He's a stalker if...


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
-He needs to know where you at all the time.
-It's 11pm and he's already called 8 times to say "I love you".
-You tell him you busy and he wants to go do whatever you going to be busy doing.
-He calls your job on a day you called out just to find out why you called out!
-He knows your voicemail password and checks it regularly! (by that time it's time to get a court order on him!)

Please add to this list!
lmao at calling the job

boyfriend: yea i know she's not in but i wanna know why she's not in

Boss: i cant give out that info sir. maybe you should ask her

boyfriend: i cant call her because then she'll wanna know why i'm calling her job. like i'm some kind of stalker or something

Boss: again, sir i can not disclose that infomation

boyfriend: come on just tell me. when she called did you hear a man in the background.
mumbling to self: i know she with another man

Boss: ok sir i'm hanging up now

boyfriend: ok just tell her i called. no, no i take that back. don't tell her
you sign up for an online weblog, put a tracker on it, and find out that all those random people who come to your blog every single day and look through your *locked* online weblog photo album, were him.

me and my ex ... or whatever he is to me, only dated for 3 weeks...
and i have a weblog that is locked so that only other signed in users of the site can see my page
well i found out that since we broke up at the end of 2005, about 1x a week he has signed up for a new account; just so he could stalk me... he's got over 200 accounts... :nono:
He tells you he knew you slept on the couch last night because he climbed through your kitchen window and watched you sleep. (Confirmed by the open window I discovered in the morning)

When you're driving and you see him in the car next to you you have to shake him off your tail like you're playing Grand Theft Auto. Dodging in and out of traffic and running lights and all!

Yea my ex is a psycho....
He tells you he knew you slept on the couch last night because he climbed through your kitchen window and watched you sleep. (Confirmed by the open window I discovered in the morning)

When you're driving and you see him in the car next to you you have to shake him off your tail like you're playing Grand Theft Auto. Dodging in and out of traffic and running lights and all!

Yea my ex is a psycho....

Or when you doing 100 mph down I-95 trying to out race him cause he's following you. My ex was following me and when I noticed I did all I could to leave him in the dust. Men are crazy.
He calls 50-11 times and each time wants to know why you haven't called him back. Then he tells you how much he misses you and loves you, baby, even though you just 2 days ago.
lmao at calling the job

boyfriend: yea i know she's not in but i wanna know why she's not in

Boss: i cant give out that info sir. maybe you should ask her

boyfriend: i cant call her because then she'll wanna know why i'm calling her job. like i'm some kind of stalker or something

Boss: again, sir i can not disclose that infomation

boyfriend: come on just tell me. when she called did you hear a man in the background.
mumbling to self: i know she with another man

Boss: ok sir i'm hanging up now

boyfriend: ok just tell her i called. no, no i take that back. don't tell her

Wow this guy is nuts

They leave notes on your car with dead flowers on them......

He is still stalkin me and we only dated for a few weeks in High School
Wow this guy is nuts

They leave notes on your car with dead flowers on them......

He is still stalkin me and we only dated for a few weeks in High School

wow highschool. i dont know if i should laugh, shake my head or what. its funny and scarry. men are crazy.
When you're driving and you see him in the car next to you you have to shake him off your tail like you're playing Grand Theft Auto. Dodging in and out of traffic and running lights and all!

Yea my ex is a psycho....[/quote]

this has happened to me, to make it worse, we were on I-95!!! and he's honking and waving to flag me down in morning rush hour
- he calls at unreasonable times, such as 1.30am.
- he calls and/or texts you several times a day
- when you try to break contact, he gives you a sob story so you can feel bad for him.
- he calls you but doesn't speak...just keeps silent whilst you say "hello, hello?" on the phone a few times.

well, this is what happened to me. i never got into a relationship with him nor even gave him what most would consider "false hope". i said we could be friends and he saw that as his "opening" to harass me. when i'd tell him to stop texting me every damn day, he would come across all apologetic and agree to the new "terms" i'd placed on our friendship...only to break them 2 days later.

one of the most stressful 2 months of my life. i now have someone who is doing no.1 to me...except he texted at 5.50am :confused: to say he was looking forward to going to the cinema with me (i was unsure about going before this but then decided after that to definitely not go) and then again at 12.20am. i thought he was an ok guy but it looks like i'll have to distance myself from this one.
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This one. I HATE HATE HATE that. Or they pop up at your job!!
Wow, I haven't experienced the job pop-ups yet...and I hope to not have to ever!!!

