Hip–Tailbone Length (HL–TBL) 2014 Challenge!

I like still being in this challenge. It keeps me from chopping too soon

I straightened about a week and a half ago and my transitioning hair finally got me over the MBL Hump. Keep in mind that I couldn't get my roots straight with flat iron. So this LC is with a little shrinkage. I should be WL by my next LC in April and HL by December 2014!

I will do mini chops at HL until all relaxed ends are gone. There's no rush. I am loving my transitioning hair. I'm finding the right products to eliminate breakage and increase manageability. YES!


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I've decided to go with Garnier Nutrisse Medium Golden Brown. I'm guessing my hair will be dark brown with golden highlights. I'll follow up with some type of red around new year's.

- Current length + hair type
*A few inches from WL

- Regimen
*Shampoo and DC weekly
*Moisturize with leave in twice daily
*PS often

- Exact goal length

- Goal date
December 2014

- Plans
* Keep up trims to maintain thick healthy hair
* Pamper the ends of my hair
* Handle my hair less

- Maintenance once goal is achieved
* PS to keep healthy hair
* keep up regimen
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I've decided to go with Garnier Nutrisse Medium Golden Brown. I'm guessing my hair will be dark brown with golden highlights. I'll follow up with some type of red around new year's.
I hope you don't mind doing a mini review/post colour update, cocosweet! I'd really like to know what you think of that boxed colour. I'm getting an urge to colour my hair black or red because my hair is a brassy brown.
I want to color my hair so bad. I want to be a redhead. For it to show up like I want, I'll have to dye it light brown first. I've given myself a dc the last two weekends in order to prepare.

How far apart should I wait between dye jobs? 1 week or 2? I have fine strands.

Minimum 2 weeks the more time you wait and do dc treatments in between the better
I hope you don't mind doing a mini review/post colour update, @cocosweet! I'd really like to know what you think of that boxed colour. I'm getting an urge to colour my hair black or red because my hair is a brassy brown.

I think I would use the Garnier again. My hair doesn't have that stripped feeling that typically happens after coloring. I think the grapeseed/avocado oil packet included helped a lot with that. I didn't take any pics because I think it would just look like my usual dark brown hair. It did a good job covering my grays. They've taken on a kind of caramel tone.


I think I would use the Garnier again. My hair doesn't have that stripped feeling that typically happens after coloring. I think the grapeseed/avocado oil packet included helped a lot with that. I didn't take any pics because I think it would just look like my usual dark brown hair. It did a good job covering my grays. They've taken on a kind of caramel tone.

Thanks for the update! I'm not sure if you are relaxed but I've heard of a few using that line from Garnier for their colour and it seems to be pretty safe.
Didn't make HL in 2012 or 13 Challenge so here I am for another crack it:yep:

your current hair length
Was WL but cut back to MB length

current hair status (natural, transitioning, relaxed, texlaxed?)

current regimen and products
-I wear my hair in twist or some kind of protective style 95% of the time even underneath my Betsy(wig's name) sometimes I cover the twist with her, often times I don't.
-I prepoo before I do anything with Tresseme Naturals or GVP Matrix Biolage and EVOO. (mostly overnight)
-I shampoo with diluted Terressential Mud on or about the 1st of each mo, detangle -and retwist immediately.
-I co-wash the middle of the mo. while in twist.
-Dc after co-wash, wash or protein treatment, with Alter Ego or GVP Matrix Biolage Conditioning Balm(under steamer) or full head Baggy Method for 1-3 days under a wig or beanie.
-Protein w/Aphogee 2 min. or Moroccan Oil Restorative Mask every other mo. or when needed
-Leave-in with Kimmaytube recipe
-Oil my scalp 2x/week with oil mix-1oz. Sublime sulfur to 8oz. JBCO
-I spritz my hair 2-3x a week or when needed with 8oz spray bottle mixed w/water, lil vegetable glycerin or aloe vera juice, 2 tbl spoon EVOO and seal ends w/shea butter or JBCO

future regimen changes/plans (if any)
Back to Henna, Amla and other Ayervedic powders and oils

long term plan for 2014 to reach hip
No Heat

post-Hip plans (maintain? keep growing? cut? etc)
Maintain btwn hip and tailbone

Starting pics coming soon...
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Well I don't know if I will make HBL this year. I just went and got a major cut. My hair was long touching WL, but it had no style. I didn't like the way it would hang when straight. I got a lot of layers cut in it. It's so full now. I love it and I'm suprised I don't miss the length.

