Henna: My Experience (long)


New Member
Whew! What a weekend! On January 26th, I did two henna/amla/indigo treatments back-to-back (with a day in between), then after another two days, I washed and deep conditioned again, without henna.. :spinning: My hair feels so thick and strong--far superior than Keraphix plus my gray strands (yes, I had some) are brown.

First and foremost, many, many thanks to you wonderful LHCF ladies who hennnaed your hair and shared your experiences and tips, especially Neroli (where you at?!), VWVixxen, Godzooki (you both really inspired me!) and so many others who have done this successfully--relaxed and natural. Besides the great henna threads here, I read the main henna thread and learned from all of your posts. :notworthy :notworthy

I'm so glad you did this too Babygurl! Your hair results are awesome!

I also thank some of the ladies at LHC who shared their henna successes with me as well as in their main henna thread.

BTW, I attempted to post pics in my album, but the Fotki tech people are working on my settings at this time. They say it won't be too long though.

I love my own hair color which is dark brown with natural auburn highlights, especially noticeable in the summer. However, grays were starting to appear, :rolleyes: and although I love those grays too, I decided to henna but keep my browns.

My Henna Treatment
Since body art quality is supposed to be the safest and best for relaxed hair, I chose to use Catherine's body art quality henna (found at www.hennaforhair.com), amla and indigo recipe for cool shade of brown. I took notes along the way (with my stained, gloved hand :lol:)

I used:

225 g of henna (prepared the day before with water only--no lemon juice)
200 g of indigo
50 g of amla

1. I added the 50 g of amla a little at a time while stirring it into the very thick, henna pudding I made the night before. I added just a little more water to keep the consistency while adding the amla.

2. Then I mixed the indigo in a separate bowl and added 2 cups of water a little at a time until it looked exactly like very dark green mashed potatoes.

3. I immediately added this "mashed potatoed" indigo to the henna/amla pudding a little at a time and stirred well, adding a little more water when necessary. Now I had a large bowl of creamy, thick, dark-green/brown mud.

4. With my gloves on, I put a portion of this mixture into a plastic ziplock, then cut a corner off so I can squeeze it into my hair. However, I soon realized I preferred scooping up globs of henna mixture and just applying it to my hair and scalp. I laid it on very, very thick, starting at my nape and working my way up to the front. I already parted my hair horizontally ahead of time and pinned up each section with hair clips, as I do when relaxing in sections.

5. It was like putting green/brown clay on my head, creamy but clay-like. I remember loving playing in the mud once as a child!! Soon my head felt heavier and heavier. When I was finished (and I had just enough), I wrapped the saran wrap around my green helmut head, put a plastic cap over that and then a shower cap.

6. What a heavy head I had! The smell isn't really all that bad (smells like some of my food :lol:) but the mess! :shocked: I thought I had pretty good control of the mess (had all my paper towels, old clean towels, hair cape, etc.) but I was wrong! I set the timer for 4 hours.

7. I rarely get headaches but after about 3 hours, I got a headache from the weight. I waited exactly another 30 minutes, then I got into the shower to rinse after slapping on tons of Vaseline on my face, neck, breasts and body. I have a very nice directional shower head with different water forces so I decided to rinse this way rather than in my laundry sink (as I had planned).

8. I rinsed wearing gloves and after about 15 minutes, I took my gloves off to feel my hair. It felt gritty but soft. I decided to use my new Nexxus Phyto Organics Theratin Extreme Moisture shampoo and let it sit on my head about 5 minutes. It felt a lot better and cleaned out much of the graininess. My headache was gone too!

9. After more rinsing, I finally checked my color. My hair was the same except with deep, reddish highlights were my grays were. When the sunlight hits my hair I notice auburn effects, like my natural hair color. Very, very pretty but I want less red where the grays were..

10. I slathered on lots of Nexxus Phyto Organics Humectin Extreme Moisture conditioner, deep conditioned and finished my regimen.
I airdried my hair in a bun, no specific styling or anything. I loved my hair!! Incredible shine, color and thickness--just like everyone experienced.

After a day, I decided to use 1/3 Henna and 2/3 Indigo (per Catherine's recipe) to see if I can darken those reddish strands. They did get darker but I wanted it browner. I didn't want black though, just my dark brown color with my natural auburn highlights. I didn't have very much more amla.

Henna Treatment II
For this 2nd treatment, I used:

1/2 cup henna (this time after adding water, I let it sit in a bowl by a heater for two hours for color release, sealed with plastic)
1 cup indigo
1 Tablespoon amla
3/4 cup honey

1. Before making the main batch, I first mixed up a small batch with this ratio mixing the amla into the already color released henna first, mixing the indigo with water for mashed potato consistency, then adding the indigo to the henna/amla mix.

2. I then applied it to a test area where I have a few strands of grey together (now a few strands of dark red). I let it sit under a plastic cap for 3 hours. When I checked it, it was just what I wanted! Yay! Where my reddish "greys" used to be was now brown--and not black. I had to look closely since I couldn't tell a few feet from the mirror. I held up a lock of my hair close to the light and I could see dark auburn highlights on the dark brown, as my natural hair is. It looks like I kept my natural hair color! I'm so happy!

