How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
So if I'm reading correctly, when you up your dosage, you will experience more detox symptoms? I recently went up to 6 grams and I notice a little more heat bumps (teeny pimples) on my face. I NEVER get pimples. I also notice a little bloating? Could this be why? Do I just ride it out until my body adjusts?

I recently happened to me as well, and I too just upped my dose. Experts chime in and help us sisters out!!
I have been lurking on the board for over a year now, and have finally decided to come "out of the closet". I found this great video on youtube and wanted to share. I'm not recommending the manufacturer, just sharing the great info I found about chlorella.

Also, I wanted to share that I have been "green" for about 3 months and recently switched from Sun to Source Naturals (Sun wasn't in stock), and I had a 2nd detox phase; I experienced severe consitpation and slight acne. I'm not sure why this happened. Any ideas?
I just ordered more on amazon, so I am waiting for it to arrive. My skin has gone crazy since I haven't been taking it... I broke out like crazy.. I can't wait till it gets here!
I have been lurking on the board for over a year now, and have finally decided to come "out of the closet". I found this great video on youtube and wanted to share. I'm not recommending the manufacturer, just sharing the great info I found about chlorella.

Also, I wanted to share that I have been "green" for about 3 months and recently switched from Sun to Source Naturals (Sun wasn't in stock), and I had a 2nd detox phase; I experienced severe consitpation and slight acne. I'm not sure why this happened. Any ideas?
Welcome Samchat123:grin:!

It could be a number of things. You could've lowered your water intake, it could just be switching brands, SN has more CGF in it which is good for you anyways. You may have hit a dosage that your body was going to detox on anyways. I thought I was over it and week three I received a little rash by my eye (not cute!:ohwell:). It went away as quick as it came because I drunk tons of water. Drink your water and get it moving. Take something if you have to because you don't want to stay constipated, it's not good for detoxing and can set you back.

If you have to lower your dose to get it moving so be it, otherwise get something that helps with the bM thing.
Let us know what you think about the CHL in your DC. I'm really curious. I want to try it too. I've had good moisturizing results with Irish Moss so I'm sure the CHL will do you good.

I just increased to 12gms from 9gms yesterday and I already see a couple more pimples on my face. I just keep drinking my water. I don't feel sick though but I'll see how I feel after a couple of days. Usually, if I increase my dosage, it takes a couple of days before I feel the effect then after a couple more days the sluggish/tired feelings go away.

Maybe 3 times a week is too much for your skin. I usually do a mask every other week. I have sensitive skin. I did CHL mask once after seeing a post about adding honey and rosewater. I liked the way my skin felt. If I do another mask I'll mix it with my bentonite clay.

Alright, I'm all done with my hair now and adding CHL certainly didn't hurt my hair, I just don't know how beneficial it is yet. I added a little more oil then usual because of the CHL, but my hair still felt really soft after I washed it out. I DC'd on dry hair, went under the dryer for about 30 mins. I tried it out because I've been having problems with breakage again, and I looked as CHL as a protein(Is this right?). I did a roller set today and I haven't noticed much breakage at all, but I'll be able to tell during the week if my hair has really improved or not. But as I said, it doesn't seem like it's done any harm to my hair by adding it.

As far as the face mask, I probably was just getting overexcited by doing it 3 times this week:grin:...I normally don't do a mask that often... maybe once a week. So I'm gonna stick to once a week for now and maybe try to add some other things to it, like rosewater, and see how I like it.
I added chlorella to my DC this morning, I'm sitting under the dryer right now...I'm curious to see how my hair will be or if I'll notice any difference at all. I used shescentit avocado condish, evoo, avocado oil, honey and about 1/2 tsp of CHL.

Anyway, I think I mentioned in another post that I tried the powder but the amount of CHL was too much for me. I'm still only at a little over 2g...I'm taking it really slowly. I notice that if I make a big jump in dosage I don't feel well at all.. but maybe that's just the detox effects? I wonder if I should increase the dosage so that I know the CHL is really working...:ohwell: I dunno...

