Henna: My Experience (long)

senimoni said:
Does the indigo lessen the effect of the Henna?

Indigo use alone (not recommended unless you want blue/blue hair) makes your hair blue/black when used AFTER you have henna'd. If you want a hair color of brown or auburn, you would mix some indigo in with your henna to lessen the red stain imparted by the henna.

Hey Isis, love the color and bling, bling you got goin' on. Congrats on finally crossing over to the henna side!!!;)
january noir said:
Indigo use alone (not recommended unless you want blue/blue hair) makes your hair blue/black when used AFTER you have henna'd. If you want a hair color of brown or auburn, you would mix some indigo in with your henna to lessen the red stain imparted by the henna.


I should have clarified. I'm not referring to color, I'm referring to the strength and conditioning effects.
senimoni said:
I should have clarified. I'm not referring to color, I'm referring to the strength and conditioning effects.

I would say that indigo does not lessen the strength and conditioning effects of henna.
senimoni said:
I should have clarified. I'm not referring to color, I'm referring to the strength and conditioning effects.
I agree with January Noir, indigo has no effect on the henna's wonderful benefits. Indigo seems to be a plant that only contains blue dye, no conditioning properties by itself.