Hip–Tailbone Length (HL–TBL) 2014 Challenge!

^ I looked up Perfect Coat to see if they have a line for cats. They don't :rolleyes: . LOL

I was going to wash my hair today, but just couldn't muster up the desire :lol:. So I put my hair into 2 flattwists with braided ends (the ends always bunch up on me), and they're going to stay in until I get my hair did on Monday.
Last night, I finally got the courage to watch youtube vids of naturals who went back to relaxers and I watched a relaxer application vid. Initially,the videos were scaring me off the thought of relaxing, but then I watch some hair porn vids, and looked in the mirror :ohwell: .

You bathe your cat? Is it an outdoor cat? My cat is 5 years old & has never had a bath. She needs a trim though. Like TODAY! She is persian.

I had a dream that at my next relaxer I flat ironed my hair after 8 months & my hair was HL. It was so silky straight & nicely trimmed. And I was sitting at a convention & all the chics were checkin' for tracks! I had a big ol' smile on my face. :)

You bathe your cat? Is it an outdoor cat? My cat is 5 years old & has never had a bath. She needs a trim though. Like TODAY! She is persian.

I have 3 family cats, 17, 6, and 5 years old. The two oldest have had a couple of baths over the years :lol:. The newest cat, I got when I was away at college, and she has yet to get a bath but she will :look:. I was looking for a natural, soothing shampoo because the oldest kitty was having skin issues. The 5 year old (who needs a bath) is a fluffy gray and white with a beautiful long mane :gorgeous:, and one day I'll take her to a place to get groomed.
Woooow You have good cats! My cat is not a good feline & there's no such thing as petting her let alone picking her up Lol
The middle cat doesn't like being picked up, and the oldest (who looks and acts half his age by the way :grin:) is the sweetest kitty on this earth. He's always trying to get in a lap or get picked up. It gets ridiculous sometimes LOL. #3 is really playful and will purr when picked up . . . then she'll try to bite your arm :lol:.

Just to throw something hair related in. . .

My flattwist held up all day, and I hope that they'll make it through the night.
Uhm yea ckisland pre_medicalrulz take that cat talk to the pet forum. LOL! But before y'all go, so are y'all pets on a fur journey?!

I'm so sorry, but once I start talkin' about my cats it's hard to stop :lachen: ! To answer your question, my cats could be hair inspirations to other cats :grin: , and one seriously has 3 different hair/fur types (yes I did type all of their fur :lol:).

I'm done. I promise :blush:.
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Showing my growth since installing this braids..22 days ago. I thank my MN mix and S-Curl!

Oh my goodness, in all my time using AOWC, I've never smelled anything like this... i think I was lucky before because this the two new bottles I got are FUNKY :/

I swear, this is the third worst smell I have ever come across (First is indigo, second is miso soup)

Am I going to use these bottles?? You darn skippy I am ... since I paid for them.

Thanks! Ill probably undo them and reinstall in a week or two so I can henna and get a really good deep condition in. ..ill probably do them shorter too.

Nice I'm contemplating a sew in or some braids. Sew ins are easier for me. The girl that does them is great. I have not had braids in a while and it's too many unanswered questions. For me too many things that will be like a test. At this stage I have no room for error.
Okay, I know it's the middle of the year and I'm no where near HBL but I really want to join a 2014 challenge. (I've been lurking for years, just started posting comments/questions about a month ago and looking for motivation to stick to my new post-weave regime.) What do I have to do? (Although I've picked up a bunch of hair care/growth tidbits along the way, I confess that I'm a total newbie in terms of participating.)
I got my hair straightened at a salon today. I threw caution to the wind, and picked a salon from craigslist and made my appointment online without ever meeting with the stylist/owner :look:. Luckily, it was an awesome experience :grin:. The owner complimented my hair as soon as I walked in, asked me about how I wore/took care of my hair. She shampooed and conditioned my hair, then sat me under the dryer to DC for 15 mins. She used Moroccan Oil and Nexxus products, and I eyeballed other Moroccan Oil, Redken, and Design Essential products (another salon I went into had the nerve to have liters of Suave and Pantene :nono:). She blew out my hair, then flatironed without an obscene number of passes.

I haven't had straight hair since I went natural, and I looooovvveee it :o ! My hair is so smooth and soft, and moves when I move my head :lick:. Only downsides are that: 1) I definitely cut 4 inches (I'm grazing BSL) 2) my hair is a couple of inches longer on one side. . . like it's been for all my life :lachen: 3) I only have my crappy webcam to take pics with :ohwell:

ETA: Ponytail pic


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OK. I'm in.
Decided not to cut and i'm gunna keep it growin!!!! (after a lil trim :))
Confused tho. What are the lengths in order?
I'm at hip now (where pants start)
Is there another length before tailbone?
Where is classic?

Should I be ashamed of myself for being on LHCF all these years and still not knowin this?