my henna is still in but my girlfriend rinsed hers out and she had a very visible, rich brown! the lighting isn't the best in my house, so i can only imagine how it'll look when the sun hits it!
i want to leave my henna in for a few more hours, though. i'll check in again tomorrow.
alright, second try! my henna is sitting, mixed and ready to go for tomorrow.
this time, i decided to nix the indigo and mix the henna with boiled hibiscus flowers. i bought a small bag of hibiscus flowers off eBay. in a small saucepan, i brought some tap water to a low boil and added little more than half the bag of flowers (which was easily too much). i let that boil on low for about ten minutes, then let it sit for five minutes. the water is a very deep, rich red color. strained the boiled flowers and used the water to mix my henna.
i hope to see a difference in my hair this second time around!