Well-Known Member
Today I'm going to try two regimen tweaks: I will tweak the products I use and I will tweak my styling.
Products I'll try:
Styling I'll try:
- Prepoo: Soultanicals Power to the Prepoo
- Detangle: Soultanicals Hair Glide
- Cleanse: 22nd Century Natural Woman shampoo bar
- DC: None . . . had one recently and I'm not using a poo that strips . . . AND I will have prepoo'd
- LLG . . . Ends . . . Edges & Scalp:
- Liquid: This mixture described here, a version of which Chime (YouTuber with very healthy long hair) recommends.
- Leave-in: Soultanicals Cotton Candy Hair-fluff Leave-in Softerizer (bought this for the boys but trying it on my hair, too)
- Gel: Uncle Funky's Daughter's Curly Magic (I gave my HGs -- Camille Rose Naturals Curl Maker and DevaCurl Ultra Defining Gel -- away to my niecy while visiting them on our vacation)
- Ends: Mixture of NetWurks Custard and jojoba oil
- Edges and scalp (scalp via color application bottle): NetWurks spray
Heavily-gelled wash-and-go via SHINGLING. (I do know: Wngo's aren't great for hipo, fine, dense hair. I have a rationale/reason, though, for giving it at least one try). What if shingling keeps my tiny sections separate, thus keeping my ends from tangling, and thus allowing my hair to thrive with wash-and-go's like some ladies' manes do? And what if were able to shingle my hair faster then threading it, twisting it, etc.? THAT would be an improvement in quality of life, as silly as that may seem: The more freed up time I have, and the less manipulation of my hair that I do, the better!I'm excited about this experiment. Whether I get more hydration/moisture from the change in products, less time-consuming styling, or both, I would be EXTREMELY grateful/happy.
Your theory sounds reasonable. Hopefully your hair agrees and the styling works out as planned!