My stylist was GREAT! I'm probably MBL length now. We will see how it goes.
Looking at the state of my non washed 8 week old post relaxed hair, Im realizing that 2014 is going to be a struggle. The longer - the less manageable. Not cool at all.

Tagging all you ladies to let you know that we've almost reached the midpoint for this challenge. It's go hard or go home at this point! :lol: By the 31st of this month, major updates are expected. Please let all of us know your current length, regimen, plans, goals, etc. Your update can be short and sweet or as detailed as you want – pictures are great too but not mandatory.

If for whatever reason, you'd like to be taken out of the challenge, please mention me "@Aireen" to let me know you'd like to be removed from the list. The same goes for anyone that would still like to join and is not currently on the list.

It's time to kick butt in 2014! :woot: Make sure your regimen is on point, your trims are precise, and your attitude is positive! :grin: Don't worry if you don't get to HL-TBL by the end date, I will be making a new challenge for anyone to catch up by the end of this one. Thank you to all of you that joined, I never expected to have so many ladies want to come along this journey with me. I love the updates and support that I constantly see in this thread, keep up the great work!

@AlliCat @Angel of the North @BadGirlWithGoodGirlIntent @bebezazueta @bride91501 @brown_skin_poppin @candie19 @Cersei @Cherry89 @ChocolatePie777 @ckisland @cnap @cocosweet @CrissieD @curlycrocheter @DanaFenty @danigurl18 @Danniquin @
Dee Raven @Diva_Esq @D.Lisha @DoDo @EnExitStageLeft @Enyo @eocceas @Evo-ny @Fhrizzball @fifigirl @Forever in Bloom @foxymdiva @Froreal3 @Gobal @grenadiancooliex3 @GroovyMama @GrowLong @halfindian @HoneyA @jazzicarmell @jesusislove1526 @JosieLynn @JoyBelle @juusstsala @Kindheart @kurlllz @lacreolegurl @LaVgirl @leona2025 @LimitedEdition @LovelyDelight @LovingLady @Lovingmywaves12 @lulu97 @mamalicious @ManeStreet @ManiiSweetheart @mayoo @melahnee @MileHighDiva @miracles11 @MixedGirl @MIZZKAY @mrs.reese @Mskraizy @Ms. Tiki @nakialovesshoes @Nataliej@Naturelie @navila @Nightingale @Nix08 @NJoy @nyqtpy21 @nyunyu @praisedancer @pre_medicalrulz @prettynatural @rawsilk @rririla @Saludable84 @Shadiyah @sharifeh @ShawnC @soldier4hair @Straighthoodtea @SunRai Naturals @syncerelyhis @trclemons @TraciChanel @Trini_Chutney @vmerie @WaistLengthDreams @Waistlengthhopeful328 @WantNatural
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Ugh, I sympathize with Whimsy's point of view more and more nowadays. I'm starting to dread wash day...

So here's my check-in. I didn't feel like getting it straightened, maybe next year. Still been washing and twisting every two weeks...or three weeks. Overall, I'm happy with my retention (especially since I got it trimmed in August), but I can feel tons of breakage in the back from neglect. Since my torso's so short, I think I can be at HL by August at the latest, and that'll probably be the end of the road for me.

