I wished bad Karma upon him and now...


Well-Known Member
He’s going through some stuff and I feel bad. I had a recent convo with my ex he opened up about a lot of stuff going on in his life and why was I about to cry. I was sitting there giving him advice and telling him to seek the Lord etc. After that I even prayed for him. I’m worried about him but I have no idea why I should. It’s crazy when folks hurt us we hope they pay for it and even question why they don’t but I realized that it is best you don’t see the person who hurt you suffer, its not a feeling of satisifaction. It depends on what the circumstances are but this whole thing has been troubling me. I know I wished him just the worst because he was such a jerk face. At the same time I don’t want to get caught up in his mess so I’m trying to lend an ear over the phone but not face to face as he is asking to. How do I know how God wants me to handle this? I know this may be a chance to get someone converted but at the same time I don’t want to get my feelings mixed up into anything, I'm all about my Lord now. God is good and has definitely made me stronger these past few years. Should I help someone who treated my like crap just to get them to God or should I just shrung and not care?
Well a way of helping can just be praying for them, you don't have to be "involved" to be an aid to him. If God has set you free from this man, I would say don't get entangled again in this . Also, you want to make sure you have no ill feelings or unforgiveness toward him in your heart. The bible says only the pure in heart shall see God.
You still have feelings for him otherwise, you wouldn't be conflicted (troubled) with that in mind, my advice to you would be to continue to pray for him but keep your distance both pysically and electronically.

There is nothing wrong with helping those who hurt you but when you are still emotionally involved like you are, then face to face communication may cause all of your prayers and hard work to be lost espcially if there are unresolved issues between you two. The saved and unsaved will reap what they've sown but the Lord always extends grace and mercy, continue to pray for him but at a distance, the Lord knows just how to work through time and space.
We have to be careful to bless others and not curse them. James tells us that blessings and cursings should not come out of the same mouth. I agree with the other ladies: keep your distance! You are not capable of only being his "friend." Pray for him and leave it to God. Above all else, guard your heart!
This is true. I will pray for him, I was going to meet with him since we have not seen each other in 3 years but I remember every time I see him I cry. When God delivers us from evil it is up to us to say out of trouble. I feel bad for what he is going through but I recall times I would cry and beg him to change his ways. I cannot convert someone they have to be willing to seek God. All I can do is pray for him I guess.
He’s going through some stuff and I feel bad. I had a recent convo with my ex he opened up about a lot of stuff going on in his life and why was I about to cry. I was sitting there giving him advice and telling him to seek the Lord etc. After that I even prayed for him. I’m worried about him but I have no idea why I should. It’s crazy when folks hurt us we hope they pay for it and even question why they don’t but I realized that it is best you don’t see the person who hurt you suffer, its not a feeling of satisifaction. It depends on what the circumstances are but this whole thing has been troubling me. I know I wished him just the worst because he was such a jerk face. At the same time I don’t want to get caught up in his mess so I’m trying to lend an ear over the phone but not face to face as he is asking to. How do I know how God wants me to handle this? I know this may be a chance to get someone converted but at the same time I don’t want to get my feelings mixed up into anything, I'm all about my Lord now. God is good and has definitely made me stronger these past few years. Should I help someone who treated my like crap just to get them to God or should I just shrung and not care?

I went through a similar ordeal with the same feelings and I honestly did not try and help the person much. My mental and emotional health is much more important and whatever someone reaps upon himself, allow him to steep in it. You can be kind and you can answer a general question, even giving constructive advice but ultimately, take care of YOU. Don't worry about them nor feel you are responsible for their well-being. The L-rd didn't make women into carpets...he created goats and sheep for wool. Pray for him, don't meet him and don't lend another ear to him, for my advice to you. Move on.
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One evening a friend and I were at my place drinking wine and having girl talk.

We were talking about our past relationships. I said I wish I had someone to kick my ex's butt for all the crappy stuff he did to me. She said, "Well I have a Pookie and 'em who would kick my ex's butt. All I have to do is ask."

About a month after that she was so hurt because her ex was murdered by the exact Pookie she named. It turns out her ex owed Pookie some money.

She said she felt like she spoke that into existence.
I agree with the other posters regarding just praying for this person.

Additionally, this is a very good lesson about cursing others (of which I am guilty/no judgement here): sometimes you aren't ready for people to really "get what's coming to them"

God Bless you, Kinkyhairlady.
He’s going through some stuff and I feel bad. I had a recent convo with my ex he opened up about a lot of stuff going on in his life and why was I about to cry.

I was sitting there giving him advice and telling him to seek the Lord etc. After that I even prayed for him. I’m worried about him but I have no idea why I should. It’s crazy when folks hurt us we hope they pay for it and even question why they don’t but I realized that it is best you don’t see the person who hurt you suffer, its not a feeling of satisifaction. It depends on what the circumstances are but this whole thing has been troubling me.

I know I wished him just the worst because he was such a jerk face. At the same time I don’t want to get caught up in his mess so I’m trying to lend an ear over the phone but not face to face as he is asking to. How do I know how God wants me to handle this? I know this may be a chance to get someone converted but at the same time

I don’t want to get my feelings mixed up into anything, I'm all about my Lord now. God is good and has definitely made me stronger these past few years. Should I help someone who treated my like crap just to get them to God or should I just shrung and not care?

I went through something similar with my former husband. God worked it out to His glory.

You have a heart like God which is why you care. Allow God to use your compassion (which is natural for you), to pray for your ex and it will undo the feelings you felt bad about him long ago.

To be honest, your ex only reaped what he sowed It had very little to do with you... he planted those seeds, which HE gave life to and the harvest is what he is going through now. However he has your heart and prayers to undo the harvest, and to have a heart more and more like Jesus. Give him your prayers and let God do the rest.