It Always Been About Hair!
I clearly stay in a state of constant delusion.
I clearly stay in a state of constant delusion.
I clearly stay in a state of constant delusion.
Lololooo dang it! Yall getting to know me too well up in here. Lol!! Idk they just look strange. Im unfamiliar with this turn of events because I dont ever recall having end problems. *tear* I seen knots on the ends which freaked me out this morning so I quickly ripped them out. O_O Im so going to regret that later. Smh
Currently 4 months post and relaxing sooner than later. Doubt I will wait until September. Washed my hair last night (DC'd then protein Rx). The amount of matting was crazy but I worked through the bigger tangles and there was some breakage but I'll take that over cutting out the massive chunks of dreaded hair. I didn't even bother wearing a wig to work today, giving my hair and scalp a rest.. I wouldn't call this a setback but I guess it depends on how my hair looks after relaxing.
Cant wait to be back at this length... Yall know the only reason I come in here is to look at hair porn and pick up shed hairs and rub them on my head IJS
Four months worth of new growth + leaving cornrows in for 5 weeksWhat caused the matting?
Thanks Aireen! There are still a ton of knots today Slowly but surely working through them...I have a feeling you'll be fine, don't ask me how or why. Maybe you'll need a bit of a trim but definitely not a setback. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you though. We are getting that WL hair for the end of '13/early '14! I feel like I'm just going to throw in the towel for stretching for too long too, my hair gets too knotted and something always comes up causing me to relax early anyway so I'm taking it as a sign. Preventable breakage ain't worth it. 3-4 months is good enough lol.
Do you detangle more often than wash days that could reduce the matting.
Sadly, I'm one of those people who HAS to comb her hair daily, or it won't behave.
Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together
Whimsy are you pregnant again? If you are, congratulations!!! Now I see why you wanted to cut your hair. I don't blame you. I say go for it if you think it'll help. Your hair grows soooo fast. You've reached TBL twice and I'm still waiting! LOL
I am! Thanks. I am only HL and this is the longest I've grown, but I do think I'm gunna do a major snip snip soon.
My scalp is still itching. Its not funny. *tear*
^you're hysterical!
quivvering tho? LMAO