Hip Tbl & Beyond Challenge 2018


Rooted Yet Flowing
Please note: before committing to this challenge, your health/wellness comes first and I am a big advocate of that. I am starting the thread SUPER early to accommodate the following 3 must have rules before the initial start of the challenge:

1. Visit your doctor. Request a physical and blood work. Find out areas where you are deficient and address them. If you have had blood work done in 2016 and already know your stats...cool beans. Skip ahead.

2. Reduce your stress. If there are areas in your life that are causing you to be stressed out...work on it.

3. Improve your diet and water intake. Make sure you are getting sufficient amounts of protein and lots of leafy greens. Reduce the amount of sugar and processed foods in your diet.

Please start working on the issues above prior to January 2017 no later than June 2017...especially the blood work.


Now on to the fun stuff:

This is an open, year round challenge. Anyone, any length at any time may join. To join please commit to the initial 3 rules and state the following:

Current length:
(Pictures are encouraged but not required)


Exact goal length:

Plans to help you achieve your goal:

List any vitamins/supplements you are taking:

Your ends care regimen to keep them healthy:

Trimming/Dusting/S&D'ing schedule/routine:
(I suggest you start off with a 1/4 inch dusting. Going forward, trim the same amount every 6 months. We will be working a lot on our ends during this challenge, so I plan on keeping them in tip top shape)

Top 10 products: Please note these are the products that you intend on using the duration of the challenge. So list your tried and true. Yes you are allowed to use other products but I want to know your foundation products. The ones that are going to rock with you to hip length and beyond.


We will be having mini 6 month challenges to keep the thread interesting and engaging. A check in will be due after each one is complete.

Check in dates:
Last day of June 2017
Last day of December 2017
Last day of June 2018
Final check in--Last week of 2018
***Pictures are required at the final check in****

Now let's get to growing and retaining. Are you with me?!



Mini challenge 1. December 2016 to March 2017 located on page 6 of the thread.

:rose: Mini challenge 1 starting now until the last day of March 2017. The goal here is to build healthy habits that will stick. I don't want to overwhelm anyone so the challenges will be slow but steady.

There are 3 options. You can choose 1, 2 or all. I challenge you to try all.

1. Eat 1 salad a week. You can put anything on it to make it taste to your liking however it must include some form of protein and DARK leafy greens. Not that wimpy iceberg lettuce...I'm talking kale, spinach, chard, arugula etc. The darker the greens, the better!

2. Exercise once a week for at least 20 minutes doing something that will get your heart rate up. It could be walking, running, any form of cardio or HITT cardio.

3. Hide your ends 5 days a week. Mon thru Friday is a good template yet still leaving room to wear your hair out on the weekends.

Check in at least once a month to let us know how you are doing. Also please subscribe to the thread so you can get updates when there are posts. (That seems to be the only way I stay informed these days as I really only think about coming on here on wash days when I'm actually doing something to my hair).

So what's your challenge fancy? Which are you committing to for the next few months?

Mini challenge 2:
Mini challenge from April 1st to July 1st!

1) Stay hydrated! Pick one day a week in that the only thing you drink is water. Just one day. No sodas, no juice, no coffee...herbal non-caffeinated tea is excepted!

2) De-stress! Pick one day a week and spend 5-10 minutes outside alone. No cell phones, no laptops, no distractions...just you, your thoughts taking in the beauty of spring.

2 simple challenges. You can pick 1 or both. Staying hydrated and doing small things to keep your stress low does have a positive effect on your hair. Which one will you commit to?
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If you are currently in the 2016 hip length challenge, please feel free to continue posting your updates over there. The only thing needed in this thread is to like the OP to show your interest and your stats to be filled out prior to the challenge start date of January 1, 2017.
I'm in! All 3 prerequisites done.
Current length: Grazing waist length

Regimen: May 1 thru August 31 cowash daily and wet bun. September 1 thru April 30 rotation of wigs and roller sets (wig for 5 weeks, roller set for a week, repeat)

Exact goal length: Tailbone

Plans to help you achieve your goal: Increase moisture, minimize friction between clothing and ends.

List any vitamins/supplements you are taking: Beautifully bamboo, multivitamin, iron, vitamin D, folic acid and fish oil.

Your ends care regimen to keep them healthy: Heavy moisturizing and sealing. Keep them off my shoulders as much as possible. Hiding them in the winter.

Trimming/Dusting/S&D'ing schedule/routine: Trim in June and December. S&D biweekly or if I see a split or ssk.

