Henna/Indigo update

Okay ladies, I recolored this weekend. Happy to have the shiny black again. Now I am waiting on the color to oxidize over the next week, to really show off the nice color.

I noticed immediately after I was finished my hair was a lot stronger, and it remained soft. I had no problems w/ dryness or hardness. Thanks ladies. Looks like I will continue to build on this to keep the color nice and shiny.

Nice job Tigget! Your hair is coming along nicely! :up:
This is interesting. I did several henna applications last summer--no indigo or alma, just the straight red henna on my dark sandy-brown hair (see avatar curl for what my hair looked like after henna). After 3 or 4 applications it had become as red as I cared for, so I stopped. It's a year later and my ends are still the same vibrant red; I don't detect any fading.

I just applied a "fresh coat" retouch about a week ago after deciding I wanted to color again. I'll do it one or two more times. Not sure if the number of times I used henna caused my color not to fade, but I've found that when I use henna, it's permanent.
This is interesting. I did several henna applications last summer--no indigo or alma, just the straight red henna on my dark sandy-brown hair (see avatar curl for what my hair looked like after henna). After 3 or 4 applications it had become as red as I cared for, so I stopped. It's a year later and my ends are still the same vibrant red; I don't detect any fading.

I just applied a "fresh coat" retouch about a week ago after deciding I wanted to color again. I'll do it one or two more times. Not sure if the number of times I used henna caused my color not to fade, but I've found that when I use henna, it's permanent.

Yeah I used both Henna and Indigo. Of course Henna as my base, so when I used the Indigo it would give me the black color. After speaking w/ a few ladies its been suggested to do the 2 step process each time. And after awhile it should remain and not fade. Henna never faded just the indigo.

I kinda liked the red tone it gave, but my initially desire was black, so had to go w/ my first thought. Didn't want to regret later.
Yeah I used both Henna and Indigo. Of course Henna as my base, so when I used the Indigo it would give me the black color. After speaking w/ a few ladies its been suggested to do the 2 step process each time. And after awhile it should remain and not fade. Henna never faded just the indigo.

I kinda liked the red tone it gave, but my initially desire was black, so had to go w/ my first thought. Didn't want to regret later.

O.k. Tigget, just chiming in to let you know I am officially stalking you now. I am sooooo impressed with your growth but that raven-black, shiney, blinging hair is just blowing my mind.

I am taking my twists out this weekend and am doing my first Hendigo process thanks to you.

Wish me luck! :grin:
O.k. Tigget, just chiming in to let you know I am officially stalking you now. I am sooooo impressed with your growth but that raven-black, shiney, blinging hair is just blowing my mind.

I am taking my twists out this weekend and am doing my first Hendigo process thanks to you.

Wish me luck! :grin:

I'll be henna/indigoing this weekend! WOO HOO! Your hair looks lovely Tigget!

ETA for typos...

Thank you ladies...I dun' hendigo'd everybody in the house...:lachen:well my mom and daughter. I can't wait to post my updated photos at the end of the month. Someone at work said they thought I was trying to be Latino w/ all this dark hair....it was a compliment:ohwell:.

I went to the Indian store this weekend and bought some Ancient Secret Herbal Henna w/ Shakaikai & Amla, and did a tea rinse. I was so impressed w/ the outcome. I brewed it in my coffee maker. I will keep yall posted on my results. So far I'm loving this Ayurvedic.

Oh and what didn't work so well for me was mixing the Shikaiki w/ cheap conditioner. Im still working on that though.
Tigget, tell me your thoughts on the tea rinse. I've been wanting to try this but it's always just at the back of my mind and I forget about it. What did it to for you? Please feel free to give me a long detailed answer if you like. :-)
Tigget, tell me your thoughts on the tea rinse. I've been wanting to try this but it's always just at the back of my mind and I forget about it. What did it to for you? Please feel free to give me a long detailed answer if you like. :-)

I said this on another post:

I made a Henna/Shikaiki/Amla rinse this weekend for me and my daughter. Our hair came out do lush and soft.

