HIV discussion--myths and truths


Well-Known Member
EDIT: This is split off from original topic to continue the HIV discussion. I hope you take this as an opportunity to educate each other, not to fight or spread a personal agenda. This is about the disease, not the moral or spiritual dynamics involved. Please keep ON TOPIC, and please keep it civil.

Thank you, ladies!


This is not my thread, Mods I would appreciate it if my name is taken off of this post. JuicesN'Berries
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Question: Is Eddie Murphy really gay? Why is he with a woman and making babies if he is? :nono: What if he gives these women AIDS? That's just plain wrong for him to play games with innocent lives like that.
If there are gays on this forum, changing the Relationship forum wouldn't make any difference; for they've chosen to keep their lives a secret anyway. Perhaps the rule is more for their protection/privacy as opposed to exclusion. For the majority of the members would not be comfortable with the 'mix' of lifestyles; a commonality would be non-existant.

Heterosexuals should not have to compromise their rights in order for gays to proclaim theirs. Sadly, that's becoming the real prejudice. :perplexed Every community has the right to maintain who they are without compromise. I'm not storming the gay communities. I respect them and leave them alone. In turn, no one has the right to storm the heterosexual communities for they deserve the same respect as well.

Rosie O'Donnell and many other gays spend just as much time bashing heterosexuals to the limit and thinks nothing of it. Heterosexuals are not the cloud over gays; gays bear just as much responsibility as they expect from others.

This post is not to offend anyone gay or otherwise. I see everyone as a human life whom God loves and nothing less.

Peace and blessings...
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Question: Is Eddie Murphy really gay? Why is he with a woman and making babies if he is? :nono: What if he gives these women AIDS? Becuse heterosexuals cant give one another AIDS....That's just plain wrong for him to play games with innocent lives like that.
If there are gays on this forum, changing the Relationship forum wouldn't make any difference; for they've chosen to keep their lives a secret anyway. Not all together true Perhaps the rule is more for their protection/privacy as opposed to exclusion. No one needs protection on a forum. If we felt threatened we would not be here. For the majority of the members would not be comfortable with the 'mix' of lifestyles; a commonality would be non-existant. Then I wonder how the "majority of members feel in the real world with the "mix of lifestyles and all."

Heterosexuals should not have to compromise their rights in order for gays to proclaim theirs. What rights have been compromised. That is a very bold and uninformed statement to make. Sadly, that's becoming the real prejudice. :perplexed Umm not Every community has the right to maintain who they are without compromise. I'm not storming the gay communities. I respect them and leave them alone. In turn, no one has the right to storm the heterosexual communities for they deserve the same respect as well. Who has done that?

Rosie O'Donnell and many other gays spend just as much time bashing heterosexuals to the limit and thinks nothing of it. Heterosexuals are not the cloud over gays; gays bear just as much responsibility as they expect from others. Responsibility of what?

This post is not to offend anyone gay or otherwise. I see everyone as a human life whom God loves and nothing less.

Peace and blessings...

Shimmie I was offended by much of that post. Some of that was not true at all. No one can make heterosexuals feel uncompromised as you make up a majority. No one in the LGBT community is interested in "bashing" you all either, we just want the freedoms that heterosexuals have to live our lives the same way. With the ones we love wether it be same sex or not.I completely see why Navesgda left now....:nono:
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The homosexual=aids comment through me for a loop too..didn't know people still thought that.
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Question: Is Eddie Murphy really gay? Why is he with a woman and making babies if he is? :nono: What if he gives these women AIDS? That's just plain wrong for him to play games with innocent lives like that.
If there are gays on this forum, changing the Relationship forum wouldn't make any difference; for they've chosen to keep their lives a secret anyway. Perhaps the rule is more for their protection/privacy as opposed to exclusion. For the majority of the members would not be comfortable with the 'mix' of lifestyles; a commonality would be non-existant.