Top 10 products:
-Hask bamboo oil shampoo & condish
-NurCreations avocado & green tea deep conditioner
-Almond oil
-Avocado oil
-Aphogee 2 minute
-Garnier Fructis sleek n shine leave in
-Jakeala sweet honey hair thang
-Joico Kpak conditioner
-Shea Moisture Raw Shea deep conditioner

Will update with a starting pic when I straighten and trim in December.
@KinksAndInk Welcome Sis! I really like your vitamin reggie. I've always wanted to take a fish oil supplement but was nervous that it would make my scalp/skin too oily. What benefits have you seen since adding this supplement?
I have oily skin and when I'm consistent with my fish oil, I'm not as oily. My skin is soft and supple and my hair is shinier. I actually started taking it to help with an injury to my knee (added joint lubrication) as opposed to a bunch of prescription pills. When I saw what it did for my hair and skin I just kept taking it. It's been about 4 years now.
I want to join!
Current length: Waist length...I have to take some current pictures...I've been super lazy

-Overnight moisturizing DC 2x a week
-Protein treatment (3 eggs, coconut milk, honey, conditioner, coconut oil) every other week
-Henna treatment every other week. I always add honey to my henna mixtures and then add either coconut milk, green tea or just water.
-Daily water rinsing in the shower, holding my ends so that my hair is kept straight and doesn't tangle. I do this to my hair in halves. Once one half has been rinsed, I immediately twist it and pin it up using butterfly clip. I apply conditioner from the middle of my hair shaft to the ends of my hair and seal with oil.
-Shampoo 1x a week
-Seal and massage scalp with my DIY super growth oil (from Curly Proverbz on Youtube) every time after rinsing or shampooing hair.

Exact goal length: Tailbone length

Plans to help you achieve your goal:
-Protective styling at least 5x a week
-Doing inversion once a month...consistently. I was not consistent with inversion this past year.
-Scalp massages and sealing with super growth oil
-Making sure my hair does not tangle at night while I'm sleeping by keeping it secure so it doesn't move around
-Making sure I stay on top of both my moisture and protein treatments.
-Continuing to use henna

List any vitamins/supplements you are taking:
-Beautifully Bamboo supplements
-Beautifully Bamboo tea

Your ends care regimen to keep them healthy: moisturize with moisturizing conditioner or moisturizing leave-in conditioner, sealing with oil, keeping them pinned up.

Trimming/Dusting/S&D'ing schedule/routine:
I haven't really been following a specific schedule for dusting or S&D'ing...it's mostly been as I feel is needed. But I'll try the suggested: (I suggest you start off with a 1/4 inch dusting. Going forward, trim the same amount every 6 months. We will be working a lot on our ends during this challenge, so I plan on keeping them in tip top shape)

Top 10 products: Please note these are the products that you intend on using the duration of the challenge. So list your tried and true. Yes you are allowed to use other products but I want to know your foundation products. The ones that are going to rock with you to hip length and beyond.
-Silk Elements Moisture Silk Moisturizing Deep conditioner
-EcoStyler Olive Oil Gel
-Xtreme Wetline Gel
-Tresemme Luxurious Moisture Conditioner
-SheaMoisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Shampoo
-Reshma Henna
-Garnier Whole Blends Honey Treasures Conditioner
-Camille Rose Coconut Water Detangling treatment
-Generic Value Products Silk Remedy
-Joico K-Pak Conditioner!
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Quit playing, you KNOW you gone renew your subscription and you KNOW you gone join this challenge. Don't make me get my belt. :catfight: LOL


I caint!! :lol: my stomach hurts! I died laughing when I read that!!

Okay, okaaay! I'm in I'm in!!! Let me hop on my laptop so I can get my stats together! Lol!!
I would like to join please! This is my first real length challenge. So excited!

Current length:

I wash and DC weekly.
I only detangle on wash day. I mainly finger detangle and get the rest out with a seamless wide-tooth comb.
I leave my hair alone during the week. I do not need to MnS during the week. My hair stays moisturized from my wash day.
I protective style M-F.

Exact goal length:
HL 2017 or BUST

Plans to help you achieve your goal:
Keep scalp clean/clog free
Minimize heat
Keep ends protected
Dust as needed
Reduce breakage

List any vitamins/supplements you are taking:

Your ends care regimen to keep them healthy:
I keep them protected during the week
I seal them with a heavy butter
I dust/trim as needed
I keep them moisturized and stretched to minimize SSKs

Trimming/Dusting/S&D'ing schedule/routine:
I will dust every 3 months. Trim as needed.