My steps were:

Night before:

applied heated oil to scalp and hair
Brewed H.S.A (see above) in coffee pot
(made enough for a few washes, once cooled put in a old milk jug)
Added oil to "tea"

Next morning

Poured tea over our hair and let sit about 10 mins
Rinsed w/ warm water
(only on my hair, not my daughters: I oil rinsed w/ Omega)
Deep Conditioned using a moisturizing conditioner only for 30 mins
Rinsed warm and final rinse Cold water
Applied moisturizine spritz I concocoted (glycerin, water, Aloe, and little bit of Amla Oil)
Applied Giovanni Leavein conditioner
Sealed w/ OMEGA & Coconut oil
Let air dry w/ Silk scarf.

I am in LOVE w/ my hair today. It is so very soft and moisturized, it feels damp but its not...(if that makes sense). Not greasy or oily, not tangled. I will be using this process for about a month on my daughters hair, because right now we are are trying to revive her hair. This is a keeper for her so far.

Omega oil is a mix of Canola, Olive, and Soy. I get it from Walmart in the oil section. It has Omega 3 6 9. I love it.

What I think of tea rinses so far, is, I love it. I have had positive results w/ them. I've only did them 2 or 3 times, but this last time I did it, it was just a different feel to my hair. It was so soft. The difference was the product. The Ancient Secret Herbal Henna w/ shikaiki & amla. I brewed and added oil, and coconut conditioner and emptied the brew back in the coffee maker, and brewed a second time. Using the same powder in the filter. When I used it on my daughters hair it was then that I was convinced this may be how we clean our hair from now on. I will still shampoo, but maybe like once a month.

I think the key to the rinse is Deep Conditioning w/ a moisturing conditioner afterwards. The spritz (see above) help w/ moisture as well. I don't want to jump the gun to soon w/ this, but my hair seems thicker since I did the last treatment of Henna/Indigo back on Aug 31st. At the end of month is how I will gauge my results, with health/growth.

The teas do not have to be complicated. Oh and I didn't use a specific measurement. I just emptied some of the powder in the filter, using my eye to measure. If you choose to do the teas, the more you do them, you might choose to experiment more.

Sorry for any typos, too lazy to proofread:lachen:

Just remembered I did add some extra Amla powder in addition to the Herbal Mix I bought. Just to have the extra moisture.
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Oh sorry to make a repeat, thanks for sharing again!

No no its not a problem. I copy and pasted so I just wanted to make that disclaimer in case you seen it twice. I hope this helps. I not guru at it, so I am still learning about this.
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What does FNWL stand for? I'm interested in henna/indigo and brought some henna/alma from a local indian store, but to be honest, I'm afraid to try it b/c I don't know anything about the product. I asked an indian woman who worked there what she used and brought what she suggested - it's almost entirely in arabic (I think). I'll just do a harvest test to make sure it will work ok on my hair- I have highlights and don't want it to counteract with henna.
What does FNWL stand for? I'm interested in henna/indigo and brought some henna/alma from a local indian store, but to be honest, I'm afraid to try it b/c I don't know anything about the product. I asked an indian woman who worked there what she used and brought what she suggested - it's almost entirely in arabic (I think). I'll just do a harvest test to make sure it will work ok on my hair- I have highlights and don't want it to counteract with henna.

I think FNWL is a website called FromNatureWithLove. Who is the product by? Just curious if I recognize the name. I used the Jamila or Hesh kind, as that is 100% natural. When I was in this past weekend, the clerk showed me some new products they got in. It was w/ color though, well I know its not 100% natural since they added something to give the color, black, burgundy, etc. So sticking w/ what I know all natural.

Also always be sure to check the mfg date and exp. date.
I'm not sure of the name, I'll have to double check. The writing is primarily in Arabic, so I'm not sure. I did see products by Hesh, so I'll have to check them out since you mentioned that they are natural. Thanks for the infomation. :drunk:

Another update:grin: Still using Ayurvedic Tea Rinses (Amla & Shikakai). I love it so far. I hope to be shoulder length by end of December, but the overall health of my hair is most important.

Yeah I used both Henna and Indigo. Of course Henna as my base, so when I used the Indigo it would give me the black color. After speaking w/ a few ladies its been suggested to do the 2 step process each time. And after awhile it should remain and not fade. Henna never faded just the indigo.

I kinda liked the red tone it gave, but my initially desire was black, so had to go w/ my first thought. Didn't want to regret later.

I'm glad I read this because this is something I didn't know. Henna turns your hair red? I'm researching Henna/Indigo as much as I can because I want that really, really black hair and not this brownish black stuff that I have from perming. Just permed yesterday so I would like to try the Henna/Indigo combo in the next week or two.

So, Henna has a reddish tint to it and then you use the Indigo to turn it black?

Just trying to get as much info as possible so I don't mess myself up!:lachen:
I'm glad I read this because this is something I didn't know. Henna turns your hair red? I'm researching Henna/Indigo as much as I can because I want that really, really black hair and not this brownish black stuff that I have from perming. Just permed yesterday so I would like to try the Henna/Indigo combo in the next week or two. It has been beneficial for MY hair

So, Henna has a reddish tint to it and then you use the Indigo to turn it black? Yes Ma'am but to me it was only noticeable in light or sunlight. Kinda subtle. I too wanted the black look, tired of the brownish tint the chemicals gave my hair.

Just trying to get as much info as possible so I don't mess myself up!:lachen:
Keep it Simple, and you shouldn't have any problems. To rinse the henna from your hair, use a CHEAP moisturizing condish. Same w/ Indigo. I'm no expert at this, but so far so good. The most time consuming part of it is after its been applied like you would a relaxer .....RINSING IT!! Still worth it tho.

In my pics I noticed the growth & health of my hair. Just looking at my hair everyday, I notice a little, so taking pics has been a good motivator to keep this up.
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My hendigo is starting to fade also but I'm going to relax in two weeks..I was wondering how soon after a relaxer you can do a hendigo..?
Tigget looking good...it's nice, full, and shiny....I think you'll get your goal before long. Have you done your 2nd henna/indigo application yet or is your avatar still your 1st? By #3, it'll be super black if you want it darker still.

MizAvalon yes, henna by itself turns shade of red/reddish brown depending on what color you're starting w/ and will color greys orangish. You would definitely do a two step process for the color you want. Do the henna 1st and then the indigo. It make take a few applications for it to be permanently super black, but this combo does produce SUPER black.

myronnie as long as your scalp has no problems from the relaxer, do it whenever you feel like post relaxer. Just watch out for post relaxer scalp issues and you should be fine. I generally say work veda stuff 1 week pre and/or post relaxer, if this helps.
Keep it Simple, and you shouldn't have any problems. To rinse the henna from your hair, use a CHEAP moisturizing condish. Same w/ Indigo. I'm no expert at this, but so far so good. The most time consuming part of it is after its been applied like you would a relaxer .....RINSING IT!! Still worth it tho.

In my pics I noticed the growth & health of my hair. Just looking at my hair everyday, I notice a little, so taking pics has been a good motivator to keep this up.

Thanks so much. I am so excited to do this. It sounds easy enough and the results are just beautiful.
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Tigget looking good...it's nice, full, and shiny....I think you'll get your goal before long. Have you done your 2nd henna/indigo application yet or is your avatar still your 1st? By #3, it'll be super black if you want it darker still.

MizAvalon yes, henna by itself turns shade of red/reddish brown depending on what color you're starting w/ and will color greys orangish. You would definitely do a two step process for the color you want. Do the henna 1st and then the indigo. It make take a few applications for it to be permanently super black, but this combo does produce SUPER black.

myronnie as long as your scalp has no problems from the relaxer, do it whenever you feel like post relaxer. Just watch out for post relaxer scalp issues and you should be fine. I generally say work veda stuff 1 week pre and/or post relaxer, if this helps.

Thanks Jamaraa. One more question, how often are you ladies doing this? How often is it ok to do it?
My hendigo is starting to fade also but I'm going to relax in two weeks..I was wondering how soon after a relaxer you can do a hendigo..?

