How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters

It'll become second nature to you.

I had decided to switch to the tablets (after initally buying the powder), but now I'm going to stick with the powder. The Green Plant juice lasts me awhile and I don't have to take 60 tablets.

Let us know how you do.

Which brand are you taking?
How many grams?

I feel like my hair isn't doing a thing. Maybe it's me. Maybe my body is taking longer. I don't straighten my hair. So, I don't see any noticeable growth.
I agree with Vince... Give it some time to work it's magic. I didn't see a marked growth spurt right away either. I think the CHL was working on other things within my body first.

I am taking 6 - 8 grams of the Source Naturals powder and tables pre day consistantly, some days a bit more. I plan to up that to 10 - 12 grams per day starting next week. I would like to get in another dose in per day.

I have been increasing my nettle tea intake and rinses...That may be helping me along as well. :yep: I love the way the nettle tea rinses make my hair feel. I am doing a henna tonight and I used nettle tea and brewed coffee to make my henna mix. :up:
Okay, um my order from Vitacost just arrived today...AFTER the refund was deposited into my account. Since I'm too freaking honest for my own good, :look: I called and let customer service know what was up....the thing is I inquired about this happening BEFORE the refund was issued...and the chick was like well it's been X amount of days we usually just write it off as "lost in transit" and issue a replacement order or refund. *Sigh* Now, I got to call "corporate" on Monday morning. :perplexed I had planned on sending it back maybe I should have done that instead of calling up customer service again. :ohwell:
I guess I'm still in detox mode because I'm so tired on the road now. I saw my Mom and Dad yesterday and they say I look great. Mom says "You don't look stressed". I gave her the side eye. :ohwell: I'm wondering if adding Chlorella to my diet has anything to do with it.
I agree with Vince... Give it some time to work it's magic. I didn't see a marked growth spurt right away either. I think the CHL was working on other things within my body first.

I am taking 6 - 8 grams of the Source Naturals powder and tables pre day consistantly, some days a bit more. I plan to up that to 10 - 12 grams per day starting next week. I would like to get in another dose in per day.

I have been increasing my nettle tea intake and rinses...That may be helping me along as well. :yep: I love the way the nettle tea rinses make my hair feel. I am doing a henna tonight and I used nettle tea and brewed coffee to make my henna mix. :up:

I've been nettle rinsing 3 days a week and drinking the tea. I also take 10 g's daily. Maybe it'll just happen one day. I'm sure chl has alot to work on in my body. I have noticed that my hair air dries very soft nowadays. Not sure how or why that happened, but I like it.

Okay, um my order from Vitacost just arrived today...AFTER the refund was deposited into my account. Since I'm too freaking honest for my own good, :look: I called and let customer service know what was up....the thing is I inquired about this happening BEFORE the refund was issued...and the chick was like well it's been X amount of days we usually just write it off as "lost in transit" and issue a replacement order or refund. *Sigh* Now, I got to call "corporate" on Monday morning. :perplexed I had planned on sending it back maybe I should have done that instead of calling up customer service again. :ohwell:

Maybe you can just sell it on the exchange forum IF they already wrote it off as a lost or hold onto it until you run out of your current stash. I'd say "thank you" and keep it green. Hopefully they wont charge your card again.
Maybe you can just sell it on the exchange forum IF they already wrote it off as a lost or hold onto it until you run out of your current stash. I'd say "thank you" and keep it green. Hopefully they wont charge your card again.

Yeah, this chick was acting all weird though...and referred me to "corporate." :nono: See, if I just would have kept silent about it...but you know....that honesty thing (I'm swear I'm my mother's daughter in that regard).
I'm so upset...

I was totally on the chlorella bandwagon after reading this thread. I started it about 3 weeks ago; and immediately my nails became whiter and harder. As time went on I noticed positive changes in my skin and a 5 pound weight loss.

