HELP: My Hair Keeps Falling Out!!


Well-Known Member
I don't know what the heck is happening. I applied a black rinse sometime last month, and noticed that my hair was shedding more than usual. So I've been trying to do very little manipulation.
I usually cowash daily and bun my hair (the only way I can get my hair in a ponytail). I detangle every time I cowash, and I just hate to see all the hair that's coming out. It's all shed hair with bulbs! It's funny because I don't have any breakage. The strands that are coming out are all curly, which means that the natural portion of my hair is all coming out. I figured I'd try to maybe just finger comb instead, but that causes more problems because if not properly detangled my hair locs up real fast. :wallbash:

I really dont' know what to do. This morning was disastrous. It seems like I can just pull on a strand a hair, and I just know that it's gonna come out. :sad: I don't know what to do. I just bought some garlic pills, and I've started taking those so hopefully that'll help. I'm a little afraid of how my hair will look when straightened now. I think I'm going to weave it up, so I dont' have to deal with this. It's a little depressing seeing globs of hair everytime.:sad::sad:

Other than garlic pills, is there anything else that I can try?
This only happened to me two times, once when I was coming off of a med, and it only lasted a couple days, the next time I was sick and didnt know it yet and I lost half of my hair.

First have blood work done
Second how is your vitamin regimen?
I halted my hair loss in its tracks with a regemin

I know that I have heard this can happen with dyes, but if it were the dye wouldnt it have started immediately? not a month later?
ohh re-read , so it did start right after :wallbash:

oh mama, I dont know what to say if its a reaction to the dye

maybe someone else will have an answer for you

but yeah , glad your getting the garlic, since its been said so much that it helps

:sneakyhug: I hope it stops for you soon
I'm really inconsistent with vitamins, and I'm not taking any right now. Also, I haven't been eating that great (missing meals and stuff). I'll set up an appt for the blood work because I really need to have this taken care of asap.
About a month ago, I took the Plan B pill, and I had to take it again a week ago. I hope that's not a side effect.

Thanks Irresistible!

I didnt' really mention it before because it's really stupid that I did it, but I'm running all kinds of things through my mind trying to find the culprit. I remembered that I did apply the Jazzing rinse one week and because I didnt' think it took, I applied that Clairol rinse the very next week. I didn't think it would be a big deal because it was a rinse.:wallbash::wallbash:
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Could you by chance tell me the dye you have been using? I have also noticed some shedding. I started garlic pills about two weeks ago, it has helped some. I use jazzings, maybe that could be the cause of my hair fallout.
I'm really inconsistent with vitamins, and I'm not taking any right now. Also, I haven't been eating that great (missing meals and stuff). I'll set up an appt for the blood work because I really need to have this taken care of asap.
About a month ago, I took the Plan B pill, and I had to take it again a week ago. I hope that's not a side effect.

Thanks Irresistible!

I didnt' really mention it before because it's really stupid that I did it, but I'm running all kinds of things through my mind trying to find the culprit. I remembered that I did apply the Jazzing rinse one week and because I didnt' think it took, I applied that Clairol rinse the very next week. I didn't think it would be a big deal because it was a rinse.:wallbash::wallbash:

oh girl , yeah the plan B pill, thats the 'after' pill right? any pill thats hormones could do this! yup! ok get your Omega 3 (fish oil) and Omega 6 (Primrose or Borage oil) going , they help balance hormones , and get on the rest of your vitamins , multi and b complex and protein

it probably was the hormones and not the rinse, but then its hard to tell for sure, its ok girl you can get this under control again:yep:
Could you by chance tell me the dye you have been using? I have also noticed some shedding. I started garlic pills about two weeks ago, it has helped some. I use jazzings, maybe that could be the cause of my hair fallout.

Yes, I used the Jazzings first, and then the Clairol Beautiful Collection the next week.
I have noticed that when I do black rinses sometimes, I get extra shedding. I haven't noticed this with clear rinses however so I just thought that it was me..perhaps the colorant in the black rinses are harsher on the hair or something?? I dunno, but this has happened to me.
oh girl , yeah the plan B pill, thats the 'after' pill right? any pill thats hormones could do this! yup! ok get your Omega 3 (fish oil) and Omega 6 (Primrose or Borage oil) going , they help balance hormones , and get on the rest of your vitamins , multi and b complex and protein

it probably was the hormones and not the rinse, but then its hard to tell for sure, its ok girl you can get this under control again:yep:'s the after pill. I'm going to get those vitamins asap! Thanks so much!!!!!
Could you by chance tell me the dye you have been using? I have also noticed some shedding. I started garlic pills about two weeks ago, it has helped some. I use jazzings, maybe that could be the cause of my hair fallout.

I also started garlic pills when I noticed a lot of shedding and it definitely slowed the shedding down.
I'm experiencing this too, albeit I think it's due to the MT. I knew there was a good chance of it happening, but it's very scary to see it! I'm running to get some garlic tabs tomorrow!