Holding Hands & PDA


Well-Known Member
Do you engage in PDA, be it kissing, holding hands or hugging with someone that you are just “dating” and NOT exclusive with? Let’s say you’re not even sure if YOU would call it dating, yet he wants to hold your hand publically? Or, you are also “seeing” other men too :giggle: that are just “friends” of course.

Does it close off other options if other possible suitors see you holding hands with a man that you are not exclusive with? I was out with someone Monday and Tuesday, but while we were out, he went to hold my hand and my first thought was, “What are you doing!”
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Well, if I'm dating, and non-exclusively, and a man I was on a date with Friday sees me holding hands with another man on Tuesday - :look: - and? We. Aren't. Exclusive. :rofl: If he has issues with that, he needs to step up his game and convince me that he's the only one I should be holding hands with.

As far as other men who aren't currently on the dance list - I think it's kinda passe to be scoping out other dudes WHILE you are on a date. :rofl: And I wouldn't want to talk to a man who approached me while I was on a date either - not classy. :nono:

So, hold hands! Snog! Lean up against each other! Why not? ;)
No PDA with anyone! Ugh I hate it!

When I was with my BF of 3 years, I didn't engage in any PDA.

No hand-holding, kissing, hugs, we probably looked like brother and sister.

Oh yeah I hate it when other people show inappropriate PDA. Hand-holding, a simple embrace, or kiss is okay..but I have seen some people literally make-out/love in front of me.

UGH!! (shudder)
Hmm.... I have always been of a mind that you should act so that your left hand doesn't know what your right hand is doing, KWIM? I would not want people to think I was having relations with these dudes and they see me holding hands with 3 different men in one week. They are going to just KNOW I am getting my back blown out by a whole gang of dudes. Not a good look. Even if it's not true, it becomes "common knowledge".

Plus, then you have the add'l problem of one man getting an attitude about it and possibly running up on you in the street, Cheaters style, and causing a scene. :nono:

The point of holding hands is to be seen as a couple... so that everybody knows y'all are together. If that's not the case... well :look: why do it?
Hmm.... I have always been of a mind that you should act so that your left hand doesn't know what your right hand is doing, KWIM? I would not want people to think I was having relations with these dudes and they see me holding hands with 3 different men in one week. They are going to just KNOW I am getting my back blown out by a whole gang of dudes. Not a good look. Even if it's not true, it becomes "common knowledge".

Plus, then you have the add'l problem of one man getting an attitude about it and possibly running up on you in the street, Cheaters style, and causing a scene. :nono:

The point of holding hands is to be seen as a couple... so that everybody knows y'all are together. If that's not the case... well :look: why do it?

See, that's kind of my point. If you are just casually dating (not even colouring together), you aren't really a couple, unless it's been discussed ... the whole exclusivity thing that is.

I don't even like someone kissing me in public if we are not a couple. :ohwell:
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