Now all of a sudden, my body can't tolerate chlorella AT ALL. I've vomitted 3 times in the past week or so (sorry if thats TMI). I even tried to lower the dosage and lay off the chlorella for a few days to see if that would help, but nothing helps. Its the exact same way every time, I take it, and about 4-5 hours later I am violently ill. Is this happening to anyone else? Or does my body just hate me?
I'm so upset...

I was totally on the chlorella bandwagon after reading this thread. I started it about 3 weeks ago; and immediately my nails became whiter and harder. As time went on I noticed positive changes in my skin and a 5 pound weight loss.

Now all of a sudden, my body can't tolerate chlorella AT ALL. I've vomitted 3 times in the past week or so (sorry if thats TMI). I even tried to lower the dosage and lay off the chlorella for a few days to see if that would help, but nothing helps. Its the exact same way every time, I take it, and about 4-5 hours later I am violently ill. Is this happening to anyone else? Or does my body just hate me?
I am so sorry to hear that this is happening to you. I have read a time or two on this thread where someone threw up once or twice but never multiple times....

I would do some research on that I have no idea why that would be happening to you ... :bighug:



When people start taking chlorella for the first time they may go through detoxification and positive healing reactions which are the signs of overload elimination. They usually involve the return of previous symptoms and unwanted reactions. Healing reactions are short-lived, ranging usually from a few days to (rarely) several months at the most, depending on the level of internal pollution. This indicates a positive shift towards health, greater strength and dynamism. Since our whole physiological, mental and emotional histories are enclosed in the body, detoxifying reactions can also be expressed through unwanted emotional and/or mental reactions, such as anger, impatience, and sadness, or feelings of depression, aggressivity, etc. The strength of the reactions is usually proportional to the level of toxins, obstructions and pain that have accumulated in the body. Remember, however, that when there is no pain (healing reactions), there is no gain or cure! Physiological detoxifying reactions may be caused by :

1. an initial excessive dosage of detoxifying agents resulting in a too rapid detoxification process.
2. sluggish, weak organs of elimination
3. a lack of vital force caused by malnutrition, internal pollution, malabsorption etc.

The most common detoxifying symptoms are headaches, fatigue or exhaustion, a sensation of being hot or cold, intestinal gases, bloating, constipation, black feces, diarrhea, foul gases and stools, pimples, nasal and vaginal discharge, skin rashes, eczema, and muscle or joint pain. Nausea or vomiting may occur initially.
Healing reactions are desirable. They mean that the chlorella has triggered the body to regain its natural internal balance and that it is working to expel toxic wastes. The excess chlorophyll will be expelled through bowel movements (possibly making stools greenish) but it doesn't mean that too much chlorella is being taken.
While detoxifying, it is best to assist the body by increasing the intake of other cleansing foods, in order to ease the process. Eating less meat, fatty and refined products, and sugar, while increasing the level of green vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes in the diet, will further enhance positive healing reactions.
It is not recommended for pregnant women to change their diets dramatically by starting a detoxifying program while being pregnant, because the sudden release of toxins may harm the fetus; however starting to take chlorella before and while being pregnant is desirable for both the future mother and the baby.

Be persistent, as the annoying detoxification reactions will gradually disappear, while rewarding results - such as increased stamina, cleaner breath, decreased body odors, better digestion, regular bowel movements, smoother skin, stronger gums and teeth, more rapid healing of cuts or wounds, subsiding of sugar cravings, decreased appetite, etc. - will become gradually more evident. As everybody is different, the results are individual.
Unless you are showing an allergic reaction (in which case, it is best to stop taking chlorella altogether), you can safely increase the dosage as healing crisis symptoms decrease. Always drink plenty of purified water to maximize detoxification.

Since reactions to chlorella are individual, there are people who may not feel anything. However, it is sometimes that the healing process, being gradual, goes unnoticed. After having taken chlorella for a little while, try to remember what symptoms have disappeared or improved.
The absence of symptoms could also be the case of healthy people, or of sick people, who are not taking enough chlorella. If you are healthy and have been taking chlorella for six months, and you are still not feeling its benefits, you might want to stop taking it for a while to experience the difference in sensations. Also, as with taking any other food, you do not want take it for too long a period with no break in between.

