Hip Length (HL) 2012!!!!

I did a length check last night and I am now 1/4" from WL, so i cannot claim it just yet. The end of January, I will claim with my head held high:) There are so many beautiful heads of hair on this thread! True motivation!
I did a length check last night and I am now 1/4" from WL, so i cannot claim it just yet. The end of January, I will claim with my head held high:) There are so many beautiful heads of hair on this thread! True motivation!

you have such beautiful hair and your so close, i demand more pics when you reach it... if you're not in the hyh challenge of course.

Ms_CoCo37 and leona2025 such beautiful hair. Leona i love that sheen and shape. Ms_CoCo i love your curls, my hair grows in layers too.

bigbrowneyez maybe invest in the split ender? I'm thinking about it

classychic1908 Welcome and that's the right attitude!

So washed/clarified yesterday and i barely have relaxed ends. I think the bottom couple of inches are relaxed but it's kinda hard to tell. I have longer ends in the front. NikkiGirl has me sincerly thinking about cutting them, i mean i'm going to be hiding my hair anyway. hmm. Oh and i'm pretty sure i'm 4a with 4b in the front and some 3c in the back. All this time I've been thinking i had something else. I took some pics on my phone but sadly can't share them :(

I do have a pic from last week i can share though, the day i trimmed my hair i put it in some loose bantu knots. it turned out okay...

Ladies i'm in a pretty good mood. I feel pretty light hearted, i don't know why but I won't question it.
Happy New Year to you all. Sending you all positive thoughts.

Oh and i know i'm weird but have you all seen 'Oh Mr. Darcy comic or it's variations before?' because i am thinking of it in terms in hair. :rofl::look:

Oh Mr. Suave Almond and Shea Butter Conditioner...
brg240. Your hair is beautiful. If you have only a couple of inches, I say maybe do it. But I had like 6 inches in some places. I didn't really care though. I am like you, I still plan on protective styling through this year, so no real change. A bun is a bun for me. Anyway, good luck with your decision. I am sure your hair will thrive in any case. HHG!
FINE..... I am in!

:yep: why NOT get some more hair on this head!

Here is the beginning photo


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Happy New Year ladies!!!

I have to say there is some beautiful hair in this thread. I had to pick my jaw up off the floor and wipe away the drool as i scrolled through :lol:. I can't wait to see what we all look like come December; some of you ladies are going to be well past HL by then :yep:.

I am using the pic in my sig as my starting pic. My hair is actually a little over an inch longer than that but I won't be straightening my hair again until December so that one will have to do. I doubt it looks that much different anyway because it is so dog gone thick.

I am so close to WL I can taste it. I am claiming it at the end of this month no matter what. I don't care if only three strands are touching my waist when pulled to within an inch of their lives...I AM CLAIMING IT cause I am tired of marking MBL as my length:lachen:. Just kidding (kind of).

I am glad to see that we are off to such a great start. Happy Hair Growing!
Happy New Year!! I'm loving all these beautiful heads of hair! They make me feel so inspired. :spinning:

So here's my update: Friday night, I DC'd with Aubrey Organics GBP (my first time using it) under a plastic bag for about an hour and a half. (I don't know if it's because my hair was dirty or what but when I took the bag off, I noticed there were little balls in the bag and around my hairline. But my hair felt soft and well-conditioned.) I shampooed with Shea Moisture African Black Shampoo and conditioned with Giovanni Smooth as Silk. I loaded up with leave-in conditioner and braided it into 10 braids. In the morning, I took down the braids and applied the Chi Silk Infusion and grapeseed oil. It was blowdried and flat ironed on 378 degrees with Crisco. A friend did it for me. I was a bit nervous at first; this is the first time getting my hair straightened since the start of my HJ but she did a great job.

I'm definitely happy with my hair growth - the PS I did all year has paid off. My hair is WL, well my longest layer anyway but I'll take it! :yep: I'm looking to reach HL by the end of this year and if I don't, I will be almost there.

