Hilary Clinton and Seventh Day Adventists

StrawberryQueen said:
Exactly why did you post this?

Strawberry are you looking for an internet fight? :)

Do you normally ask people why they post? I posted to hear feed back from Adventists, since most don't mingle in politics. There is a book called Sunday Law, which talks about how Congress (particulary conservatives) wants to make Sunday the official Sabbath. It was just insteresting that Hilary took an interest in addressing the Adventists. Kinda validates what the book forecasts.
I.was.just.wondering the significance of the post. All I heard her doing was talking about the SDA. I didn't know what you were trying to show me, so I asked.

'Tis all. I didn't know you were SDA, and I am not SDA so I didn't know what I was supposed to be taking from this.

And I usually ask folks why they post something when I am not claer as to what I POV I need to be reading/viewing said information in.
StrawberryQueen said:
I.was.just.wondering the significance of the post. All I heard her doing was talking about the SDA. I didn't know what you were trying to show me, so I asked.

'Tis all. I didn't know you were SDA, and I am not SDA so I didn't know what I was supposed to be taking from this.

And I usually ask folks why they post something when I am not claer as to what I POV I need to be reading/viewing said information in.

My bad Strawberry :)
LuvLiLocks said:
I'm so lost. What was that all about? Just recognizing SDA? or somethingelse?

The SDA church spends time and money in an effort to promote religious liberty for all Americans. It is just nice to know that your voice has been heard by your government. Someone in Washington is actually working, although looking at CSPAN and all the empty seats you wouldn't know it.
Maybe I need to pay more attention in church.......I realize that we put great effort in international ministry as far as religious liberty is concerned, but at the risk of sounding like a dumbell I'll say this: I didn't know that "all americans didn't have religious liberty" :scratchch