However, aside from these occasional breaks, chlorella can be taken every day to help remove the accumulated and daily ingested harmful materials from the body before they lead to damage and diseases. Chlorella taken daily may supply the body with nutrients necessary to its proper functioning, such as protein, enzymes, chlorophyll, dietary fiber and a full spectrum of vitamins, amino acids and minerals, without any possibility of toxic build-up. By receiving an abundant range of "live" and highly effective nutrients, the body becomes energized from within. It changes its internal environment, allowing the intelligence of our system to jump-start into a self-regulating and healing mode.

The removal of heavy metals from the bloodstream could take approximately 3 to 6 months to begin, depending on the dosage taken.
Overall chlorella can, as a holistic food, provide long term and continuous benefits of detoxification, immunostimulation, hormonal and blood sugar and pH normalization, lower cholesterol, healing and rejuvenating without any damaging side effects.

As stated above, chlorella, unlike a chemical drug, does far more than just suppress the symptoms. It reaches the sources of the condition and unlocks the body's natural healing powers.
But as chlorella is a nutriceutical food and not a prescription medicine, its actions require time and dedication to attain. The results achieved from natural supplements may take up to 90 days before people begin to reach their long-term goals. However, many people may experience benefits within just a few days (Please refer to our Testimonials section). In any case, the longer the period that chlorella is taken, the deeper are the benefits to be experienced.

In studies, chlorella has also shown great potential in assisting serious diseases such as cancer, AIDS, Epstein- Barr virus, arteriosclerosis diseases and degenerative diseases associated with the aging process. As a perfect food, chlorella has no peers.

I googled Chlorella and vomiting and saw that it occurs...I wonder if you are allergic ?
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I'm so upset...

I was totally on the chlorella bandwagon after reading this thread. I started it about 3 weeks ago; and immediately my nails became whiter and harder. As time went on I noticed positive changes in my skin and a 5 pound weight loss.

Now all of a sudden, my body can't tolerate chlorella AT ALL. I've vomitted 3 times in the past week or so (sorry if thats TMI). I even tried to lower the dosage and lay off the chlorella for a few days to see if that would help, but nothing helps. Its the exact same way every time, I take it, and about 4-5 hours later I am violently ill. Is this happening to anyone else? Or does my body just hate me?

Sorry Mik. I hope you haven't developed an allergic reaction to it. Can you lower your dosage to the smallest amount...and I mean SMALLEST. And if you are taking it w/ food do the opposite, and if you are not taking food vice versa.

I suggested this to someone who pm'd me who was vomiting and this helped them to get back on track. They reduced their intake of chlorella and are at less than a gram (like 350 mg if I remember correctly) and increasing every couple of weeks. You may have to do this if your body is really sensitive to chlorella.

If this suggestion does not work you will have to discontinue usage.

ONE last thing please make sure you have a japanese version. If yours is chinese, it may be corrupted in some way. Their standards for production are different. You want yaeyama, or sunchlorella, or at least japanese. I also recommended she change her type and that helped.
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Sorry, I meant bio-oil. It helps even out scars and marks.

Bio Oil is recommended for:
  • Scars: Helps reduce the appearance of both new and old scars by improving the condition of skin with scar tissue.
  • Stretch Marks: Helps prevent stretch marks during periods of rapid change in body size such as pregnancy, adolescence and weight loss. Helps reduce the appearance of existing stretch marks.
  • Uneven Skin Tone helps reduce the appearance of pigmentation marks and blemishes.
  • Aging Skin: Helps smooth and tone sagging and wrinkled skin by helping to improve the skins elasticity.
  • Dehydrated Skin: Helps protect against the drying effects of water and climate; lubricates and soothes dry or chapped skin.