I've also used the mask 3 times this time with honey and the other 2 without, I like how it makes my skin smooth but I don't like how it dries on my face..maybe I need to work on the consistency. It's not as bad when I add the honey to it.

You can add wheatgerm oil to the mask or put grapeseed oil/your regular moisturizer on first to combat the dryness. HTH!
Anyone take both the capsules and the powder at the same time?
I want to double my dose of Chlorella as my body seems to like 3g, but I don't think I can stomach green tea twice a day, and I wanted to know if I would get the same effects of double the powder.
Anyone take both the capsules and the powder at the same time?
I want to double my dose of Chlorella as my body seems to like 3g, but I don't think I can stomach green tea twice a day, and I wanted to know if I would get the same effects of double the powder.

Me. I take 3g of Yaeyama powder in the morning mixed with Green Machine or Bolthouse Green juice, and 3g of Vitamin World Pills at night. I have been doing this for about a month now and feel fine. Before I was just taking 6g of the pills everyday, since February.

When I run out of the pills I am going strictly to the powder. I cant really taste it when I mix it with one of the green drinks, and I have a hard time swallowing pills.
There's really not a difference between the tablets and the powder, but some do say the powder is more concentrated. Since they both do not have fillers they get the job done the same way. You can change to the powder when you start taking too much to the point that you don't want to pop that many pills, or you just want to save some money. As for your've only been only it for five days. If you aren't feeling too many detox effects, go ahead and increase it to 15 and see how that goes. That will put you at 3 grams. If you're still feeling up to it with out constipation or anything after 3-5 more days you can up it again. I'd say 5 as it will keep with what you're doing now. Just keep increasing it that way until you get to where you want to go.

Welcome btw Maheir!:grin:

Thankyou .. so basically what ur sayin is stay taking the 8 t0 10 pills for about another week if i dont see any constipations going on then i should up it ......i took 10 pills 2day .. hope to see something going on ?
Thankyou .. so basically what ur sayin is stay taking the 8 t0 10 pills for about another week if i dont see any constipations going on then i should up it ......i took 10 pills 2day .. hope to see something going on ?

I was just saying it's okay to increase as you don't have constipation and outlined how you could increase every 5-7 days or so as long as you DON'T have constipation.

In other words as long as you don't have constipation you can keep increasing.

If you have constipation you'll have to cut back because you've taken too much and are over detoxing.

That's not your case so just increase as you may.
after reading these threads, i've decided to start taking chlorella. i stopped by vitamin shoppe, but they didn't have the powder so i bought the capsules. i also bought their biogreen powder and use it to make a green smoothie, with orange juice and fruit to mask the tastes, i also crush all all of my vitamins and drink it. i put my biotin, hair/nails/skin vitamins, silica, spirullina (sp?), kelp, vitamin b complex, and nac (n-acetyl cystein) in it. funny thing, when i was buying these things the guy asked me if i was trying to get my hair right. i guess when they see a combo of things bought they immediately know what it was. he gave me some helpful tips on mixing the powder with juice to make it taste better and drinking it in the morning for breakfast. yesterday was day 1, and the smoothie didn't taste bad (not great, but not disgusting lolol). for some reason, i got really sleepy after drinking it and had some vivid dreams. not sure if it was a coincidence or me detoxing, but thought it was weird. anyways thought i'd share my the way, i started at 3g chlorella and 1.5g spirillina (sp?). this is a great thread and i've learned tons of info. thanks everyone!!
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after reading these threads, i've decided to start taking chlorella. i stopped by vitamin shoppe, but they didn't have the powder so i bought the capsules. i also bought their biogreen powder and use it to make a green smoothie, with orange juice and fruit to mask the tastes, i also crush all all of my vitamins and drink it. i put my biotin, hair/nails/skin vitamins, silica, spirullina (sp?), kelp, vitamin b complex, and nac (n-acetyl cystein) in it. funny thing, when i was buying these things the guy asked me if i was trying to get my hair right. i guess when they see a combo of things bought they immediately know what it was. he gave me some helpful tips on mixing the powder with juice to make it taste better and drinking it in the morning for breakfast. yesterday was day 1, and the smoothie didn't taste bad (not great, but not disgusting lolol). for some reason, i got really sleepy after drinking it and had some vivid dreams. not sure if it was a coincidence or me detoxing, but thought it was weird. anyways thought i'd share my the way, i started at 3g chlorella and 1.5g spirillina (sp?). this is a great thread and i've learned tons of info. thanks everyone!!
Welcome to the chlorella family. Hope you get great results from your supplement regimine.
Hi Ladies... This thread is great! I've been lurking and have been taking the GNC brand Triple CHL for 2 wks. now... Along with Omega 3 6 9... Having a slight issue and wondered if anyone else has experienced this... Itching? :blush:Just started yesterday and it's not dry skin, laundry detergent, a new perfume etc. There is not a mg listed on the bottle I'm taking so I can't tell if the dosage is too high... Taking just 1 a day... I love this stuff and want to continue... Think this is an allergic reaction or detoxing? Not sure, but I don't think I will be taking this mornings dosage... Please advise/support... TIA devin:rolleyes:
Great minds on LHCF! Yesterday I was thinking about a personal GREEN only (CHL/SPL) no other growth aids challenge. I'm planning on starting in May - I will ingest 12gms (8:4) CHL:SPL per day. Since I'm in the BootCamp I won't be able to do length shots every month but I'm going to use my pass in May and June in order to do a 1 month comparison. I'll stop my beloved MegaTek for this time period in order to see if there's a large difference in growth. I average 0.5" per month. I will continue co-washing, DCing and using my A-vedic herbs for cleansing, conditioning and coloring. During this time I will also stop taking Saw Palmetto and Evening Primrose Oil. I'm hope the CHL/SPL combo will make those supplements unnecessary.