It blows my mind that they would just pop up like that...I'm waiting for the day that one of em gets his face cracked when I got someone else up in the house! :grin:
this is funny because i forgot all about this guy who scared the begeezies outa me.
i wont tell the whole story but he used to ride all the way to my stop on the train with me and then i found out he lived on the other side of town.
i had to get a group of friends to ride with me for fear he might do something and then get my father to pick me up from the station. somehow he got my phone number and everything (mind you he never even spoke to me on the train at first. he just watched me. and we were in college together)
then he started speaking and that freaked me out to because he is over six feet tall and atleast 270 pounds but he had this really soft squeaky voice.
but i havent seen him in about two yrs so thats good
Wow, I haven't experienced the job pop-ups yet...and I hope to not have to ever!!!

It blows my mind that they would just pop up like that...I'm waiting for the day that one of em gets his face cracked when I got someone else up in the house! :grin:

I told him i couldnt date him after he confessed that he was older than he claimed to be and it seemed to me like he was homeless. He said i was having a bad day and i need some strawberry ice cream. So he decided to come to my job to give it to me. WTH.
He tells you he knew you slept on the couch last night because he climbed through your kitchen window and watched you sleep. (Confirmed by the open window I discovered in the morning)

When you're driving and you see him in the car next to you you have to shake him off your tail like you're playing Grand Theft Auto. Dodging in and out of traffic and running lights and all!

Yea my ex is a psycho....

:nono: :nono: What is wrong with some people???????????

College "Sweetheart "
* Changed his major to mine so he could be in all my classes.
* Showed up at my dorm room at all times of night "to make sure I was ok" :rolleyes:
* During the summer would show up at my house unannounced.

:nono: :nono: What is wrong with some people???????????

I have plenty more stories..

He wouldnt let me leave his house so when I finally got out the door and into my car he jumped in front of my car and I hit him. At that point I felt bad and got out to see if he was ok but then bounced. He came to my grandparents house the next day and told everybody he got into a fight at a bar with some guy trying to hit on me.

When I got my own place he lived about 4 blocks away but it was 2 huge empty lots. He used to see if my light was on in my house and jump pop up 4 blocks away! This was like a year after we broke up.

He used to try to get me to his house by saying his mother was sick and was asking for me. When I got there she'd be like "I dont know what he's talking about"
I have plenty more stories..

He wouldnt let me leave his house so when I finally got out the door and into my car he jumped in front of my car and I hit him. At that point I felt bad and got out to see if he was ok but then bounced. He came to my grandparents house the next day and told everybody he got into a fight at a bar with some guy trying to hit on me.

When I got my own place he lived about 4 blocks away but it was 2 huge empty lots. He used to see if my light was on in my house and jump pop up 4 blocks away! This was like a year after we broke up.

He used to try to get me to his house by saying his mother was sick and was asking for me. When I got there she'd be like "I dont know what he's talking about"

This sounds like a movie, please tell me you moved :perplexed
This guy I knew. We were not even dating or anything.

- He invited me to join a dinner with a group of his friends. It was quite far away. I got there and realized after some time that no one else was coming. Creepy. So I left at the first opportunity and refused to see him again.

- He used to call me 50-11 times, 24hours a day and when I wouldn't pick he used to send me so many text messages that my phone inbox would be completely full.

- He found out where I lived and worked and would threaten to come. So one of my friends or my brother would escort me home every evening just in case.:nono:

- He finally stopped when I told him I was going to file a police report.

I was very very scared.
He does not bother me anymore.