Hip Length (HL) 2012!!!!

I am so happy I don't have to touch this hair until Next Sunday HUH, I hope my clip for my steamer bottle comes in by then. My DS who is five hit and broke it :( HUH sooooo..... Mommy is waiting for it to come. :) Plus I am so lazy I just don't want to do anything with it. LOL

I am going to try something new. I am going to wash my hair in 4 sections instead of two :) I will see how it goes :)
Janet';14671751 @[URL="http://www.longhaircareforum.com/member.php?u=188702" said:
NJoy[/URL]--How are you going to get rid of your bonelaxed ends? One big chop or several mini-trims?

Girl, I gotta pray about that one. :lachen: I'm starting mini-trims now. I think I'm going to trim an inch or two now but, I'm leaning towards just cutting all the bonelaxed ends at the end of the year. May as well start 2012 without worrying about 2 textures. But like I said, gotta pray about it.:grin: What do you think?
Girl, I gotta pray about that one. :lachen: I'm starting mini-trims now. I think I'm going to trim an inch or two now but, I'm leaning towards just cutting all the bonelaxed ends at the end of the year. May as well start 2012 without worrying about 2 textures. But like I said, gotta pray about it.:grin: What do you think?

And you are going from bonelaxed to texlaxed, right? Or are you transitioning to natural?

Yeah, NJoy...I'll admit...I was a long-term transitioner because I couldn't bear to part with my hair and even if you are eventually going to cut it all off, I think psychologically/emotionally it's an easier pill to swallow if you do the mini-cuts...
Yep. I'm thinking along the same lines. :yep: How much relaxed do you have left?

I texlaxed earlier this month, so as far as transitioning to natural goes, I'm starting all over again.
I have around 2 inches (some places a little more and some a little less) of relaxed hair left so I guess I'll be dealing with 3 textures for a while, lol.

NJoy, are you thinking of transitioning to natural or just trimming the relaxed ends?
I texlaxed earlier this month, so as far as transitioning to natural goes, I'm starting all over again.
I have around 2 inches (some places a little more and some a little less) of relaxed hair left so I guess I'll be dealing with 3 textures for a while, lol.

NJoy, are you thinking of transitioning to natural or just trimming the relaxed ends?

I think I'm going to stick with texlaxing and cut off my bonelaxed ends.
Here's my starting pic! I trimmed about .5in off the tips. I have 2in til WL and 5in total til HL, so about 3.5in to WHIP length.

My goal is 1) STOP getting trims by SHS (I would've been at WHIP had I not been chasing blunt ends)...I know my hair grows uneven but the ends are never split or raggedy 2) Be at full WL by April, WHIP by September, and HL by December. I think I can manage if I keep the scissors away and continue to protective style. :yep: Let's do this!


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Here's my starting pic! I trimmed about .5in off the tips. I have 2in til WL and 5in total til HL, so about 3.5in to WHIP length.

My goal is 1) STOP getting trims by SHS (I would've been at WHIP had I not been chasing blunt ends)...I know my hair grows uneven but the ends are never split or raggedy 2) Be at full WL by April, WHIP by September, and HL by December. I think I can manage if I keep the scissors away and continue to protective style. :yep: Let's do this!

Looking good! :yep:
Yeah, @NJoy...I'll admit...I was a long-term transitioner because I couldn't bear to part with my hair and even if you are eventually going to cut it all off, I think psychologically/emotionally it's an easier pill to swallow if you do the mini-cuts...[/QUOTE]

I feel the same way, but lately I am just so tired of dealing with my hair. TIRED TO DEATH of it. I really can't do a thing with it unless it is straight because of the texture difference. I have bonelaxed ends and very curly hair. I am sick of it. I don't know what to do at this point. I knew at some point I was going to have to choose between length and being natural. But I didn't know it would be this hard. I am sorta bummed out about it. :sad:
Yeah, @NJoy...I'll admit...I was a long-term transitioner because I couldn't bear to part with my hair and even if you are eventually going to cut it all off, I think psychologically/emotionally it's an easier pill to swallow if you do the mini-cuts...