I may end up flat ironing my own hair for New Year's Day this year. Sooo very nervous though! Does anyone have any tips for a first timer?
I don't want HL just a bit past WL hair lol, im currently WL but sure I will do a trim once I straighten (im natural). By August/September I should be at my goal
I will be posting my update on my next wash day, I'm expecting at worst to be an inch above BSL and at best BSL. My hair has thickened up over this year and has grown out a lot of layers, I'm hoping for length for 2014 but I don't think I'll get enough to make HL, but I guess I can dream. Aireen I'll let you know if I will continue this challenge when I post my update. Good luck ladies.
I'm in, I didn't quite make WL but here's my update for this past year. I currently in yarn wraps/ faux locs. I will be protective styling most of this year


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Aireen I am only BSL now, so definitely bit off more than I could chew with this one. I will be lurking for the gawgus updates though. :yep: WL is my goal for 2014.
Lets try this again....ugh

My update...

My hair was poorly f latironed by yours truly but came out more wavy than anything...its weird because my strands were silky but it keeps this weird wave....idk if it was the products I used or what but better luck next year...

I really hate that my hair grows in a u/v shape but I guess as it gets longer it'll add more interest to my hair.....I didn't meet my goal of waist length but hopefully the end of next year ill get the bulk of my hair to waist then the longest layer to hip.....hopefully I'm not over stepping myself..

Also I'm not really happy with my retention this year....I feel like it could've been more but I just kept cutting my hair for no reason.....and actually a few days after this pic was taken(early December) I cut about an inch off......but I'm about back to the same place though...

2013-12-28 22.45.41.jpg

Also I'm thinking about henna because I hate my hair color but I'm weary that it won't do anything and might make my hair feel weird......i need to research people with my hair color that has done it though....I shall see
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I just looked at old pics and realized I retained almost no growth this year grrrrr!.......let me stop making myself mad....what is wrong with me !...*cries real tears*
UPDATE: I'm still in the challenge. This challenge has helped to keep me focused and I appreciate how supportive everyone is. :)

My profile pic is my most up-to-date length check. My hair is about 1 inch longer than my profile pic. I measured and the longest part of my hair is 6 1/2 inches from hip length!!!!!!!! :yay::yay: I'm excited because it feels so much more attainable now like I'm in the home stretch or something. lol.

It's definitely going to be a challenge for me to retain 6 1/2 inches in one year because I usually end up retaining 5 and some change. There are some things about my regimen that will remain the same and that is protective styling with cornrows, frequent co-washing, regular deep conditioning, clarifying, and exclusively finger detangling. Protein has been a lifesaver for my fine strands so I want to try different conditioners and leave-in's with protein this coming year. Also I think that I will get my maximum growth rate when all things are in order: exercise, healthy eating, staying on top of hair regimen, and being consistent with vitamins. I've struggled with doing them all at once this year so I think that I grew less as a result.
I'm still in the challenge. I'm currently past MBL, grazing waist. I was in the WL challenge this year, so I didn't quite make it. I do think I'll be able to claim it confidently by the end of February/early March.

I keep it pretty simple when it comes to my haircare. For me, less is more. I usually wash-n-go 3-4 times a week. Even last winter, I stuck with them. However, this year, since it's been cold, I've been more of a straightened natural and stretching my styles. I was seeing an increase in SSKs :nono: and stretching has stopped them. I'm hoping this results in less trimming.

My recent new love is JBCO. I can't believe I waited so long to try it! I've been massaging my scalp with it and it leaves my hair so soft. I've been mixing a little of it with a few drops of my staple argan oil with great results. Also for braid outs, I've been using Camilla Rose twisting butter. It smells really good and I've been pleased with my braid out results.

One of my goals this year is to thicken my hemline. I plan to stay at WL for a little while order to do trim and do that before moving on. I have that lead hair thing going on.

My goal is W'HIP/HL by December. I think this will be my final stop. I really like the length my hair is now, but at this point, I just want to see if I can do it. :yep:

(I'll come back later to add pictures.)
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Yes I read it and its discouraging to hear that from someone who has already reached their hair goals IMO I still think we need as many longhairs to disprove the myths as possible
I respect her choice though if @Whimsy is now a short haired and lovin it more power to her

Why is it discouraging?