Wholesome Entertainment Thread

Any "other" ethnicities represented in wholesome entertainment?

Unfortunately I've found that there's a great shortage in wholesome tv and films with people of color in the leads, even when POCs are majority or the full cast most seem to be pandering only to the grown and sexy or the scandalous and ratchet. Or there just straight every stereotype of whatever race, ethnicity, or culture of the lead characters like Our family wedding with America Ferrera.
If you can find them, post them. Sometimes there are cast members that are supporting just not leads.

There is the daters handbook the lead actress Meaghan Markle who is mixed race, but it's not too appropriate for younger children, I'd say pg-14-15. The kid would have to be introduced to dating vs courting.


ABC family has some movies with Christina Milian but in the storyline is not wholesome i.e. she's living with the boyfriend, etc... the only one that's family friendly is Snow Globe.

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Update: Lady Gang they have a show on E and a podcast.

I happened to see about 5 m of this newish show on E Lady Gang. Now it seems harmless but they’re having no holds barred full frontal dating and sexual adult women convos including bleeped out profanity at midday like 11AM on a weekday to be precise. Well I looked up this episode it’s called I woke up like this single ???
And they go into alternative forms of aggressive foreplay and one host describes how she pleased her man in a public place under the table then she proceeds to teach the others at the table in detaied explaination how to do these same act then makes a “catchy” chorus about it.
I have no problem with adult women talking about adult stuff but can it be after 11PM maybe in the weekend and not on a regular cable station during the morning in a weekday where it really shouldn’t be. Some kids are homeschooled some are home sick even if that wasn’t the case they need to keep off color stuff for nighttime. I’m single too but I like to think that I know what’s appropriate and where and when they're appropriate
I sent an email to one million moms.
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We just watched Gallows Road on Amazon prime - it was a really good movie!

Amazon product ASIN B01046PDZQ
Gallows Road is a story of choices. Loss and heartbreak challenges a man to forgive the unforgivable.

An evil act takes the lives of a man’s wife and children. Despaired he retreats to isolation. He is done with God and men. Two children discover him and their friendship begins to penetrate his soul.

Can he rise above the ashes and learn to forgive or will he seek revenge? Ask and ye shall receive… seek and ye shall find.

Dove Review
“Gallows Road” does a terrific job showing that forgiveness is possible even in the most difficult situations. It also clearly demonstrates that a person can redeem bad decisions by making good ones.

Ernie Hudson does a great job playing Bob Collins, a family man with a wife and two kids. He’s happy because he is about to open a new store in town with his brother Seth (Marcus M. Mauldin). However, two rowdies in town named Snake Cain (Rett Terrell) and his brother Matty (Frank Mosley) plan to thwart the opening of the store. Their father previously owned the business and, on top of their jealousy of Bob and Seth now owning the store, they are prejudiced to boot. They also have the sheriff, Joe Cain (Brent Anderson), a relative, in their pocket.

They pull a local man, Jake Knight (Bill McAdams Jr.), unwittingly into their scheme and when tragedy results from the Cain brothers’ anger, Jake is prevented from interceding on Bob’s behalf. His conscience eats away at him and he turns to the bottle for relief. Ultimately he finds a strong friend and gets spiritual advice from his boss, Frank Thompson (Kevin Sorbo). Although a showdown seems inevitable, Jake is determined to stand up for what is right and to make sure Bob Collins is not harassed any more.

We are pleased to award our “Faith-Friendly” Seal for ages twelve plus to this movie. “Gallows Road” is, despite its title, a movie about life and hope. It shows compellingly the powerful freedom that comes with forgiving one’s enemy.
I wouldn't exactly call this movie wholesome but it does tastefully deal with women of faith and men on the down low... mercy. Do people still say down low??? Well I don't know but you'll be saying it after watching this movie.

Amazon product ASIN B07PVKVB94
Great movie recommendation! I love how the lead character didn’t do anything to compromise her freedom. She was very relatable.
Great movie recommendation! I love how the lead character didn’t do anything to compromise her freedom. She was very relatable.

Hey @Jphillips! I'm glad you had time to check it out. Yes I agree, the wife was very easy to relate to. I think people fall into two categories: trusting or suspicious. She seemed to be very trusting until evidence proved otherwise. For me, I'm suspicious from jump!
Apple Mortagage Cake based on the Angela Logan story. I enjoyed this very much. It can be found on Pureflix. It is a UPTV productions. I need to check out more of their content I love inspirational movies.

I found this narrative inspirational. The story line does feature a divorced woman and some may not want this for wholesome. However, I found the narrative around relationships to be honest yet inspirational if anything. The focus is super cute and based on the story of Angela Logan, who used her grandmothers recipe for Apple Cake to save her house from going into foreclosure. It touches on a healthy dating dynamic (while still addressing real life issues) of her and her current husband Melvin George. It addresses a healthy family dynamic even when you have disagreements or one kid rebelling an needs to be consistently points in the right directions. It discusses remaining good to others even when you battle your problems. I loved it and will be buying the DVD( Still old school I like my movies under my cabinet still).
Apple Mortagage Cake based on the Angela Logan story. I enjoyed this very much. It can be found on Pureflix. It is a UPTV productions. I need to check out more of their content I love inspirational movies.

I found this narrative inspirational. The story line does feature a divorced woman and some may not want this for wholesome. However, I found the narrative around relationships to be honest yet inspirational if anything. The focus is super cute and based on the story of Angela Logan, who used her grandmothers recipe for Apple Cake to save her house from going into foreclosure. It touches on a healthy dating dynamic (while still addressing real life issues) of her and her current husband Melvin George. It addresses a healthy family dynamic even when you have disagreements or one kid rebelling an needs to be consistently points in the right directions. It discusses remaining good to others even when you battle your problems. I loved it and will be buying the DVD( Still old school I like my movies under my cabinet still).

I've seen this.. it was pretty good. Thanks for the review! If we don't support these types of movies, we can't complain when there aren't any decent options available.
Here we go Netflix is sinking to new lows promoting there new movie the French film Mignones or Cuties in English Netflix has had some hits but they’ve now crossed the line actually no they crossed the line with the LGBTQ movies and content being available without ratings or filters ie children can see these programs if the parent doesn’t know how to lock things down but they may still see the titles. Netflix says they can’t fix that of course, well Dish and Comcast have a way of making it disappear and Netflix a 21st century steaming and an online company can’t? I don’t believe it. There needs to be clear lines drawn this is adult content and this is kid content Netflix has not done a good job of that at all and Im Don’t letting it slide.

They’re trying to say this is bad by glamorizing it and glorifying it in a movie And we’re supposed to be on board because the creator director is a woman. Please trash is trash. I will link the trailer and info these links are NSFW or children. There’s several petitions to get this banned but really they need to ban a coup,e more shows that one YT reveals like big mouth and desire. one of the comments was like for those critisizing the movie it’s just showing how girls are becoming women too fast. Wow really?

Broken YT Link the avatar is inappropriate
b30iwr8BBG U

to see this commentary look up Netflix sexualizes children again By cached

Trailer NSFW Not safe for kids


#cancelcuties #cancelnetflix
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Forum netflix inappropriate content for kids. Like I said I have no problem with adult content on adult page but some things are clearly adult even soft porn and open for kids to see its even on the kids choice reel Just wrong.

We need to demand change from Netflix and hold them accountable with ur patronage and $$$ they must make changes period.

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