I feel the same way, but lately I am just so tired of dealing with my hair. TIRED TO DEATH of it. I really can't do a thing with it unless it is straight because of the texture difference. I have bonelaxed ends and very curly hair. I am sick of it. I don't know what to do at this point. I knew at some point I was going to have to choose between length and being natural. But I didn't know it would be this hard. I am sorta bummed out about it. :sad:[/QUOTE]

I'm SO feeling you on this NikkiGirl. I'm feeling like part of hiding my hair has to do with my unwillingness to deal with the hair and cause breakage. And at the same time, I don't know what to expect when I cut it. I'm not at all used to short hair and don't know how I'd style it other than a wash and go type style which will have my ends exposed.

I'm thinking if I cut it, realistically I'll braid it up and put it away anyway so, what's the difference in what I'm already doing (other than feeling b@ld).

Ahhh, what to do, what to do?

Side note: But when I do flat iron and wear my hair out, it's amazing and I love that feeling. I may texlax this week so that I can wear my hair out for my hubby on our anniversary at the end of this month.

Keep me posted as to what you're thinking and doing. I like the idea of kicking this around with others who are in the same boat. I'm hoping to make a hard decision by the end of this year.
Yeah, I will definitely keep you posted NJoy. I was hoping to make it three years transitioning and to be honest I cannot see myself wearing this bun everyday for the next year. UGGH! Decisions! Decision! INDEED!
How dare you ladies start without me.... :lol:
Current Length: Waist length, layered
Regimen: I co-wash my hair once a week, deep condition, twist my hair, and bun it. Once a month I do a Rhassoul Clay treatment.
Plans: I don't really have hair plans anymore. (I'm quoting someone). I just keep praying and move on!
Hip Length Date: I'm hoping by May 2012. Then I can move on to TBL, finally! :sigh:
My 15th anniversary is coming up at the end of this month. To texlax or just flat iron? Hubby has been on me to wear my hair out. I'm 31 wks post. What to do? What to do?
CONGRATS! Were you gonna texlax it anyway? Because I'd think flat ironing would be less damaging? No matter what ... I know you'll be cute as all get out and hubby will be very happy!:grin:

My 15th anniversary is coming up at the end of this month. To texlax or just flat iron? Hubby has been on me to wear my hair out. I'm 31 wks post. What to do? What to do?
So thankful I checked in this thread today! Yesterday I read a thread about wigs for winter ... and I was seriously thinking about a pixie cute!! I had to text some friends to get straight. I AM LAZY -- no way I'm gonna take care of a Halle Berry cut.

Thankful to be back on the long hair 4ever train.
I've decided that my new plan will be to stick with the old plan/regimen...hey if it aint broke why fix it. I have been doing the Crown & Glory method without even knowing it, with thremendous results. For the past 20mos. since my BC my hair has grown from 3" twa(necklength) to brushing MBL. I am excited to see what 2012 will bring...hopefully long luxurious hip length hair.

I twist my hair 100% of the time even underneath my Betsy(wig's name) sometimes I cover the twist with her, often times I don't.
I prepoo before I do anything with Tresseme Naturals or GVP Matrix Biolage and EVOO. (mostly overnight)
I wash with Terressential on or about the 1st of each mo, detangle and retwist immediately.
I co-wash the middle of the mo. in twist.
Dc when I co-wash and wash, with Alter Ego or GVP Matrix Biolage Conditioning Balm(under steamer)
Protein w/Aphogee 2 min. or Moroccan Oil Restorative Mask
Leave-in with Kimmaytube recipe
Oil my scalp 2x/week with oil mix-1oz. Sublime sulfur to 8oz. JBCO
I spray my hair with spritz mixed w/water, lil vegetable glycerin or aloe vera and seal ends 2-3x a week or when needed.

I will do a weave install at least 1x cuz I'm bound to get sick of my hair.
I will trim 1x in the middle of the year.
I will do the baggy/GHE method every now and then nightly for a whole mo.
(did that last mo. and retained an inch)
Will experiment with more styling of my twist now that they're longer, may even try mini twist


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flip flop. flip flop.

Me again. I just washed my hair and am sitting under a dryer with a hard protein treatment (aphogee 2-step). Feels like I hadn't washed my hair in a minute because it seemed so dirty. But, took down my Celie braids, lightly finger detangled before getting in the shower and washed my hair loose in the shower. I haven't done that in a loooooong time. Detangling nightmares got me scurred.

