Hip–Tailbone Length (HL–TBL) 2014 Challenge!

I guess. I mean, if you say so, but I've quit many b***** because they couldn't even put the rollers in my hair correctly.

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together

Lololoo I hear ya. She has always done my hair before my journey & I only went in for rollersets at the time. Im not worried about her. Im more worried about the lil shampoo girls that work in the back. #FineToothCombCity
Little do they know, Im coming with my hair already freshly washed.
@ premedicalrulz

''Im more worried about the lil shampoo girls that work in the back. #FineToothCombCity
Little do they know, Im coming with my hair already freshly washed.''

Shoot. That's what i should do. That's smart.
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Aireen. I would like to join this challenge. I thought my goal length was MBL, but now that I am about an 1 1/2 inches away, it seems short to me. I'm not sure if HL is feasible a 16 months from now, but I can sure give it a run for its money.

- Current length + hair type
4a Texlaxed Full BSL
- Regimen
1. Bun everyday
2. M&S every other day
3. Prepoo+Wash every 2 weeks+Protein as needed+DC
4. Relax every 20 weeks+Midstep protein+DC
5. Heat 2-3x per year.
6. Vitamins everyday
- Exact goal length
Hip length
- Goal date
Grazing HL December 31st, 2014 Full HL March 31st 2015
- Plans
Trim to maintain length.
- Maintenance once goal is achieved
Same reggie with more trims. I don't want to go past Hip Length.

Starting pictures attached. All taken yesterday.



random stuff. Been working on thickening and getting these last few dead ends off...gradually lol. it works for me.
Haven't touched a flat iron but I'm probably bsl again, it's thick and healthier this time around. A lot of my layers have caught up to my long ones. my bangs that were never meant to be bangs in the first place :rolleyes:are touching my nose. Yay. can't wait for a full, healthy mbl with " bangs" just an inch or so above my chin.
What a difference cutting off an inch makes! Gotta keep those ends healthy ladies! Although I feel like longer haired ladies get more of a pass with having thin ends compared to shorter haired divas and that absolute thickness from root to tip can be somewhat unrealistic, it's nice to cut off the ends that do nothing for you but look tattered. HEALTH > LENGTH!
I feel the same way. I was sure WL was enough but it really isn't! Lol Im curious more than ever now to see if my hair can actually reach HL. ;)


I thought you were almost HL ? ???
But Im with you WL doesn't feel long enough I thought it would be but that hair anorexia got me at the point I'm worried that HL won't be long enough
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Congratulations on your doctorate pre_medicalrulz !!!!! That's so awesome!

GroovyMama , Very pretty hair :lick:!

I have wanted to do a wash n'go for the past 3 days, but first it took me forever to take my braids down, and this is moving weekend! Ugh!! Thank God Monday's a holiday. I'm also excited to use my diffuser. I bought a blowdryer for the first time months ago, and then got too scared to use it :lol:.
So ladies what are you going to do when you reach HL?

I'm going to keep growing to TL and maintain
Of course this goal is subject to change :lol: