Horsetail Grass (Many benefits, including Hair Growth)


Peace & Love
Ladies, I take Horsetail Grass capsules, which contains the highest amount of silica of all known herbs. I've only been taking it for a little over a month now but I have noticed some additional strength. I haven't experienced any physical ailments, so I'm pretty comfortable with taking it. An Herbalist referred me to this product for hair growth. He says that his wife takes it and experiences stronger, shinier hair as a result. I've been very consistent taking it, so I'll come back in a few weeks to let you all know if I see any changes/results.

P.S. Horsetail Grass also comes in the form of tea.


Horsetail Benefits:

(Known to nourish and strengthen hair, skin (Horsetail contains silica which helps skin maintain a certain amount of elasticity), nails and bones, horsetail also is used to heal fractures.)

*Is rich in minerals, especially organic silica
*Strengthens hair and nails
*Provides nutritional support to the urinary and respiratory tracts
*Supports the skin and connective tissue
I noticed it in your siggy recently JB. I was a bit curious, so thanks for posting, I'm interested in your results.

OT, but all the same what have you noticed in relation to taking the Fish Oil supplement. I thought of just doing that instead of paying for Vivi... that was until I really noticed Vivi working so well /images/graemlins/perplexed.gif. Now I'm afraid to cycle off!
Hi Sengschick: So you also made the correlation between fish oil and Viviscal? That's exactly why I am trying the fish oil because Viviscal is a bit expensive. But basically, they both contain fish oil so that's what I'm relying on. I've been taking the fish oil for about 3 month now. So, between the fish oil and Horsetail, I'm hoping to see good results. I'm going to be consistent for the next few months to gather a good take on what I think.

I walked into the store and asked the person working there for recommendations on hair growth and she referred me to another worker who is an herbalist. He immediately walked over to the horsetail and handed it to me, telling me of how his wife has been taking it for years and how her hair benefits from it. He says he has spent many years on many topics regarding herbs and silica/horsetail seem to be the best option for hair/nail growth.

Sengschick: I'm glad Viviscal is working well for you! If the fish oil doesn't show good resuls, I'm going to reinvest in Viviscal.
I think you have a solid plan /images/graemlins/up.gif. I've been eyeing the misters bottle of Cod Liver Oil thinking it might be worthwhile. Then I consider the reasonable cost of regular Fish Oil and the fact that they sell it in huge quantities @ Costco, and it further piques my interest. My other favorite supplement, Phytophanere also contains fish oil, so I think this is a solid stategy.

I've been taking Vit. E along w/the Vivi. Just to give it a little more support. My skin and nails are in amazing shape. I think EFA's are very beneficial in terms of keeping everything soft and supple.

I will certainly keep you updated. Thus far I have to give it all the credit for helping me get ahead of my growth schedule. I'm ~3" from bra-strap and I started 7 mos ago w/hair just below my shoulders (12"). That's 5.5" I've gained and retained, when my normal growth rate is about 1/4" per month. I'm investing in one more box for sure w/o hesitation.
Ok. You are really inspiring me right now. I haven't measured my hair (something I need to do). But I'll keep up with this plan for a few months and report back. If it's not working how I would like, I'm definitely going to get the Viviscal.
That's why I'm afraid to cycle off /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif. I'm just finishing my second box! Prior to taking it I gained 2-2.5", so it seems to yield 1.5" per month. Maybe I did have an increase in growth rate due to the warmer temps this summer (which contributed to these results). We'll see what happens w/this next box since it's getting cold here already. I can't wait to re-touch, I'm hoping I find add'l length.

I definitely plan to pick up a bottle of horsetail. For some reason I think I alreay have some @ home. How many mgs did he recommend consuming? And w/what frequency?
I think I'm going to do the fish oil myself. If I'm not mistaken, I believe fish oil may have more health benefits than that of the Viviscal. The fish oil is cheaper and people who have taken cod liver oil for years have sworn by it giving strength and length to their hair, not to mention clear, flawless skin. This is a link to the brand I'm considering trying.
Oh no Dreamgurl /images/graemlins/nono.gif. You're going to drink it???? /images/graemlins/barf.gif They don't make this in a pill form? That's the only way I can even consider it /images/graemlins/nono.gif.
I used to take Horsetail and Silica (which is supposedly horsetail, I always got confused). I feel that the silica was very effective but at the same time, I was also taking b-complex and a whole bunch of other stuff, so who knows! Bottom line: I don;t think that you can go wrong with it.
Yeah Horsetail and silica are pretty much that same. Here is what I posted in another link

I was looking for info on Silica and came up with these:

Silica Hydride

Most other times it came up as horsetail/silica This link is for horsetail

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Horsetail is very good, I used to take it myself and hair and nails (particularly my nails were very strong).