Hey Ladies..Im New Your'e All So Beautiful..

Lorraine S

Im new to this site (well not really) Ive been looking around for a little and I finally decided to join. I usually read alot of the discussion boards. Ive learned so much from you guys. All of you have made tremendous progress with your hair journeys. Im looking to make the same progress.

Im Currently shoulder length.
My first goal is armpit length.

Nexxus Therappe Shampoo
Nexxus Humuctress Conditioner
Keracare Humucto Conditioner
Keracare Oil Moisturizing Lotion with Jojoba Oil (lite)
Hollwood Carrot Hairdressing Creme
Hollwood Olive Hairdressing Creme
Suave Milk and Honey Shampoo
Suave Coconut Conditioner
Vive Anti Frizz Serum
Pantene Oil Sheen Spray
Pantene Leave In Creme
Pantene Clarify Shampoo (The original)
Kemi Oyl
Frutcis Deep Condition Mask

I know you guys made me a product junkie, and im looking to buy more. I just recently order the original M-T-G from www.shapelys.com
My hair is growing lovely but there is one problem. My left side in the back keeps thinning and breaking. I think maybe its because of me wrapping my hair everynight on the same side, or not using a strong protein conditioner.
What do you Ladies think??

Im currently working on pictures so you can see my progress..
Im looking forward to chatting with you STRONG BEAUTIFUL LADIES:)
Lorraine S said:
Im new to this site (well not really) .... My hair is growing lovely but there is one problem. My left side in the back keeps thinning and breaking. I think maybe its because of me wrapping my hair everynight on the same side, or not using a strong protein conditioner.
What do you Ladies think??
Hi Lorraine,
Welcome! I think I would use some protein and/or deep conditioning treatments. I use MNT, but I've also just used mayonnaise. MTG could help as well.

jrae said:
Hi Lorraine,
Welcome! I think I would use some protein and/or deep conditioning treatments. I use MNT, but I've also just used mayonnaise. MTG could help as well.


Thank You for the advice. I think that I do need to use a good protein conditioner. I cant wait for the MTG to come....
