Hollywood Stylist Tip# 1 for Black Hair


New Member
Hollywood Stylist Tip# 1 for Black Hair: Stop usually low grade hair care products that contain sulfates: Even if you get a perm or wear weaves, your hair needs the most nutrients that it can receive between salon visits.

Hollywood Stylist Tip# 2 for Black Hair: Buy all natural hair care products, most natural stores carry Jason’s or Aubrey Organics Shampoos or you can by Beauty 4 Ashes online.

Hollywood Stylist Tip# 3 for Black Hair: Take care of your hair from home. You can do it! Wrap or roll your hair before bed. Don’t just sleep on it without a protective covering, which can lead to split ends and result in YOU getting your hair CUT.

Hollywood Stylist Tip# 4 for Black Hair: Drink plenty of water and reduce your intake of junk foods. Take a B Complex on a daily basis.

Hollywood Stylist Tip# 5 for Black Hair: Buy Silk pillow cases and hair wraps. Avoid cotton, it can lead to hair breakage.
Thanks for these. Can't say I agree with number 1 or 2 natural sulfate free shampoos tangle my hair REALLY bad. I wish they worked for me:sad:
I just recently read this and my first thought was that these tips could be used for "any" hair type not just black hair...If I am not mistaken, I may have read this in a Redbook or Good Housekeeping, shucks, I can't remember...
That's good advice. Happy to hear these stylist are catching on to some real info. Sad that the professionals had to have a hair revelation that we have been knowing for years.
Um, look at her siggy people. Usually these guys have some "snake oil" to sell and there it is
Hollywood Stylist Tip# 1 for Black Hair: Stop usually low grade hair care products that contain sulfates: Even if you get a perm or wear weaves, your hair needs the most nutrients that it can receive between salon visits.

Hollywood Stylist Tip# 2 for Black Hair: Buy all natural hair care products, most natural stores carry Jason’s or Aubrey Organics Shampoos or you can by Beauty 4 Ashes online.

Hollywood Stylist Tip# 3 for Black Hair: Take care of your hair from home. You can do it! Wrap or roll your hair before bed. Don’t just sleep on it without a protective covering, which can lead to split ends and result in YOU getting your hair CUT.

Hollywood Stylist Tip# 4 for Black Hair: Drink plenty of water and reduce your intake of junk foods. Take a B Complex on a daily basis.

Hollywood Stylist Tip# 5 for Black Hair: Buy Silk pillow cases and hair wraps. Avoid cotton, it can lead to hair breakage.
wow, the stylist has really opened my eyes now..:look::rolleyes:
Considering most Hollywood stars hair true hair is a mystery to me, I'm not one to follow Hollywood stylists tips for proper hair care. I think LHCF has given me better advice than some stylists I have had through the years! Can some of the ladies on the board start getting Hollywood stylist type recognition lol!
Considering most Hollywood stars hair true hair is a mystery to me, I'm not one to follow Hollywood stylists tips for proper hair care. I think LHCF has given me better advice than some stylists I have had through the years! Can some of the ladies on the board start getting Hollywood stylist type recognition lol!

:lachen:OK??? All the black celebs I see have wigs on... So - they apparently are not following this advice!!!:lachen: