I just made my own horsetail butter/creme! I had a recipe that's been fermenting for months: macadamia nut oil, castor oil, coconut oil, flaxseeds and about 8-10 horsetail vitamins that I broke open. I got this recipe from Moe on Nappturality. Sorry, I didn't measure. I drained some of it with a coffee filter into my Porfective Mega Growth and mixed it. I have issues with my nape and my temples so hopefully, this mix will be moisturizing enough and beneficial enough, with the added horsetail.

wow, this sounds like such a treat! now, can you make me some :rolleyes:. I hope it works for you sweetie.
I just made my own horsetail butter/creme! I had a recipe that's been fermenting for months: macadamia nut oil, castor oil, coconut oil, flaxseeds and about 8-10 horsetail vitamins that I broke open. I got this recipe from Moe on Nappturality. Sorry, I didn't measure. I drained some of it with a coffee filter into my Porfective Mega Growth and mixed it. I have issues with my nape and my temples so hopefully, this mix will be moisturizing enough and beneficial enough, with the added horsetail.

Bee, your mixture sounds great! I really think it will help you around your temples as well. My daughter wears braids most of the time and she had issues with traction alopecia (I think that is what it is called) where her line of demarcation was thinning and I have been using the herbal mixture on her for a couple of weeks and it is filling out really nicely. She is 11 but I feel comfortable using it on her because it is all natural. I truly hope it works for you. I would add some aloe vera or glycerin for extra moisture and humectants and if you have any rosemary essential oil, you should add it to your mix as well atleast about 10 to 20 drops. Here's why:

Rosemary oil is one of the most popular essential oils. It has become important to us due to its various health benefits including its ability to stimulate hair growth, boost mental activity, relieve respiratory problems and reduce pain.

Rosemary oil and rosemary teas are used extensively for hair care in shampoos and lotions. Regular use of rosemary oil helps in stimulating follicles, as a result of which, hair grow longer and stronger. It is also believed that rosemary oil slows down premature hair loss and graying of hair. Hence it is an excellent tonic for bald people. Rosemary essential oil is also beneficial for dry and flaky scalps. Regular massage of scalp with rosemary oil nourishes the scalp and removes dandruff. Hope this helps! Hustin hair tips for ya!:grin::grin::grin:
Thanks HH! I know that this horsetail stuff works. One of my neighbor's daugthers was having a problem with her hair not growing. I gave her the Horsetail mixture and a couple of months later, she was able to put her hair up in a ponytail!

I agree w/ you about the added moisture because my creme didn't leave my hair feeling moisturized at all. I will add rosemary too.
Thanks for this ladies!
I will be mixing...
And I use a rosemary spritz now....

So this is good news and a great thread!:drunk:
Thanks for this ladies!
I will be mixing...
And I use a rosemary spritz now....

So this is good news and a great thread!:drunk:

Sam, with all the stuff we are using (Steam, rosemary etc.) Something has GOT to grow...along with our spirits!!!! Let me know how it is working for all of you ladies! My huslin tip for today is the benefits of ylang ylang. Heres why: (you knew that was comin didn't ya):spinning:

On the skin, ylang-ylang oil has a soothing effect and its balancing action sorts out over-dry as well as overly-oily skin by balancing the secretion of sebum, and has a stimulating effect on the scalp which promotes more luxurious hair growth. Antispasmodic, balances blood pressure, regulates heartbeat. It is used in hair preparations to promote thick, shiny, lustrous hair (it is also reported to help control split ends).

Ylang ylang has been reputed to stimulate hair growth and is a natural conditioner.

HH, I actually have some ylang-ylang. I'll throw that in as well!

Let me know how it is working out for you. Ladies, I am beginning to have so much NG that is is scarring me for real. I want to keep going forward with what I have been doing but I just don't know how I will be able to manage my new "hair"!
This is brilliant! I've been taking silica and it has been THE magic bullet for me.
I've read that silica is good to use topically but I have not found it in any conventional products.

I've actually been researching silica because I am so amazed at my progress, my hair growth and my fingernails, they look way better than when I wore acrylic nails. I had toe nail fungus in the past from getting pedicures from cheap salons, the nail had separated from the nail bed, I didn't think they would ever be right again. Now I have the most prefectly shaped finger nails and toe nails that will not stop growing and they don't crack, chip or peel!!