Heterosexuals should not have to compromise their rights in order for gays to proclaim theirs. Sadly, that's becoming the real prejudice. :perplexed Every community has the right to maintain who they are without compromise. I'm not storming the gay communities. I respect them and leave them alone. In turn, no one has the right to storm the heterosexual communities for they deserve the same respect as well.

Rosie O'Donnell and many other gays spend just as much time bashing heterosexuals to the limit and thinks nothing of it. Heterosexuals are not the cloud over gays; gays bear just as much responsibility as they expect from others.

This post is not to offend anyone gay or otherwise. I see everyone as a human life whom God loves and nothing less.

Peace and blessings...
Shimmie hextros do give each other AIDS! It is growing very fast among straight people. especially straight black people. I don't know why you aren't aware that AIDS is an epidemic and NOT a GAY DISEASE!

I disagree with you on this subject matter! however please no that AIDS is an EPIDEMMIC! NOT A GAY DISEASE!
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FYI: Homosexual women have the lowest rate of AIDS. Heterosexual Black women ages 15-35 (I may be wrong about 35 let me recheck) have the highest rate
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FYI: Homosexual women have the lowest rate of AIDS. Heterosexual Black women ages 15-35 (I may be wrong about 35 let me recheck) have the highest rate

What percentage of the HIV positive heterosexual black women contracted the disease from gay/bisexual men?
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What percentage of the HIV positive heterosexual black women contracted the disease from gay/bisexual men?

I'll look that up for you and post it. Either way at 15-35 you know how work a condom, so please do. Homosexual and bisexual women have no issues protecting themselves:rolleyes:
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FYI: Homosexual women have the lowest rate of AIDS. Heterosexual Black women ages 15-35 (I may be wrong about 35 let me recheck) have the highest rate
:yep: this is true...its very obvious why. Most of the activities that involve females do not require penetration or anal sex which is what the majority of males do. This is why you are more likely to hear a woman say she caught HIV from her hubby or SO than vice versa.
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:yep: this is true...its very obvious why. Most of the activities that involve females do not require penetration or anal sex which is what the majority of males do. This is why you are more likely to hear a woman say she caught HIV from her hubby or SO than vice versa.

Which is why I think most transmissions are from gay/bisexual men to women, because it seems to be very difficult for a woman to transmit the virus to a man. I'm very interested to know the statistics on this.
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Which is why I think most transmissions are from gay/bisexual men to women, because it seems to be very difficult for a woman to transmit the virus to a man. I'm very interested to know the statistics on this.

In all of the studies I am reading, it states no clarity on how much of a bridge bisexual men give to the HIV/AIDS rate of young women. However, studies do state that an almost equal amount of Black men arecatching HIV from drugs/needle sharing.
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Shimmie hextros do give each other AIDS! It is growing very fast among straight people. especially straight black people. I don't know why you aren't aware that AIDS is an epidemic and NOT a GAY DISEASE!

I disagree with you on this subject matter! however please no that AIDS is an EPIDEMMIC! NOT A GAY DISEASE!
JG, I'm fully aware of this. Because this is a gay-sensitve topic, anything I say will be taken out of its context. My statement is revolved around Eddie Murphy, that if he is indeed having homosexual activites, he is still putting at risk the women that he is also having sex with. There's no way of getting around that. My post was quite specific about his actions.

Addressing the statements that more heterosexual women are contracting AIDs is proof of this has it is occurring primarily (not solely) but primarily from sexual contact with their husbands/boyfriends who have been active homosexually. There's no way of getting around this. I've worked with too many cases of it and I've known too many innocent women who have died 'trusting' the men they've slept with.

Gays are not being 'attacted' here. Some may want to perceive it as such, because of other reasons. However, nothing has been said or implied against gays. But being a sensitive issue, it's prone for many to preceive it as such.
Last edited by a moderator: CategoryEstimated # of AIDS Cases, in 2005Adult and Adolescent MaleAdult and Adolescent FemaleTotalMale-to-male sexual contact17,230-17,230Injection Drug Use5,4412,9408,381Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use2,018-2,018High-risk heterosexual contact*4,7977,59112,388Other**280243523

Here are the stats.

