
New Member
I am approaching my normal 12 weeks post, and I am seriously considering trying my own texlax, but I am terrified!!!!!!!

I have been going to a Dominican to get a texlax and she does "OK". I always use porosity control before I go and self base. She uses Affirm Mild and puts a conditioner on my hair to "slow the process". However, she still leaves it on longer than I'd like and includes my broken, damaged edges every three months which I think is leading to more damage.

My hair processes REALLY fast (very fine), so that scares me. In addition, I started my own hair downfall in college when I tried to self relax. I'm worried about overlapping and underprocessing, and I struggle with doing ANYTHING to my own hair. (Rollersets are a chore-but they work!!!).

I'm worried about not being able to see what I'm doing in the back. I tend to work slowly, so I think I will mess up something.

Can you ladies refer me to some previous threads that highlight a REALLY good self relax routine?
Thanks! That info was really helpful. I am going for a texlaxed look and I notice that the stylist does not smooth the hair. I am wondering if I should use a mild with oil or a regular strength with oil to get that texlaxed effect. How long should I leave it on?