Horror/Fantasy is a no-no?


Well-Known Member
I was reading some old posts in another forum, and a lot of Christians mentioned that they didn't watch scary/fantasy movies or read the books because it "opens your spirit up to things."

I thought that this was interesting that folks think this way, although this isn't the 1st time I've heard it. I know all about the Harry Potter book burnings and bannings.

What do y'all think? Is it a no for you? Why?

Is it ok? Why?

For me, being the child of my mother who LOVES horror/fantasy/sci fi, I've been exposed to it for awhile. I know what I like, but I also know what is "too much" for me.

I can't be watching movies like the Omen or all of the paranormal shows where they channel spirits and stuff like that. Doesn't feel good to me.

Everything else (Saw, Stephen King) I love b/c it's interesting. I've never felt the urge to hurt people and put them in a basement or traveling to other worlds to defeat the crimson king or anything. :lol:

Anyone else?:look:
I can watch scary movies that are cheesy (Nightmare on Elmstreet, Halloween, etc), but I can't watch torture movies like Saw. I don't want it in my head or spirit.

I also love true crime shows like American Justice and 48 Hours Mystery, but I know when to stop. I tend to start getting paranoid and looking around corners in the house. That's when I take a break.:lol:
I had to stop watching them as I got more spiritually grounded/mature. The subject matter can invade one's spirit and wreak havoc in terms of the spirit world. It could be said that such exposure could weaken one's spiritual life in that think about it: you're trying to pray and what's popping up in your head is Freddy Krueger coming at you with those sharp knives! :lol:

So I basically don't watch them anymore...and I am getting even more cautious about movies and films and books with subject matter that is not conducive to my spiritual walk, e.g., content w/sexual themes.... I mean I've been waiting for a LONG time for marriage and intimacy with my husband...I don't need to be teased or tempted. And I'm weak/strong enough to admit that I have to do what I have to do to keep this flesh under subjection.

Great topic! I am with RelaxerRehab on this. As my spiritual walk matures, I find that the Holy Spirit 'calls time' on activities that I previously revelled in. The first was PC games like Doom, Quake etc. I remember clearly the Holy Spirit saying to me 'No more!' as I was playing Quake 2 once. Since then I have not played those games again.

Same with horror films. I used to absolutely LOVE them - the gorier (sp?) the better. But I felt the Holy Spirit tell me to let these things go. Now it took me a bit longer to be obedient and I remember that I went out with my husband (then fiance) to watch Jeepers Creepers when it first came out, at a late night movie showing. When I saw that film I came home and sat on my bed for half an hour trying to get the images out of my head - my spirit was sooooo disturbed....

So I cut them out - until I lapsed and watched Saw. :( I had to BEG the Holy Spirit to take those images out of my head (the music when Jigsaw gets up from the middle of the floor was RINGING in my head).

Now I just keep away from them. The feeling when I watch them is NOT worth it. The thoughts that invade your mind when you least expect it, the violent dreams. No. Jesus doesn't want that for me and my walk with Him. :cool:
What are Doom and Quake? I thought they were like the military war games?
lauren450 said:
I can watch scary movies that are cheesy (Nightmare on Elmstreet, Halloween, etc), but I can't watch torture movies like Saw. I don't want it in my head or spirit.

I also love true crime shows like American Justice and 48 Hours Mystery, but I know when to stop. I tend to start getting paranoid and looking around corners in the house. That's when I take a break.

I think we're about opposite on the 1st part. :lol: Some of those are tooo much for me.

And I feel you 1000000000% with those True Crime shows...when I start to feel paranoid, it's time to stop.

Unsolved Mysteries was #1, that show scared the daylights out of me. And the Haunting shows on DSC.
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As I have grown in my walk with the Lord, I have learned not to put certain things before my eyes. I don't watch scary films any more at all. I have to limit myself with crime shows. Those images get into your subconscious and can come back as nightmares and stuff.