
Well-Known Member
I have decided that I will begin referring to God/Jesus as Him who first loved me. I dont know why but it just came to me this morning as I was writing in my journal. I was about to write G-O-D but found myself writing Him who first loved me.

I am trying to get my life back on track with Him who first loved me because I had begun to rebell, I have been so disgusted, discouraged, bitter, angry and just pure mean of late. Its been months since I've prayed or even opened the Bible, in short, I've been angry with Him who first loved me. Blaming Him for all my failures and discomforts. Yesterday was the first time in months I picked up the Word, I opened to Psalm 107 and just began reading when I got to verse 11 I saw me and realized how silly I've been.

I got on my knees right then and prayed for forgiveness for the bitterness, the anger, the complaining just everything that was not like HIm. For the rest of the day, I tried to spend it in a praise and worship mode.

I'm also revisiting the Purpose Driven Life and trying to stop being so self centered. Cause its not about me. I've decided to stop fighting against things I cannot change and to just wait for my change to come. I now realize that it will come in His time. This fact I've known all along but just did not want to accept it. Now I do and believe it or not, I feel so much better about my circumstances now.