Homemade Hair Care Tips


New Member

Want to soften hair and leave it shiny? Then mayonnaise is the conditioning condiment for you. Comb just enough mayo through your hair to coat it lightly. Then leave on for 30 minutes before shampooing out per normal. For a deeper conditioning treatment, place a shower cap on top of your mayo-coated locks and leave on for longer (even overnight if you’re feeling extra dry). Other interesting uses? Next time you get gum stuck in your hair, rub Mayo in until the gum dissolves right out

Used for centuries as health tonic, this tasty, tangy acid can help remove residue that dulls your hair. Add about a tablespoon of vinegar to your hair as you rinse it. And if you have an itchy scalp or dandruff, try massaging full-strength apple cider vinegar into your scalp before shampooing. In addition to adding shine to your hair, vinegar is also known for its skin healing properties.


Finally! A way to benefit from eggs' natural proteins without the cholesterol! Crack a few eggs and beat together in bowl. After shampooing, massage through your hair and leave on before rinsing out thoroughly. This treatment should help repair or strengthen your hair follicles -- leading to silkier locks with good body. Alternate ideas include whisking one egg yolk together with a dash of olive oil and 3/4 cups warm water.

the info is fine

but the photo...:nono:

this is "the ultimate hair care & beauty resource for women of color"

i guess she could pass

i hear a lot of ladies on hear say they use mayo and eggs with great results. i may try the mayonnaise.