If the chart doesn't show up correctly then you can go to the website link.

It looks as though (from these stats) that homosexual contact (of the male variety) is the no. 1 reason for HIV spreading with heterosexual contact at a close no. 2.

I'm posting these stats only because info has been thrown around which has not been supported by any links charts or graphs.

I'm not in Shimmie's brain but I don't think she was saying only homosexuals give or receive HIV. I think she was acknowledging that they make up a very large percentage for the distribution of it. If you look at CDC statistics, that's what it says and what else do you have to go by.

Someone explained to me once that because of the type of entry (male to male) contact involved there is a higher risk of contraction mainly because the anus is not made for entry (there are more chances for tears, fishers, abrasions, which can cause small amounts of bleeding, etc) than vaginal sex. Therefore, it could possibly be "easier transmission for the virus" than vaginal sex.

My only problem about homosexuality is that I don't want to hear the intimate details of it. I don't want those visuals. Sorry. But since we aren't really supposed to discuss those types of things on this board anyway, I'm not sure that would even be an issue. We never discuss sexual acts here (as far as I've seen). In fact, I tried to post something about black men saying we don't go down south and it was quickly delated (I was unaware of the rule at the time).

So I guess having said all that I wouldn't have a problem with it so long as there wasn't too much imagery provided. Frankly, I don't want too much imagery of hetero's either.


But, I think some people were too hard on Shimmie. She clearly comes from a religious perspective and I often hear people tell me this isn't a religious issue so keep religion out of it. But if you are a religious person, especially Christianity teaches that all decisions and all thoughts should dwell on what is pleasing to God so in that regard, I don't really expect her to separate her opinions from what she thinks God things is right (if that makes sense).
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Transmission CategoryEstimated # of AIDS Cases, in 2005Adult and Adolescent MaleAdult and Adolescent FemaleTotalMale-to-male sexual contact17,230-17,230Injection Drug Use5,4412,9408,381Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use2,018-2,018High-risk heterosexual contact*4,7977,59112,388Other**280243523

Here are the stats.

If the chart doesn't show up correctly then you can go to the website link.

It looks as though (from these stats) that homosexual contact (of the male variety) is the no. 1 reason for HIV spreading with heterosexual contact at a close no. 2.

I'm posting these stats only because info has been thrown around which has not been supported by any links charts or graphs.

I'm not in Shimmie's brain but I don't think she was saying only homosexuals give or receive HIV. I think she was acknowledging that they make up a very large percentage for the distribution of it. If you look at CDC statistics, that's what it says and what else do you have to go by.

Someone explained to me once that because of the type of entry (male to male) contact involved there is a higher risk of contraction mainly because the anus is not made for entry (there are more chances for tears, fishers, abrasions, which can cause small amounts of bleeding, etc) than vaginal sex. Therefore, it could possibly be "easier transmission for the virus" than vaginal sex.

My only problem about homosexuality is that I don't want to hear the intimate details of it. I don't want those visuals. Sorry. But since we aren't really supposed to discuss those types of things on this board anyway, I'm not sure that would even be an issue. We never discuss sexual acts here (as far as I've seen). In fact, I tried to post something about black men saying we don't go down south and it was quickly delated (I was unaware of the rule at the time).

So I guess having said all that I wouldn't have a problem with it so long as there wasn't too much imagery provided. Frankly, I don't want too much imagery of hetero's either.


But, I think some people were too hard on Shimmie. She clearly comes from a religious perspective and I often hear people tell me this isn't a religious issue so keep religion out of it. But if you are a religious person, especially Christianity teaches that all decisions and all thoughts should dwell on what is pleasing to God so in that regard, I don't really expect her to separate her opinions from what she thinks God things is right (if that makes sense).

