Hip–Tailbone Length (HL–TBL) 2014 Challenge!

Lololooo dang it! Yall getting to know me too well up in here. Lol!! Idk they just look strange. Im unfamiliar with this turn of events because I dont ever recall having end problems. *tear* I seen knots on the ends which freaked me out this morning so I quickly ripped them out. O_O Im so going to regret that later. Smh

LOL!! You know how we do here :lol:! I try to pull out the stray hairs that catch, and sometimes I end up ripping them out too. That's when the scissors should be used. Cut the knot out and put them back in the drawer, that's what I do :yep:.
Currently 4 months post and relaxing sooner than later. Doubt I will wait until September. Washed my hair last night (DC'd then protein Rx). The amount of matting was crazy but I worked through the bigger tangles and there was some breakage but I'll take that over cutting out the massive chunks of dreaded hair. I didn't even bother wearing a wig to work today, giving my hair and scalp a rest.. I wouldn't call this a setback but I guess it depends on how my hair looks after relaxing.

Do you detangle more often than wash days that could reduce the matting.

Sadly, I'm one of those people who HAS to comb her hair daily, or it won't behave.

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together
Hellooooooo out there in internet land!! ***waves**

Now that I've postponed my relaxer for next week, im going to give my scalp a good washing tonight. Its so itchy because its dry & im already scratching sores on my scalp. Smh
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Updating: This weekend I henna'd full strength from the scalp to about an inch away and a henna gloss on the length. DC'd and used Roux porosity control for 30 secs... i think i found a willing combination for my henna routine my hair feels like buttaaa and with S&Ding yesterday woos my hair is just obeying. I'm really liking the faded/outgrown indigo fresh henna look lol.. i'm hearing Karishma gives a deeper red? i might try it in a week or 2... a quick pic:
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Cant wait to be back at this length... Yall know the only reason I come in here is to look at hair porn and pick up shed hairs and rub them on my head :look: IJS
Cant wait to be back at this length... Yall know the only reason I come in here is to look at hair porn and pick up shed hairs and rub them on my head :look: IJS

Mz.MoMo5235, you should be in here schooling and giving us tips! :yep: You've been TBL in the past. Plus, it looks like you're a fast grower, you'll probably beat me to TBL.
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What caused the matting?
Four months worth of new growth + leaving cornrows in for 5 weeks

I have a feeling you'll be fine, don't ask me how or why. Maybe you'll need a bit of a trim but definitely not a setback. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you though. We are getting that WL hair for the end of '13/early '14! :grin: I feel like I'm just going to throw in the towel for stretching for too long too, my hair gets too knotted and something always comes up causing me to relax early anyway so I'm taking it as a sign. Preventable breakage ain't worth it. 3-4 months is good enough lol.
Thanks Aireen! There are still a ton of knots today :sad: Slowly but surely working through them...

Do you detangle more often than wash days that could reduce the matting.

Sadly, I'm one of those people who HAS to comb her hair daily, or it won't behave.

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together

Yeah I had my hair in cornrows so it was kind of impossible to comb lol. Leaving them in too long was the reason for matting. I normally don't comb for a week and everything's fine. But 5wks was clearly way too long :nono:
Whimsy are you pregnant again? If you are, congratulations!!! Now I see why you wanted to cut your hair. I don't blame you. I say go for it if you think it'll help. Your hair grows soooo fast. You've reached TBL twice and I'm still waiting! LOL
Whimsy are you pregnant again? If you are, congratulations!!! Now I see why you wanted to cut your hair. I don't blame you. I say go for it if you think it'll help. Your hair grows soooo fast. You've reached TBL twice and I'm still waiting! LOL

I am! Thanks. I am only HL and this is the longest I've grown, but I do think I'm gunna do a major snip snip soon.
I am! Thanks. I am only HL and this is the longest I've grown, but I do think I'm gunna do a major snip snip soon.

Whimsy Congrats!!! I still remember when we all found out about the first cutie pie!!!!

Ok, now I wont come and cut you if you cut your hair :lol:

*runs out of thread clutching empty quivering uterus*
Finally got all the tangles out. It was just a matter of patiently removing shed hairs with my fingers. I only felt legitimate breakage in one area but hopefully it's not too noticeable. Other than that the dreading/matting was really just shed hair chillin and causing confusion for the rest of my strands lol. Anywho my hair feels soo much thicker than before :lick: Can't wait to relax
^you're hysterical!

quivvering tho? LMAO


YASSS GIRL!! Not yes but YASSS!!! My biological clock isnt even ticking any more, its kicking in the door with a battering ram OKAY!!!!

I cant see a darn baby with out my uterus quivering like a drug addict on a dope fiend! Its a hot mess! :lachen:
Relaxed last night :) It went well. Will flat iron and take length check pics in late Sept b/c currently on a no-heat challenge for the rest of summer. So glad that matting situation is over. As my mom was applying the relaxer she said my roots were extremely thick and that I was hiding dreads under there :giggle:
I think this weekend (or whenever I get to it) I will do a medium protein treatment and put my hair back in twists. I'm thinking of trying my hand at roller setting soon, but I need to invest in a bonnet dryer.

Whimsy Congrats! (hair and the upcoming little one) :)
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Congratulations Whimsy !

I slipped up the night before last, and rushed through taking down my braids to reset before bed. I got less breakage than I usually do handling dry hair, but it was more than I knew it had to be. Today, I took my time taking down my 3 braids, and I got no breakage :grin:. Gosh! Being gentle and patient really does make a difference :lol:. I also tried being cute today by leaving some hair out for a bang with my bun. Nope! That didn't last long. LOL. The hair was poofing and frizzing up right before my eyes. Now all of it is back and clipped up like it should be.