Any ideas for styling flat ironed hair? It will only be around for a short while and then I won't see it again until probably Dec. 31, 2012 so I want to do styles that I can't do with my curly hair.
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Here are my starting pics ladies...I didn't straighten Dec 31...these are pics from Oct 2011 and let me just tell you that I have a LONG way to go!!!


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  • Outlet Malls and ESA 2011 017.JPG
    Outlet Malls and ESA 2011 017.JPG
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love the thickness you're so close to HL I think you can make it this year for sure

you're hair is inching it's way down, keep it up

:woot: updates
mannn ionno if i should even post my pics up in here with all these beautiful length pics in here :spinning: yall are making my hair look short! but oh well, here's my starting pic

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thankyou! :lol:

testimony777 beautiful hair and mbl does feel like forever :/ I guess it covers more area.
beauti idk what you're talking about your hair is gorgeous and those waves.

janet i love the color so much, are you going to dye again this year?

I was looking up buns and i came across this. I know some of us are hiding our hair so i thought ya'll would be interested.

I saw this too. :drool:

Love that PS pic
Looks like 2 French braids with the length looped crossed in back
I wonder how much length is needed for that style?
Just peeking in to see what you ladies are up to and drool a bit.
I'm BSL so hip is not on my radar for this year. I'll be happy to see full waist length by end of the year.

@NJoy love the siggie pic.
@classychic1908 you're soo close already!
@beauti yours doesn't look short at all!
@JJamiah you're already hip!
testimony777 Thanks so much!!!

brg240...I will probably put a rinse in at some point to cover over the grays and I may do a rinse over the entire length, but I will not do another full color this year (I don't think :look:)
JJamiah me too! I cut back to BSL. Got tired of the layers but my hair is mostly one length now and I'm really happy about that. But you my dear are already there. Do you plan on working on blunt ends?
Last week I found the longest hairs yet, 19". But I got my hair trimmed yesterday. It's always 2 steps forward, 1 step back with me. My bottom was a little below waist length, now it's about 1/2" - 1" above. So it may be 5" until hip. The best I've ever done in a year is 4", but we'll see.
Good morning! Haven't checked in a while and thought I'd drop in and say 'hey!'

Washed my hair for the 1st time in 2012 yesterday -- 1st time I can remember ever going more than 2 weeks without a wash! It was ok. My hair "tells" me when it's time to wash but I ignored it and stopped combing through -- I just used a wet brush to tame it into a bun. I put some AOHSR as a leavein and will do a DC later today.

I wore my hair out yesterday around some folks who haven't it out in years and boy was it topic of conversation! When it's wet, it usually hangs down my back but as it dries, good ole shrinkage gets it to my shoulders. I think the added length is pulling it because it dried BSL. All night long, people kept saying, "dang! I can't get over how long your hair is!" Which led to a lovefest of women touching my hair (no I didn't mind these are long-term friends)

I've gotten used to the length and think it's barely growing, if at all. Having other people notice the length and comment on how soft and shiny it is made me realize my effort are bringing results.

Jan 14 -- recommitted! :)
I've been bunning like crazy since I cut back to BSL! :look:

But I'm VERY happy with the health of my hair. So I am now 7 inches from HL! This is still doable for me. I'll be dusting every other month to maintain my ends. No direct heat. Bunning & roller setting.

My next relaxer is April 4 & I plan to be back at MBL & 5 inches to HL. Then I will relax in July & plan to be at WL & 3 inches to HL. My last relaxer this year will be in December & I plan to be at HL.


I've been bunning like crazy since I cut back to BSL! :look:

But I'm VERY happy with the health of my hair. So I am now 7 inches from HL! This is still doable for me. I'll be dusting every other month to maintain my ends. No direct heat. Bunning & roller setting.

My next relaxer is April 4 & I plan to be back at MBL & 5 inches to HL. Then I will relax in July & plan to be at WL & 3 inches to HL. My last relaxer this year will be in December & I plan to be at HL.



wow! that's SOME vision :)

Sent from a land where women rule.....