Hollywood Stylist Tip# 1 for Black Hair


New Member
Hollywood Stylist Tip# 1 for Black Hair: Stop usually low grade hair care products that contain sulfates: Even if you get a perm or wear weaves, your hair needs the most nutrients that it can receive between salon visits.

Hollywood Stylist Tip# 2 for Black Hair: Buy all natural hair care products, most natural stores carry Jason’s or Aubrey Organics Shampoos or you can by Beauty 4 Ashes online.

Hollywood Stylist Tip# 3 for Black Hair: Take care of your hair from home. You can do it! Wrap or roll your hair before bed. Don’t just sleep on it without a protective covering, which can lead to split ends and result in YOU getting your hair CUT.

Hollywood Stylist Tip# 4 for Black Hair: Drink plenty of water and reduce your intake of junk foods. Take a B Complex on a daily basis.

Hollywood Stylist Tip# 5 for Black Hair: Buy Silk pillow cases and hair wraps. Avoid cotton, it can lead to hair breakage.
Thanks for these. Can't say I agree with number 1 or 2 natural sulfate free shampoos tangle my hair REALLY bad. I wish they worked for me:sad:
I just recently read this and my first thought was that these tips could be used for "any" hair type not just black hair...If I am not mistaken, I may have read this in a Redbook or Good Housekeeping, shucks, I can't remember...
That's good advice. Happy to hear these stylist are catching on to some real info. Sad that the professionals had to have a hair revelation that we have been knowing for years.
Hollywood Stylist Tip# 1 for Black Hair: Stop usually low grade hair care products that contain sulfates: Even if you get a perm or wear weaves, your hair needs the most nutrients that it can receive between salon visits.

Hollywood Stylist Tip# 2 for Black Hair: Buy all natural hair care products, most natural stores carry Jason’s or Aubrey Organics Shampoos or you can by Beauty 4 Ashes online.

Hollywood Stylist Tip# 3 for Black Hair: Take care of your hair from home. You can do it! Wrap or roll your hair before bed. Don’t just sleep on it without a protective covering, which can lead to split ends and result in YOU getting your hair CUT.

Hollywood Stylist Tip# 4 for Black Hair: Drink plenty of water and reduce your intake of junk foods. Take a B Complex on a daily basis.

Hollywood Stylist Tip# 5 for Black Hair: Buy Silk pillow cases and hair wraps. Avoid cotton, it can lead to hair breakage.
wow, the stylist has really opened my eyes now..:look::rolleyes:
Considering most Hollywood stars hair true hair is a mystery to me, I'm not one to follow Hollywood stylists tips for proper hair care. I think LHCF has given me better advice than some stylists I have had through the years! Can some of the ladies on the board start getting Hollywood stylist type recognition lol!
Considering most Hollywood stars hair true hair is a mystery to me, I'm not one to follow Hollywood stylists tips for proper hair care. I think LHCF has given me better advice than some stylists I have had through the years! Can some of the ladies on the board start getting Hollywood stylist type recognition lol!

:lachen:OK??? All the black celebs I see have wigs on... So - they apparently are not following this advice!!!:lachen: