Henna while Natural


Well-Known Member
Are there any special tips that a NATURAL needs to do to get an excellent Henna outcome?

I am interested in its strengthening properties, and but not a big color change.

  • How often do you natural women henna?
  • What's your recipe?
  • What are the benefits?
  • Are there any unique risks (being natural -like losing your curl pattern)?
Are there any special tips that a NATURAL needs to do to get an excellent Henna outcome?

I am interested in its strengthening properties, and but not a big color change.
  • How often do you natural women henna?
  • What's your recipe?
  • What are the benefits?
  • Are there any unique risks (being natural -like losing your curl pattern)?

Hi friend
  • I hennaed (+indigo) every 4months
  • I don't take measure basically I mix henna with amla, a cup of warm coffee (forgotten:lemon juice,amla)and olive oil I let it sit one hour and I put it on my hair and stay with it 2 hours. I rince and deep conditionned after!
  • The color it coated my hair(strenght) and loose the curl pattern
My experience with henna wasn't as good as I wanted it to be!
Yes it has losen my curl pattern, I loved my wash and go but not my twist because my ends were straight so I have decided to stop it !:look:
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Are there any special tips that a NATURAL needs to do to get an excellent Henna outcome?

I am interested in its strengthening properties, and but not a big color change.
  • How often do you natural women henna?

I henna once a month
  • What's your recipe?
1/4 cup henna, 1/4 cup hot water (plus a little to make a VERY thick paste), 1/2 - 3/4 cup cheapie conditioner (to stretch and reduce the drying effects
  • What are the benefits?
I have fine hair, and it's become MUCH thicker and stronger. My hair is also MUCH shiner, and after a year+ of henna use, I'm starting to get some reddish/purplish highlights in my hair.
  • Are there any unique risks (being natural -like losing your curl pattern)?
I haven't lost my curl pattern, but it has definitely loosened. I also use another mix specifically to loosen my curl pattern every three months - it's greatly reduced the amount of tangling/breakage I was dealing with before hand, but leaves plenty of curl to work with.
How often do you natural women henna?
I henna and indigo about every two months.

What's your recipe?

I don't really measure. But I use enough red wine to make a thick paste with 60 grams of henna. Then I mix it with yogurt to the consistency of cake batter. I let it sit 24 hours.

What are the benefits?
My hair feels stronger and eventually softer, and the sheen is unbelievable.

I say eventually softer, because immediately following, my hair feels dry. But I always follow up with a deep conditioner, and after henna, my hair feels softer than it normally would.

Are there any unique risks (being natural -like losing your curl pattern)?
My curl pattern becomes a little looser, and I experience less shrinkage. However it doesn't seem to be permanent, maybe because I don't do it too often (lazy).
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Pkease be carfeul. I loved the conditioning properties I got from henna but i did lose my curl pattern. went form 4a spirals to a fuzzy weird inconsistent curl pattern> I only used henna five times and once i noticed my hair getting weird i had to stop. I doesn't happen to eeryone, but henna varies from person to person as to how ur hair will respond to it. Be careful!
  • How often do you natural women henna?
  • What's your recipe?
  • What are the benefits?
  • Are there any unique risks (being natural -like losing your curl pattern)?

Pkease be carfeul. I loved the conditioning properties I got from henna but i did lose my curl pattern. went form 4a spirals to a fuzzy weird inconsistent curl pattern> I only used henna five times and once i noticed my hair getting weird i had to stop. I doesn't happen to eeryone, but henna varies from person to person as to how ur hair will respond to it. Be careful!
Did it go back to normal after you stopped? If so, how long did it take to revert?
Hi friend
  • I hennaed (+indigo) every 4months
  • I don't take measure basically I mix henna with amla, a cup of warm coffee (forgotten:lemon juice)and olive oil I let it sit one hour and I put it on my hair and stay with it 2 hours. I rince and deep conditionned after!
  • The color it coated my hair(strenght) and loose the curl pattern
My experience with henna wasn't as good as I wanted it to be!
Yes it has losen my curl pattern, I loved my wash and go but not my twist because my ends were straight so I have decided to stop it !:look:

Hey my Hair Idol Buddy,

I noticed that more relaxed ladies were singing the praise of Henna!

Soun, how long (many times) did you henna before you decided to stop?Do you think overlapping the henna (just like a relaxer touch up), contributed to your ends becoming too straight? :perplexed
Thanks Nappywomyn!

You recipe is so straightforward - some pp mix so much stuff together I feel like I'm reading something fromthe Cooking channel! :grin:
What are the benefits?
My hair feels stronger and eventually softer, and the sheen is unbelievable.
I say eventually softer, because immediately following, my hair feels dry. But I always follow up with a deep conditioner, and after henna, my hair feels softer than it normally would.

Are there any unique risks (being natural -like losing your curl pattern)?
My curl pattern becomes a little looser, and I experience less shrinkage. However it doesn't seem to be permanent, maybe because I don't do it too often (lazy).