Top 10 products:
Oyin Hair Dew
SM Superfruit Mask
SM Sacha Inchi Mask
Bekura YAM Nectar
Camille Rose JAI Twist Butter
Shescentit Okra Reconstructor
Shescentit Coco Crème Leave-in
SM JBCO shampoo
ORS Creamy Aloe
Distilled Water
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I have oily skin and when I'm consistent with my fish oil, I'm not as oily. My skin is soft and supple and my hair is shinier. I actually started taking it to help with an injury to my knee (added joint lubrication) as opposed to a bunch of prescription pills. When I saw what it did for my hair and skin I just kept taking it. It's been about 4 years now.

That sounds wonderful. I started doing Pilates as well as flexibility training around 2 months ago. Man my joints be popping like popcorn. :lachen: If the fish oil can help with that...perfect! The shinier and softer hair would be icing on the cake. I'll pick some up soon. Thanks for the break down Sis! :2inlove:
I want to join!
Current length: Waist length...I have to take some current pictures...I've been super lazy

-Overnight moisturizing DC 2x a week
-Protein treatment (3 eggs, coconut milk, honey, conditioner, coconut oil) every other week
-Henna treatment every other week. I always add honey to my henna mixtures and then add either coconut milk, green tea or just water.
-Daily water rinsing in the shower, holding my ends so that my hair is kept straight and doesn't tangle. I do this to my hair in halves. Once one half has been rinsed, I immediately twist it and pin it up using butterfly clip. I apply conditioner from the middle of my hair shaft to the ends of my hair and seal with oil.
-Shampoo 1x a week
-Seal and massage scalp with my DIY super growth oil (from Curly Proverbz on Youtube) every time after rinsing or shampooing hair.

Exact goal length: Tailbone length

Plans to help you achieve your goal:
-Protective styling at least 5x a week
-Doing inversion once a month...consistently. I was not consistent with inversion this past year.
-Scalp massages and sealing with super growth oil
-Making sure my hair does not tangle at night while I'm sleeping by keeping it secure so it doesn't move around
-Making sure I stay on top of both my moisture and protein treatments.
-Continuing to use henna

List any vitamins/supplements you are taking:
-Beautifully Bamboo supplements
-Beautifully Bamboo tea

Your ends care regimen to keep them healthy: moisturize with moisturizing conditioner or moisturizing leave-in conditioner, sealing with oil, keeping them pinned up.

Trimming/Dusting/S&D'ing schedule/routine:
I haven't really been following a specific schedule for dusting or S&D'ing...it's mostly been as I feel is needed. But I'll try the suggested: (I suggest you start off with a 1/4 inch dusting. Going forward, trim the same amount every 6 months. We will be working a lot on our ends during this challenge, so I plan on keeping them in tip top shape)

Top 10 products: Please note these are the products that you intend on using the duration of the challenge. So list your tried and true. Yes you are allowed to use other products but I want to know your foundation products. The ones that are going to rock with you to hip length and beyond.
-Silk Elements Moisture Silk Moisturizing Deep conditioner
-EcoStyler Olive Oil Gel
-Xtreme Wetline Gel
-Tresemme Luxurious Moisture Conditioner
-SheaMoisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Shampoo
-Reshma Henna
-Garnier Whole Blends Honey Treasures Conditioner
-Camille Rose Coconut Water Detangling treatment
-Generic Value Products Silk Remedy
-Joico K-Pak Conditioner!

@Noelle01 Welcome Sis! I do the bolded as well. It really helps.
I would like to join please! This is my first real length challenge. So excited!

Current length:
Grazing WL

I wash and DC weekly.
I only detangle on wash day. I mainly finger detangle and get the rest out with a seamless wide-tooth comb.
I leave my hair alone during the week. I do not need to MnS during the week. My hair stays moisturized from my wash day.
I protective style M-F.

Exact goal length:
HL 2017 or BUST

Plans to help you achieve your goal:
Keep scalp clean/clog free
Minimize heat
Keep ends protected
Dust as needed
Reduce breakage

List any vitamins/supplements you are taking:

Your ends care regimen to keep them healthy:
I keep them protected during the week
I seal them with a heavy butter
I dust/trim as needed
I keep them moisturized and stretched to minimize SSKs

Trimming/Dusting/S&D'ing schedule/routine:
I will dust every 3 months. Trim as needed.

Top 10 products:
Oyin Hair Dew
SM Superfruit Mask
SM Sacha Inchi Mask
Bekura YAM Nectar
Camille Rose JAI Twist Butter
Shescentit Okra Reconstructor
Shescentit Coco Crème Leave-in
SM JBCO shampoo
ORS Creamy Aloe
Distilled Water

@AgeinATL You got your regimen on lock! So excited to have you in the challenge and I look forward to watching you reach and crush your length goals!
Mmkay....so *lip pop* :gorgeous: ......:lol:

Current length:
Hip Length


Right now I shampoo and deep condition weekly. Throw in a leave, rake in some gel, scrunch in some oil...call it a day. After day 3...my hair ends up in a top knot for another 2-3 more days. I use Marguerite's Magic to Moisturize my Busy Girl Bun. When i'm not so busy, I co-wash every 3 days.

