henna/protien and relaxed heads


New Member
just wanted to chime in something i recently figured out in case it helps someone else:
i have seen the question asked here whether henna replaced protien but never really saw it answered in a way that was helpful for me soooo.
for me, and ofcourse not all heads are the same, but i am relaxed and i henna quite often so i slowed down considerable on protien, for fear that i would over do it and end up with too much. recently i began to see some breakage and couldnt figure it out, thought it was the dry air in my house and yadda yadda - it was lack of protien. so if you are relaxed(not sure how this applies to natural ladies) and you henna dont abandon the protien. i still think i need less but did the "big daddy" aphogee a bit ago, and problem solved - my hair is back to feeling wonderful! hope this helps someone.
My hair is the same way. I've been using protein about twice a week with no breakage and thicker ends. Today against my better judgement I left the protein out of my DC. Broken hairs everywhere. So at least in my case, protein is a hair saver =)
That goes to show everyone's hair is different, because I can tell you now, I will need my protein as well even though i henna. I cant use henna and forget protein, thats a big no no, but most people swear that you don't need to use any protein if you henna.
My hair is the same way. I've been using protein about twice a week with no breakage and thicker ends. Today against my better judgement I left the protein out of my DC. Broken hairs everywhere. So at least in my case, protein is a hair saver =)

That goes to show everyone's hair is different, because I can tell you now, I will need my protein as well even though i henna. I cant use henna and forget protein, thats a big no no, but most people swear that you don't need to use any protein if you henna.
yup i am coming to the conclusion that henna is a enhancing/strengthener but it does not take the place of protien treatments. i am happy to know this because it makes my regimen become a bit more clearer to me. now i have to figure out exactly how much protien is right for me since i do henna a lot.
I went thru this. I had stopped doing protein treatments when I was doing henna twice a month and it was a mistake. I didnt have anything major happen to my hair but the condition of it wasnt great. I only do henna maybe once every 3 months now basically for the color and do protein maybe twice a month.
I do henna WITH my protein. I add hydrolyzed protein into my henna mixture and it works for me.

Doing it every 2 weeks was too much and not even necessary. I think I can go monthly with my treatment.

Without adding protein in the mixture, I notice that I can stand other methods of protein more often.
This is good to know. I do henna monthly and I have broken hairs everywhere. I'm going to start my protein treatments. Thanks
Thank you for posting this. My hair eats protein up like candy. I also use Henna after I relax. I haven't started using henna between relaxers so this information is important to me. :)