I'm sorry to burst this bubble peeps, but Bio-Oil is utter crap IMO. Look at the ingredients - mineral oil, synthetic this, synthetic that - I spent alot of money on it once, didn't see a difference - left my skin dry and cracked. And OMG is it overpriced! I'd do some research and get a mixture of natural ingredients - works so much better for your skin in the long run. Jojoba oil on it's own will do your skin more good than bio-oil and it's list of 'active ingredients'. I wish they used a natural oil instead of mineral...... Just MHO - someone else might think differently - afterall, there are ladies out there that swear by petroleum oil / jelly.....

Sorry, OT.
checking in quickly to say there is something about chlorella and eye PROBLEMS :(

like a few ladies have mentioned!!

i upped my dose yesterday and today my eye is sore, pink and full of mucus/sleep/boogers. i keep cleansing it but the boogers come back.

i hope this passes VERY soon as i have two very important dates soon

i now have some eye drops

Thank god this only lasted 24 hours:grin: when i woke up my eyes were back to normal....:grin:
What do you wash your face with?

What does the ACV do for the face?...Sorry for all the questions

I was thinking about massaging my face with a light natural oil like olive oil, coconut oil etc..after washing it -but I already have oily skin and I know that oil clogs your pores.

check out the oil cleansing method thread :yep:

it works even on the oiliest skin ;)
Yeah, this chick was acting all weird though...and referred me to "corporate." :nono: See, if I just would have kept silent about it...but you know....that honesty thing (I'm swear I'm my mother's daughter in that regard).

Trust me, you did the right thing. I work in Customer Service and once they confirmed delivery of the merch...they may have "flagged" your account. Go ahead and call corporate to resolve the matter. Be sure to get names of people you speak with too. HTH.
I'm so upset...

I was totally on the chlorella bandwagon after reading this thread. I started it about 3 weeks ago; and immediately my nails became whiter and harder. As time went on I noticed positive changes in my skin and a 5 pound weight loss.

Now all of a sudden, my body can't tolerate chlorella AT ALL. I've vomitted 3 times in the past week or so (sorry if thats TMI). I even tried to lower the dosage and lay off the chlorella for a few days to see if that would help, but nothing helps. Its the exact same way every time, I take it, and about 4-5 hours later I am violently ill. Is this happening to anyone else? Or does my body just hate me?

what brand are you taking? sorry to read that, it sounds frustrating!!:wallbash:
Checking in with my current detox manifestations which line up with several posts. Most mornings after taking my CHL I blow my nose at least a couple of times. I have always felt this was my system's way of expecting nasties from my body even before CHL, now it has become more pronounced. I am also still gassy, but whereas it used to be in the evenings, now first thing when I wake up I'm playin the booty trumpet loud n proud, (good thing I'm sleeping alone) LMBO!!

Thanks for all the great info ladies.
I've been taking chlorella for 5 days now and I have already noticed changes. My eyes are a lot brighter! I feel better really healthy. Oh and I have green poo now lol. :blush: I was drinking a green foods drink before I started taking chlorella and my poo was only light green sometimes.

I used the chlorella as a face mask last night and the few tiny pimples I had were gone when I woke up. My face was also smooth and soft. :grin:
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It's only been a few days for me (3?), but my skin is brighter and creamy. I got about 4 pimples, which are going away now ... but the rest of my skin feels so good!
I started back on the chlorella today but i lowered my dosage to 3 tablets a day for now. im taking it with my shake.
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The runny, red, crusty eyes have subsided. Guess it really was a detox. Hmmm, I wonder why we detoxed that way.

Happy Sunday ladies.
I've been taking chlorella for 5 days now and I have already noticed changes. My eyes are a lot brighter! I feel better really healthy. Oh and I have green poo now lol. :blush: I was drinking a green foods drink before I started taking chlorella and my poo was only light green sometimes.

I used it as a face mask last night and the few tiny pimples I had were gone when I woke up. My face was also smooth and soft. :grin:

Congrats on going greed ADB!:yay:
It's only been a few days for me (3?), but my skin is brighter and creamy. I got about 4 pimples, which are going away now ... but the rest of my skin feels so good!