But what I've noticed is that my hair is SO thick and lush. Being in braids and trying to keep them oiled had me feeling a certain way about my hair. The ends seemed skimpy and cutting my hair seems like a logical thing to do.

But oh! Tonight, I saw the HairCrush in my hair. No, I'm not 100% natural or as thick as she is but, my texlaxed hair is nothing to sneeze at.

I do think I'll hold off on texlaxing and just flat iron my hair for our anniversary, hence why I'm strengthening it in preparation. I did intend to texlax at the end of the year and may still. But, as far as cutting, I think I'll be doing some nice trims to get rid of my relaxed ends and layers but, they're not as bad as I thought. I'm looking pretty good over here and feeling pretty good as well. :yep:

Ooooo, I can't wait to see what I have at the end of this year. I think I'll be looking at HL for sure. Whether I stay there is a horse of a different color.
Same here, length checks at relaxer times. That varies from 3-4 months. Maybe longer this year. I might length check if I flat iron my roots.
So excited about reaching my HL hair goal. When will you all be doing a length check to see progress and how often?

ShawnC well I'm going to be doing them @ every relaxer ( every 4 months )

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Same here, length checks at relaxer times. That varies from 3-4 months. Maybe longer this year. I might length check if I flat iron my roots.

Yes! I'm thinking that I will put it out there for anyone who would like to update every quarter (3 months) or so...So, I'm thinking if we start in January, official updates would look like this:

March 15-31
June 15-30
September 15-30
December 15-31

but, of course, you could choose to refrain from updating (if you are in a Hide Your Hair Challenge, etc.) and/or if you happen to relax in between those times, you can update then as well!!! I will edit the first post to reflect official updating dates! Thanks for the suggestions, ladies!!! :yep: :yep: :yep:
Ladies!!!! We are going strong with 38 Challengers!!!! I might need to mow-zy on over to the MBL Challenge and WL Challenge and see if I can't get some more participants :grin: :grin: I'm very excited about January!!!!!
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MY BODY IS IN SO MUCH PAIN, I PUSHED A LITTLE TOOOOO HARD DAY before yesterday on my work out, then had the nerve to do A JILLIAN MICHAELS work out on top of the one I did the day before. I rubbed with something other then my Beloved BENGAY and now I feel swollen. :(

HUH, Atleast I look good, Just gotta minimize my movement and mumble my pain sounds.

ANywho back on to hair talk!

I take these braids down Friday or Saturday. I need to Henna :) and Indigo.

And DC the mess out this hair. I think I will do a beach wave set :)
I'll do length checks at the end of every quarter. Will post a starting pic dec-jan. I think I'm trimming 1/4-1/2" this weekend. My hair is telling me it needs to lose some bad ends.

And honestly, I don't want to become a woman afraid to trim her hair. I never cared before because I knew it would grow back ... I can't let LHCF get me crazy!
I'll do length checks at the end of every quarter. Will post a starting pic dec-jan. I think I'm trimming 1/4-1/2" this weekend. My hair is telling me it needs to lose some bad ends.

And honestly, I don't want to become a woman afraid to trim her hair. I never cared before because I knew it would grow back ... I can't let LHCF get me crazy!

And you know LHCF can have you paranoid!!!! No worries, though--you've still got a head full of hair!!!
Janet' - aint that the truth! Yes, I want tailbone length hair ... no, I don't want to be paranoid about it.

Just gotta get into the habit of 1/4" dustings once a quarter.
Janet' - aint that the truth! Yes, I want tailbone length hair ... no, I don't want to be paranoid about it.

Just gotta get into the habit of 1/4" dustings once a quarter.

regina07 Yeah, see I'm a trim when necessary not necessarily on a schedule...but I know many women who swear by consistent trimming...whichever works for you!
Just checking in. I trimmed back to MBL to get rid of some damaged ends, so it's going to take longer for me to reach HL. I need to trim again in a month or two. I'm moving my expected HL date from April to maybe August or September. I'll be protective styling with twists and buns. I had abandoned twists b/c they were causing tangles, but after my trim I think I can try them again.

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