Help My Head Is Throbbing


Well-Known Member
I've devised an experiement using higher doses of MSM to improve growth and soften the texture of my newgrowth, i've begun 6,000mg a day, i'm on the thrid day and i'm now receiving terrible headaches, i've taken 800mg of Ibrunpofen pinkillers and i'm still feeling the pain i'm also drinking extra water, should i just cut back on the dosage and gradually increase.
I would decrease the dosage right away. I would also be concerned about safety--I would be weary about using more that the recommended dosage.

Den1-I hope you feel better.
I did a search Den, and found this:

Here's the link soon can I expect results from taking MSM

Will I experience any side effects from taking or using MSM?No. The only side effects are stronger fingernails and toenails, and your hair grows faster, because these all contain more Sulfonyl Sulfur.

MSM is no more toxic than pure water. Any excess MSM in your system will stay in the blood stream for 12 hours, removing toxins and cleaning the interior walls of your arteries. You cannot overdose on MSM. Your body will use only what it needs.

One in five people taking MSM may experience detoxification symptoms in the first 1-10 days, during which toxins are flushed from the system. Symptoms may include diarrhoea, skin rash, and/or possibly headache, along with several days of fatigue. In general, the more intense the symptoms, the more toxins there are in your body, and the more MSM is needed to help detoxification. To ease detoxification symptoms, reduce your dose rate to about 750mg, and gradually build back up to the recommended dose of one 1200mg tablet per 27kg of body weight twice per day.

Otherwise, for maximum benefit from MSM, it's recommended that you use it indefinitely for maximum results. After initial detoxification, physical energy levels should increase noticeably.

There are no negative side effects from applying Rich's MSM Lotion to the skin
aminata said:
I would decrease the dosage right away. I would also be concerned about safety--I would be weary about using more that the recommended dosage.

Den1-I hope you feel better.
Thanks aminata, the things we do just to grow hair, i'm gonna take your advice.
Hi Den1,

I've been reading The Miracle of MSM and the authors discussed an experiment with athletes where they started taking MSM in large quantities (5 grams, or 5000mg before and after workouts) and experienced severe headaches. The recommendation by the doctors was to start slow and build up to certain dosages to see how much your body can tolerate. Also, divided doses were recommeded for large quantities of MSM.

In the chapter regarding how much MSM each person should consume, they say that people should generally work up to an amount that their body can tolerate without any side effects. Starting slowly, and working up slowly is key. For example, if you start at 2 grams, raise it to 3 grams after 2-3 days and divide your doses during the day. The trouble with MSM is that the maximum amounts are not thoroughly researched right now, so it really varies depending on the individual.

Hope you feel better soon :)

honeycomb719 said:
I did a search Den, and found this:

Here's the link soon can I expect results from taking MSM

Will I experience any side effects from taking or using MSM?No. The only side effects are stronger fingernails and toenails, and your hair grows faster, because these all contain more Sulfonyl Sulfur.

MSM is no more toxic than pure water. Any excess MSM in your system will stay in the blood stream for 12 hours, removing toxins and cleaning the interior walls of your arteries. You cannot overdose on MSM. Your body will use only what it needs.

One in five people taking MSM may experience detoxification symptoms in the first 1-10 days, during which toxins are flushed from the system. Symptoms may include diarrhoea, skin rash, and/or possibly headache, along with several days of fatigue. In general, the more intense the symptoms, the more toxins there are in your body, and the more MSM is needed to help detoxification. To ease detoxification symptoms, reduce your dose rate to about 750mg, and gradually build back up to the recommended dose of one 1200mg tablet per 27kg of body weight twice per day.

Otherwise, for maximum benefit from MSM, it's recommended that you use it indefinitely for maximum results. After initial detoxification, physical energy levels should increase noticeably.

There are no negative side effects from applying Rich's MSM Lotion to the skin
Thanks for providing the information, I knew that it wasn't dangerous to consume this amount as i did some reasearch beforehand but i knew i could possibly experience detox symntons. I'm over 19 stones, so i'd have to work out how much i should be taking in relation to my body weight. i'm going to take a look at the thread link you provided. thanks
To help the detox along drink lots of water and get lots of fiber so your body can get rid of the toxins through your natural elimination system. If you have one, you can take an internal cleanser, not a laxative, but a cleanser for doing a detox. Cut down on fried foods and sugar and stuff that might cause mucos like oj and cheese. I've read that if you are on a cleansing diet you can control it by the foods you eat. Veggies will slow it down a lil, fruits will speed it up. I hope you feel better soon.