So welcome to the GREEN side and thanks for your post!

Thank you so much for the warm welcome! I just finished drinking my shake this morning & I fell fantastic!!!:lick: I have very thin hair but last night when I was combing my hair I have noticed its thicker & less shedding! I will post pics soon! My face has a glown & I have much more energy! I love this stuff!
I've noticed many of the Egglettes, such as myself, are incorporating chl into their reggie....I think we'll reap some awesome benefits...i'm at 2gms...i'm gonna kick it up a notch and increase my h2o.....i hope not to feel the way i felt last order should arrive today.
After +4000 posts
Does anyone have anything to report when it comes to hair growth?
Stronger nails, thicker hair and longer eyelashes came nearly to everyone. But what about growth? And at what mass of Chlorella
A testimonial: For a year or so, my BIL had been having ankle pain that was diagnosed as arthritis. I told him about Chlorella, so he started taking it about 2 weeks ago. He's up to 2 gms. daily, now (w/2gms. SPR) and no more ankle pain. Yay!!

Thank you so much ladies for all your great input. I have a question: If BMs are green, does that indicate that you're body is getting enough CHL and the green BMs indicate the residual that your body doesn't need? If so, why are people increasing their doses, although they still have green BMs? What am I missing?

Thanks for responding.
After +4000 posts
Does anyone have anything to report when it comes to hair growth?
Stronger nails, thicker hair and longer eyelashes came nearly to everyone. But what about growth? And at what mass of Chlorella

I kind of want to say yes but I am not hundred percent sure because I didnt take pics.

I have a hair measuring shirt. I did a 2" trim before I started taking Chlorella at the very beginning of March. I was on 6" on the shirt after the trim. I rollerset my hair about 5 days ago and I tried my shirt on again. My longest layer is at 8" with no problem. I was shocked. That would be two inches in two or less months....ummm...who knows maybe Im trippin...

