Help, scalp keeps itching..


What do you use for scalp itch? I just washed my hair on Saturday and my scalp is already itching.

There are various reasons for scalp itch. What type of shampoo are you using? Are you always itching or is this a new itch? Do you scratch a lot?
Mix two pts tea tree to one pt jojoba and apply either with a nozzled tipped bottle or a q tip. I find it waaayy more effective when I use the q tip to apply. HTH
I have been using Optimum Oil Therapy for some time now and have been having this itch for a long time; over a year. If I get a perm, I will be straight for a few days and then the itch is back, same happens when I wash and condition my hair. Also, it's always the crown and and around my hairline.
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It could be conditioner residue. Do you rinse your scalp well after a wash? I always end my washes by dunking my head in a solution of ACV, water and essential oils of lavender and rosemary and massage it to my heart's content to make sure no product residue is left on my scalp. Products on my scalp make it itch, which is also why I do not apply any oils or whatever to my scalp.

Do you consume healthy oils like fish oils, flax seed, etc? Drink water in plenty? Dry skin/scalp can itch too so keep it "moisturized" from the inside.
Mix two pts tea tree to one pt jojoba and apply either with a nozzled tipped bottle or a q tip. I find it waaayy more effective when I use the q tip to apply. HTH

Thanks, I will have to try that out, something has gotta give.
It could be conditioner residue. Do you rinse your scalp well after a wash? I always end my washes by dunking my head in a solution of ACV, water and essential oils of lavender and rosemary and massage it to my heart's content to make sure no product residue is left on my scalp. Products on my scalp make it itch, which is also why I do not apply any oils or whatever to my scalp.

Do you consume healthy oils like fish oils, flax seed, etc? Drink water in plenty? Dry skin/scalp can itch too so keep it "moisturized" from the inside.

Yeah, I think I rinse it pretty well, but you never know. Just this past Saturday, I washed my hair with Suave Clarifying Shampoo, Motions Lavishing Shampoo and conditioned with Optimum Oil Therapy. Hair feels nice, but when it starts to itch, it ju0st drives me nuts. I don't consume many helathy oils, but I could definitely invest in some Flax Seed Oil pills if it would help. Thanks for the info.
Have you tried doing away with the oil or not applying it to your scalp? I only ask coz oil makes my scalp itch like mad. I only use it when necessary like when I was treating a bald spot and in that case the spot was itching so the oil was soothing. I didn't use it over my entire head. I've tried is as a pre-poo treatment but I can't stand the itch from so I end up washing it pronto. My scalp likes to be squeaky clean and free from any products.
Thanks, I will have to try that out, something has gotta give.
Your welcome, this has been the only thing that works for me. I did this yesterday and my scalp even today feels soooo cool and good!!! I had a serious problem and I applied it for 3 days in a row and didnt need to apply it for weeks after that, even after washing. Now I apply it a few times a week.
Girl, I know the feeling! I just did my monthly scalp treatment yesterday. I use an old product called glovers medicated treatment (I think) and it works wonders on my itchy scalp. I warm up alittle bit of the product in the microwave and apply it to my scalp before washing. After washing I lightly oil my scalp with sulfur 8 hair grease. It is the only thing that worked for my scalp issues.

However, BEWARE: It smells really bad, but it is a good product nonetheless. (I actually think it doesn't smell that bad)
oh yeah I agree sulfur 8 does work but I dont like how it weighs down my hair. You have to be very light handed with it but it does work well.
I have been using Optimum Oil Therapy for some time now and have been having this itch for a long time; over a year. If I get a perm, I will be straight for a few days and then the itch is back, same happens when I wash and condition my hair. Also, it's always the crown and and around my hairline.

Ok, yeah yours sounds like mine. :yep: I've tried everything. Definitely start taking lots of flaxseed oil. And continue to focus on rinsing your scalp well. My theory is that your scalp in those areas is drier there than the other parts of your scalp. This may sound weird, but what I have found helpful is to apply a very light oil to the damp scalp after washing but before styling, just to where my scalp gets itchy to seal in moisture. I liken it to applying lotion to damp skin in the winter time to prevent the itchies. I rollerset, and I always notice my scalp acts the fool later when I don't do this. Right now I am using Parnevu scalp oil b/c it has a nozzle tip. When it runs out, I'm just gonna refill it with some of my other oil (probably jojoba next). I don't apply any more to the scalp after that. Also, I do a first lather with Elasta QP scalp stimulating shampoo b/c it has salicylic acid (pyrithinone [sp?] zinc, sulfur, etc made it worse for me) and has sodium myreth sulfate (very mild). And I like that it's purple and tingly :grin:.

You may want to check out Lisa Akbari's books. She focuses a lot on scalp care and all the different issues we can face.

Good luck with the scalp and HTH :up:
Last week my scalp was so itchy I felt like ripping it off but I made a mix of 1.5oz witch hazel and 10 drops tea tree oil and got immediate results. I sprayed it on for 3 days and the subsided 99%. It feels like it's starting up again I need to go make another mix.
Thank you for the responses, I will definitely try what you stated and see what works for my itchy scalp.
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