Honest question


Well-Known Member
When you first started your walk with the Lord, what changes did you notice about yourself that you know is only from God's doing? How did the Spirit move you in ways that you knew for sure that was something not of your own doing? Did this feeling of Christ within you continue to grow steadily?

For example, the few times that I know i've been in the Spirit, I just felt different. My ears were more sensitive to garbage around me, my heart felt kinder, I'd be prompted to respond to people in a way that wouldn't normally be a knee jerk reaction, I just felt like not myself. My desires even began to change. I in particular would really like to change my level of patience with certain things and my proneness to quick irritability. I realize that I need God to take it away from me. I truly don't like this quality about myself. I get flustered and irritable very easily.

Let's discuss, I'm looking forward to reading people's experiences :yep:
The more time I spend studying, the more God works and starts changing in me. Things I use to love, I now hate, Conversations I use to be all up in it. I no longer want that around me or those people. The more I learn about the changes in others people's life, the more I saw God in my own life. The more I see what I have the more I want to give. That is growing in Christ. His word is what changes you. While I am on the internet I am listening to Bible.is. Awesome I can listen to whatever I want to in the scriptures. Right now I am studying out FEAR. Which is totally amazing. Job says in Job 3:25 ob 3:25
25 For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. Well that is so me, My greatest fear was losing my job, I have lost my job three years ago and yet I am still standing. After that was other things and i lost that leaving me with my car, Thank God I have my car, but then I lost that too, it was totaled in an accident. No car at all. Getting ready to lose my home. That is my last and greatest fear and it is surely upon me, Yet I am standing. I am still singing and praising God because he has promise that he would take of me if I have the faith to accept that. I was getting ready to post about Fear because so many need to know that God cares about the little things too. As for some of the things you were saying sometimes I get ready to pray for a specific thing and I end up praying for something else alltogether. When I expect a certain result and something else turns up I am so amazed by my emotions. it gets better everyday. I use to spend 30 minutes then I moved up to 60 then 90 and then I find that when I have a free moment. i want to listen to a message or read a passage or start singing and having worship. So the other day I was talking to my daughter and I said Great and Mighty is our God and then I said it again and then I open my mouth and she said Mom don't start that singing and I paused and I had to laugh because I had not realize that if I say anything like that I will start to sing evidently I do it all the time. Good, God is always on my heart and mind and I have asked God specifically to always be in my heart and mind. That when I close my eyes to dream I dream of heaven, I dream of wonderful things and that I give God all the praise. it took a long time for me to get here though. God has blessed me with really good friends.
Hi Brittster!! I don't have the answer to your question but I do want to say thanks for asking this question because I find that with myself turning 30 this yr has brought about changes for me in my life. For awhile I have been blocking God out of my life and just going with the flow . I need Him more than ever becasue I know that I spiritually I have wanted to grow more but have been blocking it for a long time due to unforgiveness of a past relationship that deeply wounded and hurt me to my core. All I know is that I now want to grow more spiritually.
The first thing that I noticed is that I didn't want to be in sin anymore. Not in a way that I felt that I was 'better than others', I just simply did not want to be anywhere near my 'old' life. It was like I had been in a dark basement and then I was in an open room with fresh air full of light and the peace that I still to this day, have no words for.

That was only the beginning. I thought that I was a 'good girl' and by most standards and opinions, I was just that, "I was a 'good girl', yet I wasn't. I had emotions, habits and thoughts that were not of Christ Jesus. Each time I read God's Word, more light would shine upon the things in my heart and in my life which were truly not those of a 'good girl', but of a woman on her way to hell.

Little by little, things began to change, my heart was yielding more and more to the heart of God and wanting to be pleasing to Him and not me selfishly.

I'm still growing. Life still happens and it challenges the love we have and the walk we walk and the talk we talk. But each day that I yield to Jesus, God's Word, moving with the Holy Spirit, the change becomes all the more stronger. The truth is, each of us will always be a 'work in progress'... not process, but a work in progress.

Process can be any activity or emotion, yet Progress, means just that, we are progressing in God and continuously pressing towards the 'Mark of our Higher Calling'.

The answer to your question is that 'we' will never be perfect, yet the Desire and the moves we take to be perfected move mountains from blocking our progress. Every move we make is a Victory. And you dear one are a 'champion' of Desire which is the key to it all. :cup:

To God be the Glory, forever His love endows upon us...

The more time I spend studying, the more God works and starts changing in me. Things I use to love, I now hate, Conversations I use to be all up in it. I no longer want that around me or those people. The more I learn about the changes in others people's life, the more I saw God in my own life. The more I see what I have the more I want to give. That is growing in Christ. His word is what changes you. While I am on the internet I am listening to Bible.is. Awesome I can listen to whatever I want to in the scriptures. Right now I am studying out FEAR. Which is totally amazing. Job says in Job 3:25 ob 3:25
25 For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. Well that is so me, My greatest fear was losing my job, I have lost my job three years ago and yet I am still standing. After that was other things and i lost that leaving me with my car, Thank God I have my car, but then I lost that too, it was totaled in an accident. No car at all. Getting ready to lose my home. That is my last and greatest fear and it is surely upon me, Yet I am standing. I am still singing and praising God because he has promise that he would take of me if I have the faith to accept that. I was getting ready to post about Fear because so many need to know that God cares about the little things too. As for some of the things you were saying sometimes I get ready to pray for a specific thing and I end up praying for something else alltogether. When I expect a certain result and something else turns up I am so amazed by my emotions. it gets better everyday. I use to spend 30 minutes then I moved up to 60 then 90 and then I find that when I have a free moment. i want to listen to a message or read a passage or start singing and having worship. So the other day I was talking to my daughter and I said Great and Mighty is our God and then I said it again and then I open my mouth and she said Mom don't start that singing and I paused and I had to laugh because I had not realize that if I say anything like that I will start to sing evidently I do it all the time. Good, God is always on my heart and mind and I have asked God specifically to always be in my heart and mind. That when I close my eyes to dream I dream of heaven, I dream of wonderful things and that I give God all the praise. it took a long time for me to get here though. God has blessed me with really good friends.

Thank you, in spite of all you're going through, you're still standing just fine. I deal with a lot of fear also. :giggle: at your daughter.

To the bolded, thanks.
Hey! I agree with most of the responses. I find that I'm hungry for more information relating to Jesus Christ ! I'm reading and training myself to pray more. I started off with 5 mins up to 10 then 15 then..... The biggest change I noticed is that I no longer desire secular music like I used to and I've actually enjoy worship music (Hillsong are one of my favs). Another major factor is I don't desire the clubs or partying like I used to.....I actually felt remorseful on how much time I wasted and how my walk would be stronger but God is known to make good out of bad.....

The key factors are:

1. making friends who share similar beliefs. They will keep you accountable
2. Read and study your bible. God loves to teach through his word
3. Pray Pray Pray Pray
4. Please don't compromise. It takes one mistake to change the course of your life (speaking from experience )
5. Pray Pray Pray. He loves you so much...He wants to hear from you daily