Hold on I think a took a picture at 6"....let me right back...
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After +4000 posts
Does anyone have anything to report when it comes to hair growth?
Stronger nails, thicker hair and longer eyelashes came nearly to everyone. But what about growth? And at what mass of Chlorella

I believe the CHL is helping my growth but I'm not sure. I won't know until June. In May I will stop using MT and only take CHL:SPL for a month. I'll do a length check beginning of May and beginning of June. I normally average 0.5"/month. I just bumped up to 12gms (4:8) per day.
Hi Ladies... This thread is great! I've been lurking and have been taking the GNC brand Triple CHL for 2 wks. now... Along with Omega 3 6 9... Having a slight issue and wondered if anyone else has experienced this... Itching? :blush:Just started yesterday and it's not dry skin, laundry detergent, a new perfume etc. There is not a mg listed on the bottle I'm taking so I can't tell if the dosage is too high... Taking just 1 a day... I love this stuff and want to continue... Think this is an allergic reaction or detoxing? Not sure, but I don't think I will be taking this mornings dosage... Please advise/support... TIA devin:rolleyes:

I believe the itching is detoxing. Every time I increase my dosage the itching increases then once I'm on that dosage for a while the itching subsides. HTH.
Anyone take both the capsules and the powder at the same time?
I want to double my dose of Chlorella as my body seems to like 3g, but I don't think I can stomach green tea twice a day, and I wanted to know if I would get the same effects of double the powder.


I take both the powder and the tablets, I do the powder in my breakfast shake and in the afternoon when I get off from work I take the rest in tablets. I have not had any problems and this is the easiest way to get my full dosage in. Hope this helps!
A testimonial: For a year or so, my BIL had been having ankle pain that was diagnosed as arthritis. I told him about Chlorella, so he started taking it about 2 weeks ago. He's up to 2 gms. daily, now (w/2gms. SPR) and no more ankle pain. Yay!!

Thank you so much ladies for all your great input. I have a question: If BMs are green, does that indicate that you're body is getting enough CHL and the green BMs indicate the residual that your body doesn't need? If so, why are people increasing their doses, although they still have green BMs? What am I missing?

Thanks for responding.

You want to go green it's a good thing. If you're not green you're not taking enough chlorella according to an article I posted. People are increasing their doses because specific doses are used for specific reasons. Maintanence at around 5-6 (top of my head) whereas disease fighting is around 12 and those increasing protein 11 and up (vegetarians have been known to eat higher amounts to increase protein intake). Your poo is green because you are taking enough. But your body is still using 80-90 percent of all chlorella so you can take more if necessary.
Okay ladies,
The masks I know I know! I've been working on a paper that's going to be about 120 pages and will be turning it in tomorrow. I'll have more time to post the masks in the first post after that. So look for them by about Wednesday.:yep:

Stressed but still loving chlorella (and to be honest lessed stressed then I'd usually be at this point in the year with all the deadlines. I think that's chlorella related. I don't panic anymore...but I'm stilled somewhat stressed because of the volume of work in such a short time.).
A testimonial: For a year or so, my BIL had been having ankle pain that was diagnosed as arthritis. I told him about Chlorella, so he started taking it about 2 weeks ago. He's up to 2 gms. daily, now (w/2gms. SPR) and no more ankle pain. Yay!!

Thank you so much ladies for all your great input. I have a question: If BMs are green, does that indicate that you're body is getting enough CHL and the green BMs indicate the residual that your body doesn't need? If so, why are people increasing their doses, although they still have green BMs? What am I missing?

Thanks for responding.

Good to know he's doing better. That's wonderful BTW!
after reading these threads, i've decided to start taking chlorella. i stopped by vitamin shoppe, but they didn't have the powder so i bought the capsules. i also bought their biogreen powder and use it to make a green smoothie, with orange juice and fruit to mask the tastes, i also crush all all of my vitamins and drink it. i put my biotin, hair/nails/skin vitamins, silica, spirullina (sp?), kelp, vitamin b complex, and nac (n-acetyl cystein) in it. funny thing, when i was buying these things the guy asked me if i was trying to get my hair right. i guess when they see a combo of things bought they immediately know what it was. he gave me some helpful tips on mixing the powder with juice to make it taste better and drinking it in the morning for breakfast. yesterday was day 1, and the smoothie didn't taste bad (not great, but not disgusting lolol). for some reason, i got really sleepy after drinking it and had some vivid dreams. not sure if it was a coincidence or me detoxing, but thought it was weird. anyways thought i'd share my the way, i started at 3g chlorella and 1.5g spirillina (sp?). this is a great thread and i've learned tons of info. thanks everyone!!

Welcome glamour_chic!:dance7: