Henna'ing while in braids???


New Member
I know this may sound crazy, but would it be possible to henna with my hair while wearing small, natural cornrows? I really want to henna but I've already heard about how messy it can be and how hard it can be to remove all the henna goop from your hair. Moreover, as a natural, its easier for me to do some treatments while my hair is braided. DO you think it would be OK to do a henna treatment with my hair in small cornrows (without extensions)? Or do you think that the henna would not penetrate as well or could possibly leave drying pieces in my hair?

All opinions appreciated....and please, tell me if you think i've lost my mind...I'd rather that than losing my hair.:nono:

Oh, nuh-uh.... :nono: That might be a bad idea.

I conditioned my hair last night in a couple of fat braids, and had alma in my conditioner, and when I combed out my hair this morning, I had brownish green powder EVERYWHERE - and I rinsed for a good 15 minutes.

I wouldn't trust it with henna - esp. since it IS drying, and not getting all of it off will most likely make your scalp itch something TERRIBLE.

I would hold off on the henna til the braids are out.
I figured it wasnt the greatest of ideas. But was looking for an easy way out, but I guess I would regret it in the end. Thanks ladies
I hennaed my hair this past weekend. It wouldn't work in braids (it takes a while to wash out completely). However, it made detangling alot easier and faster. So it's a trade off.
I have tried that before and regret the very choice before it took forever to wash that stuff out so now I think I will stick to amla or...but what I have managed to buy today was a conditioner with henna which I think I will use for co-washes which I am going to start this week. The link is below. (It looks very similar to aveda's sapmoss so I cant wait to use it - they also have the coconut version too!!)

I know this may sound crazy, but would it be possible to henna with my hair while wearing small, natural cornrows? I really want to henna but I've already heard about how messy it can be and how hard it can be to remove all the henna goop from your hair. Moreover, as a natural, its easier for me to do some treatments while my hair is braided. DO you think it would be OK to do a henna treatment with my hair in small cornrows (without extensions)? Or do you think that the henna would not penetrate as well or could possibly leave drying pieces in my hair?

All opinions appreciated....and please, tell me if you think i've lost my mind...I'd rather that than losing my hair.:nono:


I agree with the other ladies, you could end up with henna left in your hair that can cause dryness and breakage. MAYBE you can do a henna gloss??? Add 1/2 tablespoonful of henna into your conditioner and dc for 30 minutes with heat. I still get a color release and lots of shine. Just make sure to wash thoroughly!!!