3. Since I didn't make up as much as I did for my very first batch, I did the rest of my hair after mixing in some honey to stretch it and to condition my hair. I stirred up the mixture while pouring in about a 3/4 of a cup of honey. I did a honey/henna/indigo/amla gloss! It was nice and creamy when I applied it and it seemed to stretch enough for my whole head, although not as thickly as the first time. No heavy head helmet, thank goodness! And not as bad of a mess this time.;)

4. It was easier to rinse out too after 3 1/2 hours under a cap. I love my hair color, thickness (and it was already thick) and strength. I know I don't need to do the heavy clay head again and may do henna glossing every four weeks or so, probably with honey. What a learning experience this was!! I'll post my henna experience in my album under "About Me" for now, since that part of my fotki works. :)

Thank you again ladies, I may not have ever done this without you sharing your experiences!!


Wet hair after rinsing 2nd Henna/Indigo/Amla


Airdried after 2nd Henna/Indigo/Amla treatment
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Beautiful job, Isis! I think I'm going to try henna soon, too. I've only tried cassia this far. Everybody has had such fantastic results with henna, I've gotta jump on the bandwagon!
:woot: You're very welcome! I feel honored that I could serve as an inspiration for YOU! Your hair looks great and I :love: the color:!!

I'm so glad that you had great results with it (both you and BabyGurl)! Your results convinced me to go on and try the indigo. Henna has done such wonderful things for my hair, I'm glad that so many are having great results with it too!

I'll be jotting down notes from your post here for my next henna treatment!
OOOOOH!!! That color is GORGEOUS and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that shine girl. You gave me a few ideas for my next treatment. Your hair was already fabulous but now...WOW! I love it! Thanks for the explanation and pics...and yes that stuff is HEAVY once you get it all slathered in :lol: Great results!
Isis your hair looks GREAT!!! :grin: I love the results of the Henna! The color is so pretty and the shine is beaaauutiful!!! Really nice job..... thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait til Fokti pic uploading is back up so we can see those pics! :D
Ooohhhh Isis! Thanks for sharing! I FINALLY got my henna from Catherine and will be doing this soon. I appreciate the recipe.

I want my hair to be be a color of Intense Brown/Off Black.

I purchased 300 g of henna and 200 g of indigo. I did not get the Amla powder. Do you think I need this?

Congratulations Isis, your results look great, and I would have to agree that henna is fun to slop onto the hair....at least for me it is:look:
Absolutely beautiful, ISIS!!!

You can see the thickness, esp. the first pic!

I love the color in the second pic- that's the next item to tackle for me- that BROWN!!! GAWJESS!!!

Thanx for sharing your experience!!!

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
WooooooooooooooWWWW! Simply marvelous Isis! The color is beautiful and the shine is awesome.
:eek: I just love, love, love the results you received from using henna. I wish it came in a jar and all you have to do is put it on your head. It seems like it's very time consuming.
It looks beautiful Isis! I just did a touch up and henna yesterday! I feel your excitement. Isn't the added strength amazing?

OT-Vixen I am loving your protective style, you look so pretty!

Beautiful Results Isis!!!:grin: I will be doing my first henna treatment in a few weeks my self. Thanks for the inspiration.
When I bought my conditioners, the Henna as staring back at me saying 'Buy me, Buy me'

But I didn't!

Now I wish I did.
Oh Isis you hair looks fab!! I can't believe the last pic is the result of an airdried bun, it looks so sleek and smooth. Thanks for sharing your experience and your recipe. I'm gonna really have to give henna a try sometime this year.
[SIZE=+1]Isis........it is very pretty. I'm glad to hear it turned out so well.

I'm going to henna mine this evening.
Thank you, thank you ladies for all of your wonderful comments!! :kiss: I'm just now getting to this thread--it was an incredibly busy day today!!

BTW, I forgot to say thank you Sareca for your detailled, henna info. :yep: You were a major help to me also. :)

And Henna Sooq, your site is great too. :up: I'll be visiting it more. :yep:

ETA: added links
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Wow Isis, your hair almost looks "flatironed" in the 2nd pic. I think I will also have to jump on the henna bandwagon. Can henna be bought in the stores? Thanks.

Also, where can I get amla oil?
january noir said:
Ooohhhh Isis! Thanks for sharing! I FINALLY got my henna from Catherine and will be doing this soon. I appreciate the recipe.

I want my hair to be be a color of Intense Brown/Off Black.

I purchased 300 g of henna and 200 g of indigo. I did not get the Amla powder. Do you think I need this?

The amla is good for cooling the red or the black tones. It creates a cool shade when added to henna or henna/indigo versus a warm shade. What you want should match your skin tone (do you look best in warm colors or cool colors?).

The henna/indigo combo creates various shades of brown, depending on the ratio used. Catherine sent you a chart of those ratios or recipes for color results as well as info about amla. My hair is now dark brown (with auburn highlights) but not quite off black. Henna used with anything will add that auburn or red somewhere. Amla cools the shade down.

Since you don't want black or blue-black, I suggest doing it first with 1/2 henna and 1/2 indigo and see how you like that. You may get the intense brown you want. There will be auburn highlights in the sun or other strong light. It's best to start light, then do it again with just a little more indigo and (maybe some amla) to darken it.

I did mine again mainly to cover the grays darker, as mentioned in Catherine's book and her charts.
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Babygurl said:
OOOOOH!!! That color is GORGEOUS and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that shine girl. You gave me a few ideas for my next treatment. Your hair was already fabulous but now...WOW! I love it! Thanks for the explanation and pics...and yes that stuff is HEAVY once you get it all slathered in :lol: Great results!
Thank you Babygurl!! :)