Welcome to the chlorella party Urban!:dance7:
I'm happy you're noticing the wonderful results of using chlorella.
Sorry Mik. I hope you haven't developed an allergic reaction to it. Can you lower your dosage to the smallest amount...and I mean SMALLEST. And if you are taking it w/ food do the opposite, and if you are not taking food vice versa.

I suggested this to someone who pm'd me who was vomiting and this helped them to get back on track. They reduced their intake of chlorella and are at less than a gram (like 350 mg if I remember correctly) and increasing every couple of weeks. You may have to do this if your body is really sensitive to chlorella.

If this suggestion does not work you will have to discontinue usage.

ONE last thing please make sure you have a japanese version. If yours is chinese, it may be corrupted in some way. Their standards for production are different. You want yaeyama, or sunchlorella, or at least japanese. I also recommended she change her type and that helped.

:yep: yep.. That person you helped was me..its been a few weeks now and i have been taking CHL with no probs- touch wood:grin:. I have also started to increase my dose every so often and that crappy way i was feeling before no longer happens now. So I have to thank LD for her help and advice!:drunk:
Hi Ladies,
Just wanted to do a quick update. I started chl 8 days ago using the Jarrow brand tablets. 10 tablets=2 grams so for me to get just 6 grams that would be 30 pills a day. I did the 30 tablets for like 2 days but I just couldn't hang anymore. I've ordered the Source Naturals powder but that won't be back for another week or so.

So I went to The Vitamin Shoppe today and got the Earthrise brand, with this only 6 tablets=3 grams so I only have to take 12 pills per day for 6 grams and 18 for 9 grams which is what I want to work up to any way. A heck of lot better than 30 or 40 pills a day. Also I really think the Earthrise is a better quality chlorella tablet than the Jarrow brand. So needless to say I am a lot happier. :yep:
I like to report that I have new growth all over my head at the roots about 1 inch worth, even around my edges, at the temples. and they are coming in as perfect little coils :shocked: I noticed last night after doing my henna! :thud:

I mean new hairs, I am natural so I don't mean post relaxer new growth
I couldn't wait for my chlorella to arrive in the mail so I went to the nearest Vitamin Shoppe today and purchased the Earthrise brand tablets. They didn't have Source Naturals and Earthrise was a brand I remembered from this thread.

I popped my first 6 pills (3g) all at once with a just a swig of Bolthouse Green Goodness after my dinner of a Chipotle Burrito bowl :lick:

I have to be careful not to overdo the Bolthouse juice (and Chipotle :lachen:) until my appetite begins to decrease. :crossfingers:

I plan to complete the bottle of Earthwise tablets @ 3g per day this week, and 6g next week. I will hold for 2 weeks and then increase to 9g and on until my poo is green - my Source Natural powder and tablets should be here by Wednesday.
I hope I do well; I can't wait to reap the benefits of this stuff.

Go GREEN team!!!!
Hi Ladies,
Just wanted to do a quick update. I started chl 8 days ago using the Jarrow brand tablets. 10 tablets=2 grams so for me to get just 6 grams that would be 30 pills a day. I did the 30 tablets for like 2 days but I just couldn't hang anymore. I've ordered the Source Naturals powder but that won't be back for another week or so.

So I went to The Vitamin Shoppe today and got the Earthrise brand, with this only 6 tablets=3 grams so I only have to take 12 pills per day for 6 grams and 18 for 9 grams which is what I want to work up to any way. A heck of lot better than 30 or 40 pills a day. Also I really think the Earthrise is a better quality chlorella tablet than the Jarrow brand. So needless to say I am a lot happier. :yep:

I purchased the Earthwise today too! :grin:
I like to report that I have new growth all over my head at the roots about 1 inch worth, even around my edges, at the temples. and they are coming in as perfect little coils :shocked: I noticed last night after doing my henna! :thud:

I mean new hairs, I am natural so I don't mean post relaxer new growth

AtlantaJJ, this is so exciting! I have very fine hairs so I'm crazy excited about the possibility of getting more of them. Add to that the fact that some are getting thicker hairs, as well. Oh yeah, bring on the next few months! :yep: