Here's a snippet from one of those articles:

Disease-fighting dose: 10 grams / day
Maintenance dose: 5 grams / day
Upper limit: there is no upper limit, but introduce chlorella into your diet gradually and monitor your stools. Since chlorella can result in mild diarrhea in some persons, introduce it slowly. (Your body will adapt over a period of a few weeks, allowing you to take more.)

Once again, most people take far too little of these foods. I've seen people take two tiny tablets of chlorella -- about 300mg -- and declare they've "taken my chlorella for the day!" That's like eating one bite of broccoli and expecting to receive the full health benefits of broccoli.

In order to be effective, you've got to take the much larger doses mentioned above. If you buy chlorella in tiny tablets, as it is often sold, that means taking a handful of tablets with each meal. Here's a tip: don't count out the tablets every single time. Count them once so you know what five grams looks like. After that, just grab a handful and toss it down your throat. It doesn't matter if it's off by a few tablets. Remember: these aren't drugs. You don't have to be exact about it, just make sure you're getting at least the doses mentioned above.

There's no harm in taking more, of course. Aside from the health benefits I've described here, the main thing you'll notice is that your stools will turn green. This is an indication that you're getting a good dose of chlorella and spirulina into your diet. If your stools aren't green, you aren't taking enough

Though a few people are at 3 gms and doing just fine. So you need to do what's right for your body.

Also those using it as a protein supplement can up their dose even more than 12, and taking even more is not a bad thing as it's a super food. So it's really up to you to judge for yourself. Some vegetarians have been known to take 20 gms or more as their sole source of protein. As chlorella is processed by your body from 80-90 percent (depending on how the cell wall is cracked and how you take it), regular protein like beef is only processed to 20 percent and the rest leaves in your #2! So Chlorella at a smaller dose can do significantly more than meat or even protein drinks. The article also talks about Spirulina which I am NOT taking because I am autoimmune. So those with autoimmune and other immune challenges should weigh it appropriately as some argue that it helps, and others that it makes the immune system over active (which could lead to attack instead of helping). I don't take the chance, and just avoid it. There is no argument w/ Chlorella however, so it can be taken by those w/ health problems.

Though there are other articles that say the opposite, I just wanted to post it as a reminder so that everyone can make informed decisions if deciding to take spirulina:

This is By Dr. Ray Sahelian M.D
Apparently spirulina has the ability to stimulate the immune system which could be beneficial in some individuals, and potentially harmful in those who already have an overactive immune system or an autoimmune condition. Therefore, spirulina is not advised to be taken regularly for those who have lupus, autoimmune thyroiditis, pemphigus vulgaris, and other such conditions (auto/overactive)

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Something I posted earlier but just a reminder:
The Cost of Chlorella and Spirulina
With these sort of doses, the monthly cost for taking chlorella and spirulina can be a bit steep, or at least it appears so at first. But I'd like to challenge that belief system for a minute: what is the cost of getting cancer? What's the cost of getting a major disease? What's the cost of having low energy, or clinical depression, or degenerative nerve disease?

An entire month's supply of chlorella is less than a single day's stay at any hospital. That makes chlorella and spirulina the bargain of a lifetime in my book. Any substance that can save extend my life, avoid me having to see the doctor, and keep me out of the hospitals and away from prescription drugs is a real bargain, no matter what the cost.

The trick, of course, is to look at the total cost of your actions. The cost of smoking cigarettes is far more than what a person pays for the cigarettes. The total cost includes a loss of lifespan, sky-high medical bills, and a lifetime of suffering from the ravaging health effects of cigarettes.

The cost of chlorella and spirulina, on the other hand, is only a few dollars a week. In exchange, a person experiences greater health, greater mental clarity, longer lifespan, prevention of a long list of diseases, and in many cases, even the reversal of major diseases. You can't put a price on these benefits, but if you could, there's no doubt they would greatly outweigh the few dollars spent on chlorella and spirulina.

Eating this superfoods, you see, is an investment, not an expense. Spend a few dollars today, invest it in your own good health, and the payoff will last you a lifetime. Or at least for as long as you keep eating these superfoods. And that leads me to the next section...
I guess I need to go on ahead and get some spirulina.. I love the benefits of chlorella thus far, so why not take it up a notch.. time to do some researching on spirulina :fan:
Though a few people are at 3 gms and doing just fine. So you need to do what's right for your body.

Also those using it as a protein supplement can up their dose even more than 12, and taking even more is not a bad thing as it's a super food. So it's really up to you to judge for yourself. Some vegetarians have been known to take 20 gms or more as their sole source of protein. As chlorella is processed by your body from 80-90 percent (depending on how the cell wall is cracked and how you take it), regular protein like beef is only processed to 20 percent and the rest leaves in your #2! So Chlorella at a smaller dose can do significantly more than meat or even protein drinks. The article also talks about Spirulina which I am NOT taking because I am autoimmune. So those with autoimmune and other immune challenges should weigh it appropriately as some argue that it helps, and others that it makes the immune system over active (which could lead to attack instead of helping). I don't take the chance, and just avoid it. There is no argument w/ Chlorella however, so it can be taken by those w/ health problems.

Though there are other articles that say the opposite, I just wanted to post it as a reminder so that everyone can make informed decisions if deciding to take spirulina:

This is By Dr. Ray Sahelian M.D
Apparently spirulina has the ability to stimulate the immune system which could be beneficial in some individuals, and potentially harmful in those who already have an overactive immune system or an autoimmune condition. Therefore, spirulina is not advised to be taken regularly for those who have lupus, autoimmune thyroiditis, pemphigus vulgaris, and other such conditions (auto/overactive)


Thank you so so so so much for posting this!

I have lupus, which is why I was so interested in chlorella. I need all the vitamins I can get and I need to be as balanced as possible because I would really like to go off of my medication.

I was about to start researching the spirulina as well so I'm glad I didn't buy it. Now I have to check if there's spirulina in my green drink mix. I try to avoid anything that can cause me to have a flare.
Thank you so so so so much for posting this!

I have lupus, which is why I was so interested in chlorella. I need all the vitamins I can get and I need to be as balanced as possible because I would really like to go off of my medication.

I was about to start researching the spirulina as well so I'm glad I didn't buy it. Now I have to check if there's spirulina in my green drink mix. I try to avoid anything that can cause me to have a flare.[/quote]

Definitely best to err on the side of caution so I understand. Glad it helped!