Hi Anherica,

I love your FRO! (adding your Album to my list to stalk, I mean visit....:lick:)

I would not mind less shrinkage, but would MISS my curls!
Pkease be carfeul. I loved the conditioning properties I got from henna but i did lose my curl pattern. went form 4a spirals to a fuzzy weird inconsistent curl pattern> I only used henna five times and once i noticed my hair getting weird i had to stop. I doesn't happen to eeryone, but henna varies from person to person as to how ur hair will respond to it. Be careful!

Thanks Kurlee!

I guess should have guess what type of Henna everyone use. I just don't want anything to change my texture!

Hey my Hair Idol Buddy,

I noticed that more relaxed ladies were singing the praise of Henna!

Soun, how long (many times) did you henna before you decided to stop?Do you think overlapping the henna (just like a relaxer touch up), contributed to your ends becoming too straight? :perplexed

thank you lady,
i henna 3 times before
the application of henna is on all the hair shaft it is not like a relaxer application
Did it go back to normal after you stopped? If so, how long did it take to revert?

It has not gone back to noraml, and i can no longer wear wash an gos, its been months since i used henna so i guess i have to gorw it out. Oh and i used Jamila henna, body art quality. Please be careful.
Pkease be carfeul. I loved the conditioning properties I got from henna but i did lose my curl pattern. went form 4a spirals to a fuzzy weird inconsistent curl pattern> I only used henna five times and once i noticed my hair getting weird i had to stop. I doesn't happen to eeryone, but henna varies from person to person as to how ur hair will respond to it. Be careful!

I second this! I personally have decided to stop doing henna treatments. If I decide to pick it up again, I will only use it 2x a year. Fine hair ladies please do not overdo these treatments, it can have disaterous effects! Like BREAKAGE!!!
Wow I just used body art (reshma) henna for the first time this weekend. I loved the feel of my hair afterwards. I mixed plain water and honey. I guess using it monthly wouldn't be too wise.
Are there any special tips that a NATURAL needs to do to get an excellent Henna outcome?

I am interested in its strengthening properties, and but not a big color change.
  • How often do you natural women henna?
I was using it on a monthly basis...but I was planning to use henna weekly...but:ohwell:
  • What's your recipe?
Jamila Body Art Henna or Henna with Amla powder and Shikakai + water + coconut oil and cheapie conditioner
  • What are the benefits?
softer more manageable hair---stronger hair--subtle highlights
  • Are there any unique risks (being natural -like losing your curl pattern)?
loosens up the curl pattern

Question: should I not henna weekly or even every other week??????
After these replies, I decided not to henna until after I reach my FINAL (BSL) length goal. :ohwell: I figure if it changes my curl pattern at that stage all of my hair (meaning the whole strands) will look the same instead of having straighter ends.

I just noticed that more relaxed heads seemed happy with the results than naturals - be careful!
I'm natural- i usually henna once a week unless i am wearing a protective style.

My recipe varies depending on what i have at home but the normal is henna, fo-ti powder(chinese herb that helps with premature graying), oil, honey, red wine or grape juice, hot water, amla powder(browner color), cloves ( for browner color) or paprika for redder color. Also i add coffee grounds or tea for a darker color with reddish undertones.

I am currently using a henna/indigo mix that i got from www.hennasooq.com It accidently got mixed together so i got this for a special price last year. I still have 2 bags of Singh henna that i got from a seller on ebay last year as well and when i finish that i will be using the Singh henna that i just got from www.hennaking.com

I have been using henna for a year now with a little loosening of the curl pattern but not enough for me to stop wearing wash n gos.

Benefits for me have been hair growth, conditioning, my hair is healthier and looks and feels better, along with being thicker and fuller. Not to mention, i love playing around with the color from time to time.

Are there any special tips that a NATURAL needs to do to get an excellent Henna outcome?

I am interested in its strengthening properties, and but not a big color change.

  • How often do you natural women henna?
  • What's your recipe?
  • What are the benefits?
  • Are there any unique risks (being natural -like losing your curl pattern)?
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Amla powder can be used to enhance your natural waves and curls. If you're experiencing too much loosening of your curl pattern, try adding more amla powder or make an amla paste and try that like a henna. I've read that it leaves a brown tint.
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I have my henna recipe in my fotki under "Hairstuff". I used henna more when I was texlaxed but since natural I have not been doing it that much because it makes my hair thicker and right now it is thick enough. I might pick it back up later because it did strengthen my hair very well but I agree about being careful with it because it does straighten out my curl pattern.
I can attest to the lost of curl pattern, but for me I dont mind. I last texlaxed my hair I guess a year ago, it didnt really do much actually. Since I have been using henna and other Indian products I think my curl pattern is pretty much changed, even my new growth is nothing like my hair I had as a kid. I'm happy with the changes, I find my hair easier to manage.