Shimmies post was ignorant, ignorant, ignorant and there is no way around that. God would never have said or wanted anyone to say anything like that as ignorance is one of the things that most displeases Him. Homosexual men DO make up a large percentage of the AIDS population, no one is arguing that, but that is not what Shimmie stated. She assumed because Eddie participated in male on male activity he was exposing women to HIV. Not completely true. J.L King has some of yall super jaded. I dont really care to hear about other folks sex lives AT ALL. So guess what? I stay out of the threads. Please exercise your right to do so if you donrt want to hear about something. However, do not label out activities as any worse or better than you alls. They are not. Thank you. :)
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Shimmies post was ignorant, ignorant, ignorant and there is no way around that. God would never have said or wanted anyone to say anything like that as ignorance is one of the things that most displeases Him. Homosexual men DO make up a large percentage of the AIDS population, no one is arguing that, but that is not what Shimmie stated. She assumed because Eddie participated in male on male activity he was exposing women to HIV. Not completely true. J.L King has some of yall super jaded. I dont really care to hear about other folks sex lives AT ALL. So guess what? I stay out of the threads. Please exercise your right to do so if you donrt want to hear about something. However, do not label out activities as any worse or better than you alls. They are not. Thank you. :)

Hmm...I haven't seen those threads to stay out of them so it's a non-issue for me. I do have my opinions but i haven't labeled your activities as anything. Please show me where I have done that? I know I haven't because that's not the way I operate at all. I agree some of the things she said implied that heteros are innocent of contributing to the epidemic but I think because it was "implied" and not stated, that it was subject to the perception of the perceiver.
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Hmm...I haven't seen those threads to stay out of them so it's a non-issue for me. I do have my opinions but i haven't labeled your activities as anything. Please show me where I have done that? I know I haven't because that's not the way I operate at all. I agree some of the things she said implied that heteros are innocent of contributing to the epidemic but I think because it was "implied" and not stated, that it was subject to the perception of the perceiver.

I did not say you have seen the threads I was just giving you an option on how to avoid them in the case they do pop up. And saying you dont want to hear the details makes it seem like we are doing something you deem disgusting so I was letting know you had an option on whether or not to look at the content. NO ONE CLAIMED heterosexuals were guilty of anything, so I dont know where that BS came from honestly.
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I did not say you have seen the threads I was just giving you an option on how to avoid them in the case they do pop up. And saying you dont want to hear the details makes it seem like we are doing something you deem disgusting so I was letting know you had an option on whether or not to look at the content. NO ONE CLAIMED heterosexuals were guilty of anything, so I dont know where that BS came from honestly.

So I guess having said all that I wouldn't have a problem with it so long as there wasn't too much imagery provided. Frankly, I don't want too much imagery of hetero's either.

This is what I stated. I am not your enemy.

If we can't have a civil discussion then that is fine but I'm not going to take you cursing at me. I don't believe that makes any discussion productive.
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[]bSo I guess having said all that I wouldn't have a problem with it so long as there wasn't too much imagery provided. Frankly, I don't want too much imagery of hetero's either.[/b]

This is what I stated.

If we can't have a civil discussion then that is fine but I'm not going to take you cursing at me. I don't believe that makes any discussion productive.

I have not provoked you to anger and I don't deserve to be talked to that way.

I apologize for saying BS I didnt think it was that big a deal :ohwell:
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JG, I'm fully aware of this. Because this is a gay-sensitve topic, anything I say will be taken out of its context. My statement is revolved around Eddie Murphy, that if he is indeed having homosexual activites, he is still putting at risk the women that he is also having sex with. There's no way of getting around that. My post was quite specific about his actions.

Addressing the statements that more heterosexual women are contracting AIDs is proof of this has it is occurring primarily (not solely) but primarily from sexual contact with their husbands/boyfriends who have been active homosexually. There's no way of getting around this. I've worked with too many cases of it and I've known too many innocent women who have died 'trusting' the men they've slept with.