I'm all the way down with anything silica and will take it as long as I live!! I'll check this out.

I have the Alta Silica, but I haven't been consistent in taking it. I guess I will be now. :grin: How long have you been taking it?

OP - This is a great thread, thanks for all of the information. You are the guru of butters and oils. :yep:

I have the Alta Silica, but I haven't been consistent in taking it. I guess I will be now. :grin: How long have you been taking it?

OP - This is a great thread, thanks for all of the information. You are the guru of butters and oils. :yep:
I just began taking Alta Silica myself but you know what? I remember reading in the Alta Silica challenge post that the OP did not see results until she started taking the second bottle. I may be wrong but I think that is what she said. I have been taking them for about 2 wks and I haven't had much results yet but I have noticed my nails seem to respond to the horsetail butter. I think both the butter and the vitamins will "take off" pretty soon! Thanks for the compliment, although I wouldn't say guru yet, I have only begun this since last year (researching botanicals) I have found that there are some ladies on this board that I can't touch! Good luck to you and TAKE THOSE VITAMINS!
I just began taking Alta Silica myself but you know what? I remember reading in the Alta Silica challenge post that the OP did not see results until she started taking the second bottle. I may be wrong but I think that is what she said. I have been taking them for about 2 wks and I haven't had much results yet but I have noticed my nails seem to respond to the horsetail butter. I think both the butter and the vitamins will "take off" pretty soon! Thanks for the compliment, although I wouldn't say guru yet, I have only begun this since last year (researching botanicals) I have found that there are some ladies on this board that I can't touch! Good luck to you and TAKE THOSE VITAMINS!

Thanks so much, you're too sweet. Well I have 2 bottles of Silica on hand so now I know to be patient and keep taking them!

I've spent so much money, so I'll have to wait on the horsetail butter. I'm adding it to my growing list. :)
I bought Silica in liquid form once. I took it everyday even though the taste took some getting used to. I don't remember spectacular results but then again, I was taking so many supplements and was not really tracking the progress. I'll probably buy again.
I bought Silica in liquid form once. I took it everyday even though the taste took some getting used to. I don't remember spectacular results but then again, I was taking so many supplements and was not really tracking the progress. I'll probably buy again.


I don't see how you got that down! You could probably take the liquid you were taking and incorporate it into a hair creme or spray in order to still get the benefits. From what I understand it takes 2 to 3 months for it to get into your system and produce significant results. Let me know if you decide to strike it up again!
Ladies here is your hustlin hair tip of the day.

What you may or may not have known about Silk Amino Acid. I know alot of you add it to your products because it aids in the "slip factor" but do you know why and what it is actually doing for your hair? SAA is good and here's why:

Applied to the hair, silk protein dries to form a transparent crystalline protective film. That puts it into a category of ingredients called "film formers". The protective film seals the hair cuticle, increasing combability (detangling) and shine, acting as a moisturizer by preventing drying.

Silk amino acids (also called silk proteins and sericin) are obtained by the hydrolysis of silk - a natural protein fiber. The soft lustrous thread obtained from the silk cocoon woven by the silkworm is so converted and used in cosmetic preparations.
Silk amino acids (silk proteins) are used to help prevent dehydration of the hair and skin.

So there you have it, those of you who are using it in your products...good job and those of you who are considering using it, maybe this will help confirm your choices.

God Bless!
where exactly do I get all these supplies?

Hi there,

It depends on what you want to do, if you want to strengthen your hair then you would need the horsetail butter. There are so many suggestion in this thread so I am not sure just what you need but if you look back a couple of pages in the post, all your questions will most likely be answered. If you can't find the answer I will surely be glad to help ya out. Good luck!

I remember taking horsetail vitamins 500mgs years ago. It gave my hair such strength and thickness it was unbelievable. I had coworkers buzzing with questions as to my secret, even family members who always would tease me was shocked. Horsetail + weaves was an excellent combo and I will be revisiting horsetail really soon. I need a good 4" before this year ends.