Exact goal length:

Full and Healthy Hip Length.

Plans to help you achieve your goal:

Buns and taking care of my ends. I need to get my water intake back up...i was doing so well! :nono: I know as long as I keep my hair moisturized and bunned up, my hair grows like a weed! Definitely need to get back to co-washing more! :yep:

List any vitamins/supplements you are taking:

Mielle Organic vitamins and i'm gonna get checked for iron deficiency. I might need to take iron supps.

Your ends care regimen to keep them healthy:

I DEFINITELY will be trimming off about 1-2 inches this Winter once I can straighten my hair. I'm also going to shape my curls. I try to keep some type of oil on my ends. I use so many different ones I can't just list one! :lol:

Trimming/Dusting/S&D'ing schedule/routine:
(I suggest you start off with a 1/4 inch dusting. Going forward, trim the same amount every 6 months. We will be working a lot on our ends during this challenge, so I plan on keeping them in tip top shape)

I plan to trim off an inch every 3-4 months next year. I'm not trying, really,to get to TBL. I just want healthy ends for 2017. Definitely maintenance mode.

Top 10 products:

Tresseme Flawless Curls Shampoo
Tresseme Flawless Curls Conditioner
Garnier Curl Hydration Conditioner
Garnier Curl Hydration Shampoo
Garnier Butter Cream Leave In
Wetline Xtreme Gel
EcoStyler Gel
Carol's Daughter Marguerite's Magic
Dominican Deep Conditioners: La Bomba w/ Avocado; Miss Key 10 en 1; etc. I love Dominican products!
Current length:
I've been maintaining at hip for over a year now.

Wash & DC every 2 weeks. Protein treatments as needed...usually quarterly.

I mostly keep my hair in braids/twists/buns. Roller set twice a year.

Exact goal length:
I hope to be TBL by Dec 2017 (GOAL REACHED MARCH 2017) and Classic by Dec 2018

Plans to help you achieve your goal:
Continue with my regimen. Keep ends protected!

List any vitamins/supplements you are taking:
I take a prenatal vitamin as I am pregnant and will continue to take it while nursing.

Your ends care regimen to keep them healthy:
Keep my ends heavily lubricated to avoid them drying out.

Trimming/Dusting/S&D'ing schedule/routine:
Trim annually...cut out ssk's as needed.

Top 10 products:

Elucence Moisture Benefits shampoo
Joico Moisture Recovery balm
Giovanni Direct leave in
Jane Carter Nourish & Shine
Colorful Neutral Protein Filler

Edited to update reaching 1st goal!
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Current length: When I stretch my longest layer is WL. I am transitioning to natural I think! I am about 4 or 5 months post. I will post pictures later
(Pictures are encouraged but not required)

Regimen: I wash and condition once a week. I am trying to find products that work on my two textures.

I wash with ORS Creamy Aloe or Invigorating shampoo. My dc is ORS hair mask. I like to use a cheapie conditioner on my dry hair before washing. I bun pretty much 95% of the time cause I'm lazy.

Exact goal length: I would like to reach full TBL. Not sure if I can.

Plans to help you achieve your goal: Continue current regiment.

List any vitamins/supplements you are taking: I currently take magnesium and potassium, but not for hair .

Your ends care regimen to keep them healthy: I keep them tucked away. I am going to get a trim. Never had many issues with my ends.

Trimming/Dusting/S&D'ing schedule/routine: I don't trim often. I haven't trimmed in over a year. I guess I will trim a half inch every 6 month.
(I suggest you start off with a 1/4 inch dusting. Going forward, trim the same amount every 6 months. We will be working a lot on our ends during this challenge, so I plan on keeping them in tip top shape)

Top 10 products: Please note these are the products that you intend on using the duration of the challenge. So list your tried and true. Yes you are allowed to use other products but I want to know your foundation products. The ones that are going to rock with you to hip length and beyond.

I don't have a set list since I am new to transitioning.

I have been using the following products for 3 years or more:
ORS hair mask
ORS aloe shampoo
ORS invigorating shampoo
AG Fast Food Leave in
Coconut oil from Organix
Aphogee 2 minute conditioner


We will be having mini 6 month challenges to keep the thread interesting and engaging. A check in will be due after each one is complete.

Check in dates:
Last day of June 2017
Last day of December 2017
Last day of June 2018
Final check in--Last week of 2018
***Pictures are required at the final check in****

Now let's get to growing and retaining. Are you with me?!