Gays are not being 'attacted' here. Some may want to perceive it as such, because of other reasons. However, nothing has been said or implied against gays. But being a sensitive issue, it's prone for many to preceive it as such.

Your still incorrect! HIV and AIDS has ravaged Africa for 20 years, now you gone sit there and tell me that all the continent's men are on the DL? I'm sure some are gay, but can you explain why AIDS is wiping whole families out in Africa?

But see this is how people like you get used! Yes used! Your fears are played upon to make you believe that HIV/AIDS is a Gay disease and they caused it all!

Here's the reality HIV/AIDS was most likely created in a lab as a form of genocide to rid the earth of undesirables : gays and blacks...notice I didn't say gayblack men.

I'm not trying to change your views on homosexuality. I just want you to understand that you shouldn't let your fear or being naive misinform you.

As for Eddie Murphy he's a dawg!
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Shimmie, as far as HIV goes, it doesnt matter how it originated. If it did start out as a "gay" disease, its in the heterosexual community now, so everyone needs to protect themselves. I have split the HIV info off into another thread so the discussion can continue. Please keep it civil ladies. :)
Shimmie, as far as HIV goes, it doesnt matter how it originated. If it did start out as a "gay" disease, its in the heterosexual community now, so everyone needs to protect themselves. I have split the HIV info off into another thread so the discussion can continue. Please keep it civil ladies. :)

You're absolutely right about all you've stated above; I am also fully aware. There is a Pandemic with AIDs which has spread itsself way beyond its origin harming the innocent. :sad:

Something to read:

Children who suffer (those who have AIDs; those who have been orphaned, which I mentioned in my post prior, I've seen this happen:


Older People: (Blame it on Viagra)

HIV via Drug Use: (also involves sexually related activites)

HIV and Prostitution:

Origin Theories:

AIDs Discrimination:

In the News:

It's alot to read, but it's very informative.
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Shimmie, as far as HIV goes, it doesnt matter how it originated. If it did start out as a "gay" disease, its in the heterosexual community now, so everyone needs to protect themselves. I have split the HIV info off into another thread so the discussion can continue. Please keep it civil ladies. :)

What's this thread a spin-off from? Can we please link the original thread when we do spin-off's (I always try to do this so people can see what the original discussion is). I can't really say much until then, except that everyone is at risk for HIV/AIDS, whether gay or straight, child or adult, young or old.
What's this thread a spin-off from? Can we please link the original thread when we do spin-off's (I always try to do this so people can see what the original discussion is). I can't really say much until then, except that everyone is at risk for HIV/AIDS, whether gay or straight, child or adult, young or old.

The original topic had nothing to do with this.........but your best bet would be to not even ask what is was not a "legal" thing to talk about here that is why there was a spin-off (I guess). I just responded to your question because it says that this is my thread.....but it is not my thread AT ALL, I never even asked about HIV my original post was edited to say this.:sad:
JG, I'm fully aware of this. Because this is a gay-sensitve topic, anything I say will be taken out of its context. My statement is revolved around Eddie Murphy, that if he is indeed having homosexual activites, he is still putting at risk the women that he is also having sex with. There's no way of getting around that. My post was quite specific about his actions.

Addressing the statements that more heterosexual women are contracting AIDs is proof of this has it is occurring primarily (not solely) but primarily from sexual contact with their husbands/boyfriends who have been active homosexually. There's no way of getting around this. I've worked with too many cases of it and I've known too many innocent women who have died 'trusting' the men they've slept with.

Gays are not being 'attacted' here. Some may want to perceive it as such, because of other reasons. However, nothing has been said or implied against gays. But being a sensitive issue, it's prone for many to preceive it as such.

