Holidays and hair...


New Member
Ok people this summer if everything goes well im going to Miami or The Atl -dances-. I will be out there for 6weeks - 2 months. What you thinks more appropriate a weave or individuals, and why? /images/graemlins/grin.gif
what ever you do don't get cornrows! I was soooo tired of seeing girls with cornrows when I was down in miami. I understand that it is a no hassle hair style but it was was so common. /images/graemlins/confused.gif Get something that will make you stand out.

Go with the singles. If you do a weave, make sure it's a good, undetectable one.

Have fun girl. I'm thinking of planning my next trip down there. I just got back 4 days ago.It feels like 4 months
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
elite_chiq said:
Ok people this summer if everything goes well im going to Miami or The Atl -dances-. I will be out there for 6weeks - 2 months. What you thinks more appropriate a weave or individuals, and why? /images/graemlins/grin.gif

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Trying to figure out what company you work for so I can take a 6 week holiday. I have to stay here 18 more years before I get six weeks vac. /images/graemlins/frown.gif

But to answer your question, individuals. Get the box braids not those micros though, micros are killer on the hair line. With weave you'll still have to get your hair "did". Unless you get the wavy weave... Now I plan on rocking the wavy weave this summer. or fall. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
i think it depends if u plan on doin a lot of swimmin or not coz weaves needa be done frequently andif u r swimming a lot then all that water may cause u to needa keep gettin it done and well if so then definatly get the individuals