Alot of ladies do relaxer & henna on the same day. Softtresses comes to mind first. Search "Henna and relaxer" and it'll bring up a few threads. I'm actually sitting here w/ Henna on my head now, I did my relaxer earlier this morning. HTH
MizAvalon you can henna/indigo as often as weekly, if your wallet can handle it. LOL. On the real, you can do it as often as necessary, but watch out for protein like effects that henna can have for some. If you notice dryness that has nothing to do w/ your mix, lay off for a bit.

Just make your mix as simple as possible w/o acids...just water w/ a little cheapie condish. That should cut down on most dryness.
MizAvalon you can henna/indigo as often as weekly, if your wallet can handle it. LOL. On the real, you can do it as often as necessary, but watch out for protein like effects that henna can have for some. If you notice dryness that has nothing to do w/ your mix, lay off for a bit.

Just make your mix as simple as possible w/o acids...just water w/ a little cheapie condish. That should cut down on most dryness.

So, all of the other things that some ladies do such as mixing oils and lemon juice aren't really necessary? Thank you so much! :)
Hey Ladies,

All those who use Henna/Indigo, how often do you reapply color? I used Henna/Indigo for the first time July 19, and my color is starting to fade. Last night I took pics and I could see the Indigo is fading:blush: I'm not sure if I have to reapply the Henna first, or if I can just skip that step and reapply Indigo to get the 'shiny black'? Does anyone know?

Although I kinda like the reddish brown tint to my hair I prefer the black black.

Here is my pic...excuse the ends, I am wearing my hair in a protective bun all day til end of Dec. My ends are in need of trimming, but they aren't really as bad as they look.

July 19th applied Henna/Indigo, color oxidized more after a few days...i likey likey

July 30th...self-relaxed w/ Silk Elements

Aug 07 08, hair appears thicker and darker

Aug 28 08...where did my Indigo go??

ETA: Re-colored 08/31/08...my black is back

Another update: I have been using the tea rinses with Ayurvedic powders. To date I am really happy w/ my results. I think the overall health of my hair is what I am most excited about. Thought I would share w/ my LHCF family. Below is my results from 8/31/08 thru 9/15/08
Girl I don't know where your indigo went, but your length...... OMG! now you know you wrong for posting this & I just ordered OCT, :lachen:from what I can see the Ayurvedic method seems to bring the fastest growth on everyone I've seen using it. Compared to other reggies. U grow girl!!!:yep:
Tigget looking good...it's nice, full, and shiny....I think you'll get your goal before long. Have you done your 2nd henna/indigo application yet or is your avatar still your 1st? By #3, it'll be super black if you want it darker still.

Thanks Jamaraa! Yes I have done my 2nd app, I plan to do a third toward end of October..can't wait. The pic in my Avatar is from the 1st app.

MizAvalon yes, henna by itself turns shade of red/reddish brown depending on what color you're starting w/ and will color greys orangish. You would definitely do a two step process for the color you want. Do the henna 1st and then the indigo. It make take a few applications for it to be permanently super black, but this combo does produce SUPER black.

myronnie as long as your scalp has no problems from the relaxer, do it whenever you feel like post relaxer. Just watch out for post relaxer scalp issues and you should be fine. I generally say work veda stuff 1 week pre and/or post relaxer, if this helps.

Tigget75, that hair is looking real good and growing like weeds. :thumbsup:

Thank you Frizzy! With it growing, its itching like crazy...but i have no prob w/ that.

Girl I don't know where your indigo went, but your length...... OMG! now you know you wrong for posting this & I just ordered OCT, :lachen:from what I can see the Ayurvedic method seems to bring the fastest growth on everyone I've seen using it. Compared to other reggies. U grow girl!!!:yep:

Thank you Flowinlocks!! :lachen: I have been eyeing the MG/OCT as well. But because my husband is constantly talking about my obsession for haircare, he has advised I should stick to one thing at a time. I know he is right, because I don't have anymore room on my shelf anyway. Yes I have a hair fetish:grin: But of all the regs, and products I have used, my hair has really progressed. The only issue I have now is this NG, can't seem to get the comb through it as easy....but I will deal w/ that.
Your hair is improving nicely and looking great Tigget75. Henna and indigo definitely agrees with your hair. Keep up the good work.