I'm not gay or bi but WOW, you have totally shown yourself to not only be ignorant of a lot of issues that you speak on with SUCH conviction, but also insensitive of your fellow human and offensive to others who belong to this community.

First and foremost, Who cares if Eddie Murphy is gay or not. Penetration is penetration. If he uses a condom (weather with men or women) its fine. WHO CARES? That is between him and god. Its certainly NOT for YOU or I to judge. Doesn't Luke 6:37,38 say that with the same measure you are measuring out, you will ALSO be measured? You cant claim to be a "lord loving person" and then behave in a way contradictory to what the Lord says right?

Secondly, Eddie Murphy (or ANY OTHER PERSON in this world of 6 BILLION) can contract aids. Through heterosexual or Homosexual relationships. As a mater of fact, the rate of contraction is NOT necessarily higher in GAY relationships. So by you saying "Eddie Murphy, that if he is indeed having homosexual activites, he is still putting at risk the women that he is also having sex with." You are implying that Homosexuality is a HIGH RISK and Dangerous lifestyle. isn't. Homosexual intercourse is JUST as dangerous as heterosexual intercourse if not done in a monogamous relationship and not done while taking health precautions.

Addressing your statements that I bolded in the above paragraph... Id just like to first say that most women who contract HIV from their men.... don't get it from men that are having homosexual relationships.... they get it from men that are sleeping around with other WOMEN who are either prostitutes, or very loose and do not use a condom. Most of those men frequently stray from their wives and girlfriends with LOOSE WOMEN not men. And again, even if it is from having sex with men..... it doesn't mean that the disease CAME from them sleeping with a man. HIV is a disease transmitted through bodily fluids, and unprotected sexual contact no matter WHAT kind of sex you are having, just like Hep, and Clap.

As for the very last part, YOU DID ATTACK HOMOSEXUALS in your last comment. As you would say, "Theres no way to get around that". Stop trying to backpedal by saying "being a sensitive issue, it's prone for many to preceive it as such." Saying that implies that its EVERYBODY ELSE'S FAULT that YOU didn't word your sentace correctly before typing it.

Please dont judge people based on sexual orientation. Its just as bad as making judgments on people based on race or religion or creed. Im sure you would be very upset if somebody repeated some of the stereotypes and false beliefs that whites have held in this country about BLACKS for years.

Dont YOU go making yourself just as bad as them ok? I suggest you do a little research on some of these topics, just for your own edification. You might find that some of your own unfair prejudices might melt away.

I understand you feel strongly about this subject, and I understand why, but please try and take a step back for a moment and look at how you really sound to others.

Just remember that the bible also says in proverbs 19:20 "Listen to counsel and accept discipline, That you may be wise the rest of your days"
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You're absolutely right about all you've stated above; I am also fully aware. There is a Pandemic with AIDs which has spread itsself way beyond its origin harming the innocent. :sad:

Something to read:

Children who suffer (those who have AIDs; those who have been orphaned, which I mentioned in my post prior, I've seen this happen:


Older People: (Blame it on Viagra)

HIV via Drug Use: (also involves sexually related activites)

HIV and Prostitution:

Origin Theories:

AIDs Discrimination:

In the News:

It's a lot to read, but it's very informative.

Just another thing Id like to add to your list.... as I thought YOU in particular may find it interesting...

Heres another article from the same website about Homosexuality and aids....

By the way, thanks for the links.... a lot of the stuff in there is stuff I had ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA about! Thanks again!
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I just have a question, because I remember an episode of 'Girlfriends'

But if someone is HIV positive, and there is an open wound, and blood is seeping out and you gain contact with the blood, can the disease be contracted to you?

Just a question :)
I just have a question, because I remember an episode of 'Girlfriends'

But if someone is HIV positive, and there is an open wound, and blood is seeping out and you gain contact with the blood, can the disease be contracted to you?

Just a question :)

I think yes if you also have an open sore or wound or of course the downstairs region comes in contact with it. I remember that episode as well!:grin: